[ DOA ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NO. 35, S. 1999, August 10, 1999 ]


I. General Objectives

To intensify the implementation of Artificial Insemination Program in cattle and carabaos throughout the country.

II. Specific Objectives:

1. To operate & maintain liquid nitrogen plants in identified strategic areas/regions for the production of liquid nitrogen which is a very important component of the A.I. Program.

2. To support the A.I. Program by providing ready source of liquid nitrogen at a low and affordable price than the prevailing market price.

III. Description

The A.I. Program of the Bureau of Animal Industry is being implemented through the local government technicians. It is coordinated by the different Regional Field Offices.

One of the main constraints of the program is the supply of liquid nitrogen which is quite expensive and available only in Manila and Cebu City. The local government units find it difficult to procure this liquid nitrogen supply.

Through Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), the Department of Agriculture (DA) received six (6) units of Mini Liquid Nitrogen Plant which are installed in the following places:
Area of Distribution
1. San Fernando, Pampanga - Regions I, II and III
2. NABC, BAI -Central Office - Regions IV & V
3. Cebu City - Regions VI, VII and VIII
4. Malaybalay, Bukidnon - Regions IX, X and XIII
5. Lot 184, Malaybalay - NABC Semen Processing Lab.
6. Davao City

- Regions XI and XII

IV. Operation and Maintenance of the Liquid Nitrogen Plants

The liquid nitrogen plants will be in continuous operation 24 hours, everyday. There will be two (2) designated operators, regular labor for the day shift and contractual labor for the night shift. However, in case of Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays, the regular labor can avail of overtime.

The maintenance of the plants shall be shouldered by the respective offices in self-liquidating basis. The liquid nitrogen produce shall be sold to local government units and other government or private sectors. Buyers will be allowed to purchase the liquid nitrogen at the lower price in pursuant to the Artificial Insemination Program in cattle and carabao.

The expected liquid nitrogen production will be thirty (30) liters daily. Each recipient office has its own requirement of liquid nitrogen usage. Any surplus will now be available for sale, the proceeds of which shall be used mainly for the maintenance of the plant such as electricity, spare parts and operator.

V. Collection of Payment

Proceeds from sales at NABC-BAI Central Office will be directly remitted to the trust fund /account of Bureau of Animal Industry. However, in case of regional offices, remittance of their sales will be to their respective DA offices.

Adopted: 10 Aug. 1999


Department of Agriculture

Recommending Approval:

Director IV
Bureau of Animal Industry

Price of LN2 (1998)  
Manila P50.00/liter - with handling fee of P150.00/ container
Cagayan de Oro - P85.00/l
Cebu - P64.00/l
Suggested Price - P50.00

Assumption for Region 10 made by JOCV volunteer for DA-RFU 10:

1) Estimated LN2 available for sale for one year - 9,360 liters

2) Sell the LN2 at P50.00/liter

9,360 x P50.00 = P468,000.00

3) Cost of electricity for the plant /yr. = 137,760.00)

4) Cost of spare parts for the plant /yr. = 80,000.00)

SURPLUS: P250,240.00 = for unexpected maintenance expenses and contractual worker/s