[ SRA SUGAR ORDER NO. 5, S. OF 2009-2010, December 17, 2009 ]
WHEREAS, Sugar Order No. 7-A, Series of 2007-2008, mandated the collection of the monitoring Service Fee of P1.00/LKg-bag of raw sugar on a voluntary basis:
WHEREAS, the implementation of the programs and activities based on the above-mentioned Sugar Order No. 7-A effectively improved the environment for the local sugar industry to flourish in the past two (2) crop years, and highlighted the need for a holistic approach to further improve the industry through the implementation of the Sugarcane Industry Master Plan;
WHEREAS, the sugar producers, millers and other stakeholders, through the Sugar Alliance of the Philippines, requested the renewal of the collection of the Monitoring Service Fee in the broader and wider context than that enshrined in Sugar Order No. 7-A, Series of 2007-2008;
NOW THEREFORE, under and by virtue of the authority vested in the Sugar Regulatory Administration (SRA), the following is hereby ordered:
SECTION 1. Collection of P1.00/LKg-Bag Monitoring Service Fee of P1.00/LKg- Bag (instead of P2.00/LKg-Bag) of Raw Sugar Covered by Raw Sugar Quedans for Crop Year 2009-2010. The amount of P1.00 per 50-kilo bag of sugar shall be annotated by the mills as a voluntary lien on all raw sugar produced by planters and mills who subscribe to support the Sugarcane Industry Master Plan as a private-sector-funded initiative, led by Sugar Alliance of the Philippines (SAP) in partnership with the Sugar Regulatory Administration and other concerned government agencies. The Sugar Master Plan Foundation, Inc. shall serve as Trustee of the Fund, subject to the provisions of the Memorandum of Agreement between the SRA and the SMPFI.
SECTION 2. Voluntary Contribution of the P1.00/LKg-Bag Monitoring Service Fee. The P1.00/LKg-Bag Monitoring Service Fee shall be voluntary. As such, Sugar Planters Associations/Federations and mills concerned shall inform the SRA through a Board Resolution or official letter, copy furnished the concerned mill, stating whether it will subscribed or not, to the collection by the SRA of the P1.00/LKg-Bag Monitoring Service Fee. Such Resolution/letter must be received by SRA before the effectivity of this order. Should a concerned Sugar Planter s Association/Federation or mill fail to submit a Board Resolution or official letter on or before the effectivity of this order, said Sugar Planters Association/Federation or mill shall be deemed to have voluntarily authorized the collection of the P1.00/LKg-Bag Monitoring Service Fee from its production.
SECTION 3. Purposes. The P1.00/LKg-Bag Monitoring Service Fee shall fund the implementation of the Sugarcane Industry Master Plan, advocacy for the continuity of the Philippine s United States sugar quota (for the A sugar), sugar monitoring and other activities to address issues that adversely affect the sugar industry.
SECTION 4. SRA as Collecting Agent. The SRA shall serve as the collecting agent of the P1.00/LKg-Bag Monitoring Service Fee, and shall remit to the SMPFI the total amount collected on a monthly basis. For the purpose, the concerned SRA Regulation Officers shall collect P1.00/LKg-Bag on raw sugar covered by the voluntary lien as qualified in Section 2 hereof, upon withdrawal of said sugar from the mill warehouse. The SMPFI shall be responsible for submitting a quarterly accomplishment/fund utilization report to the SRA and the contributors through the SAP.
SECTION 5. Provisions of Sugar Orders, Circular Letters, rules and regulations contrary to or inconsistent with this Sugar Order are hereby revised, modified or revoked.
SECTION 6. This Sugar Order shall take effect on January 10, 2010.
Adopted: 17 Dec. 2009
WHEREAS, the implementation of the programs and activities based on the above-mentioned Sugar Order No. 7-A effectively improved the environment for the local sugar industry to flourish in the past two (2) crop years, and highlighted the need for a holistic approach to further improve the industry through the implementation of the Sugarcane Industry Master Plan;
WHEREAS, the sugar producers, millers and other stakeholders, through the Sugar Alliance of the Philippines, requested the renewal of the collection of the Monitoring Service Fee in the broader and wider context than that enshrined in Sugar Order No. 7-A, Series of 2007-2008;
NOW THEREFORE, under and by virtue of the authority vested in the Sugar Regulatory Administration (SRA), the following is hereby ordered:
SECTION 1. Collection of P1.00/LKg-Bag Monitoring Service Fee of P1.00/LKg- Bag (instead of P2.00/LKg-Bag) of Raw Sugar Covered by Raw Sugar Quedans for Crop Year 2009-2010. The amount of P1.00 per 50-kilo bag of sugar shall be annotated by the mills as a voluntary lien on all raw sugar produced by planters and mills who subscribe to support the Sugarcane Industry Master Plan as a private-sector-funded initiative, led by Sugar Alliance of the Philippines (SAP) in partnership with the Sugar Regulatory Administration and other concerned government agencies. The Sugar Master Plan Foundation, Inc. shall serve as Trustee of the Fund, subject to the provisions of the Memorandum of Agreement between the SRA and the SMPFI.
SECTION 2. Voluntary Contribution of the P1.00/LKg-Bag Monitoring Service Fee. The P1.00/LKg-Bag Monitoring Service Fee shall be voluntary. As such, Sugar Planters Associations/Federations and mills concerned shall inform the SRA through a Board Resolution or official letter, copy furnished the concerned mill, stating whether it will subscribed or not, to the collection by the SRA of the P1.00/LKg-Bag Monitoring Service Fee. Such Resolution/letter must be received by SRA before the effectivity of this order. Should a concerned Sugar Planter s Association/Federation or mill fail to submit a Board Resolution or official letter on or before the effectivity of this order, said Sugar Planters Association/Federation or mill shall be deemed to have voluntarily authorized the collection of the P1.00/LKg-Bag Monitoring Service Fee from its production.
SECTION 3. Purposes. The P1.00/LKg-Bag Monitoring Service Fee shall fund the implementation of the Sugarcane Industry Master Plan, advocacy for the continuity of the Philippine s United States sugar quota (for the A sugar), sugar monitoring and other activities to address issues that adversely affect the sugar industry.
SECTION 4. SRA as Collecting Agent. The SRA shall serve as the collecting agent of the P1.00/LKg-Bag Monitoring Service Fee, and shall remit to the SMPFI the total amount collected on a monthly basis. For the purpose, the concerned SRA Regulation Officers shall collect P1.00/LKg-Bag on raw sugar covered by the voluntary lien as qualified in Section 2 hereof, upon withdrawal of said sugar from the mill warehouse. The SMPFI shall be responsible for submitting a quarterly accomplishment/fund utilization report to the SRA and the contributors through the SAP.
SECTION 5. Provisions of Sugar Orders, Circular Letters, rules and regulations contrary to or inconsistent with this Sugar Order are hereby revised, modified or revoked.
SECTION 6. This Sugar Order shall take effect on January 10, 2010.
Adopted: 17 Dec. 2009