[ POEA MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR NO. 08 S. 1993, March 02, 1993 ]


Pursuant to Department Order No. 05 (Series of 1993) and in view of the need to adopt a responsive policy towards the recruitment and placement of workers to Taiwan and in order to maximize our share of the said labor market, existing lead and co-agents may process fishermen for Taiwan.

A. Requirements for accreditation of new principal and renewal of accreditation of Taiwan principals hiring Filipino fishermen to work inside/outside Taiwan territorial waters:
  1. Special Power-of-Attorney verified by the Philippine Labor Center (PLC) in Taiwan;

  2. Council of Labor Affairs (CLA) approval verified by PLC;

  3. Master Employment Contract verified by PLC;

  4. Crew complement reflecting data on positions or skills and salary scales; and

  5. Vessel particulars.
B. Requirements for Enrolment of Taiwan-Registered Vessel/s under Principal/s with Valid Accreditation
  1. CLA approval verified by PLC;

  2. Master Employment Contract verified by PLC;

  3. Crew complement reflecting data on positions or skills and salary scales;

  4. Vessel particulars.
C.      Requirements for Request for Additional Crew
  1. CLA approval verified by PLC;

  2. Master Employment Contract verified by PLC; and

  3. Letter Request for Processing of additional crew.
The Overseas Employment Certificate (OEC) issued to the fishermen shall be valid for 60-days.

This Circular supersedes previous issuances inconsistent herewith and shall take effect immediately.

Adopted: 2 Mar. 1993
