[ CSC MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR NO. 25, June 20, 1991 ]


It has been observed that since the promulgation of CSC Memorandum Circular No. 14, s. 1991 on the Dress Code, numerous requests and clarificatory questions have been raised with the Commission.  In view thereof, and in order to give clarity to certain points, the Commission hereby promulgates the following rules relative to said Circular:

1. The Dress Code applies to both male and female employees in the civil service subject to the following distinctions:
  1. The wearing of œmaong  pants among male employees is allowed provided that the same is worn with collared T-shirts;

  2. The wearing of maong among female employees is allowed only on instances when these employees are regularly performing their duties and functions in the field, or if temporarily assigned in actual field operations.  In other words, female office workers are not allowed to wear maong.
2. T-shirts, the wearing of which is prohibited in the Circular, refer to non-collared ones.  Simply stated, collared T-shirts are allowed for both male and female employees.

Other matters such as those involving hair cuts, beards and mustache shall be governed by the internal rules and regulations promulgated by the agencies concerned.

This Circular shall be treated as an addendum to MC No. 14, s. 1991.

Adopted: 20 June 1991
