[ CSC MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR NO. 5-A s. 1993, March 22, 1993 ]
The following portions of the Implementing Guidelines and Operating Procedures on the Local Scholarship Program of Memorandum Circular No. 5 dated February 4, 1993 are hereby amended, to read as follows:
Responsibilities of the Scholar - Complete all requirements for the masteral degree within one year. This means completion of all academic units, term papers, examinations, and thesis or project/research study needed to earn a master degree.
If the scholar gets either an incomplete or failing grade in a particular semester or summer term, he/she shall be subject to the following conditions:
a. Incomplete grade - The scholar shall be allowed to go ahead with the scholarship grant; provided that, he/she completes attendance in all academic subjects and has only to fulfill other requirements of the program. Compliance with such shall be six months after each semester and/or summer term when applicable; otherwise, he/she shall refund all expenses incurred to the CSC. Further, the scholar shall be allowed, at the discretion of the head of agency, to work on such requirements on official time; if not, he/she shall work on them on his/her own time. He/she shall not be entitled to the benefits of the grant after the expiration of the scholarship.
b. Failing grade - For reasons other than those beyond the scholar's control such as serious illness, the grant shall be discontinued and the scholar shall refund all educational expenses incurred to the Commission and all remunerations such as salary, allowances, etc. to his/her agency for the period covered.
Role of the Civil Service Commission - Make direct payments to the school where the scholar is enrolled, to include tuition and other school fee which shall not exceed P22,500 per scholar. In case the amount of the grant is not fully utilized, the balance thereof may be used for such purposes as adviser's fee, oral defense, panel's fee, data analysis services or other fees relative to thesis writing and defense as billed by the school.
This Memorandum Circular amends pertinent provisions of MC No. 5, s. 1993.
Adopted: 22 Mar. 1993
Responsibilities of the Scholar - Complete all requirements for the masteral degree within one year. This means completion of all academic units, term papers, examinations, and thesis or project/research study needed to earn a master degree.
If the scholar gets either an incomplete or failing grade in a particular semester or summer term, he/she shall be subject to the following conditions:
a. Incomplete grade - The scholar shall be allowed to go ahead with the scholarship grant; provided that, he/she completes attendance in all academic subjects and has only to fulfill other requirements of the program. Compliance with such shall be six months after each semester and/or summer term when applicable; otherwise, he/she shall refund all expenses incurred to the CSC. Further, the scholar shall be allowed, at the discretion of the head of agency, to work on such requirements on official time; if not, he/she shall work on them on his/her own time. He/she shall not be entitled to the benefits of the grant after the expiration of the scholarship.
b. Failing grade - For reasons other than those beyond the scholar's control such as serious illness, the grant shall be discontinued and the scholar shall refund all educational expenses incurred to the Commission and all remunerations such as salary, allowances, etc. to his/her agency for the period covered.
Role of the Civil Service Commission - Make direct payments to the school where the scholar is enrolled, to include tuition and other school fee which shall not exceed P22,500 per scholar. In case the amount of the grant is not fully utilized, the balance thereof may be used for such purposes as adviser's fee, oral defense, panel's fee, data analysis services or other fees relative to thesis writing and defense as billed by the school.
This Memorandum Circular amends pertinent provisions of MC No. 5, s. 1993.
Adopted: 22 Mar. 1993