[ CDA MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR NO. 93-001 s. 1993, January 12, 1993 ]
To have a more effective administration of our financial assistance for cooperative training, information, research and other related developmental activities, these policies are hereby adopted by the Board of Administrators (BOA) of the Cooperative Development Authority (CDA):
General Policy
CDA may provide financial assistance, upon request, to cooperative federations and unions and government agencies for the conduct of training courses on cooperative management, entrepreneurial skills and capability building.
CDA may likewise provide financial assistance, upon request, to state colleges and universities and non-government organizations (NGOs) for the conduct of research.
Specific Policies/Procedures
1. An applicant for financial assistance shall submit a proposal in four copies. If applying for the first time, the applicant shall also submit in four copies a profile or a brief description of the organization, particularly its capability in training and research, to the Extension Office servicing the area/region where the activity/project will be undertaken.
2. Proposals for activities at the regional level downwards shall be indorsed by the Extension Office (EO) to the Central Office (CO) in three copies. The EO shall retain one copy for its file. Proposal for activities at regional/provincial/municipal/city level shall be funded locally either from the local CDA or other sector. Approval from CO is no longer necessary.
3. Proposals indorsed by the Area Coop Director and those submitted by national organizations shall be evaluated by Cooperative Research, Information and Training Division (CRITD). The Institutional Development Department (IDD) Director shall review the evaluation and submit the department's recommendation for BOA approval through the Executive Director (ED).
4. The Board Secretary shall provide the BOA in advance a copy of the proposal, together with IDD Director's recommendations duly commented upon in writing by the ED.
5. The Administrator overseer of training and research shall sponsor/introduce the proposal with his comments/recommendations.
6. An administrator who had previous connections with the proponent as officer or employee shall inhibit himself from participating in the deliberations. However, upon request, he may participate but in no case shall he vote.
7. While priority should be given to cooperative federations and unions, action should be based on the cooperative development program, needs and capability of the proponent to carry out the proposal.
8. The Board Secretary shall inform/provide IDD-CRITD of BOA action/resolution.
9. CRITD shall prepare the advise documents to be signed by the Executive Director who shall inform the proponents through the Area Cooperative Director of the BOA's decision. However, proponents who are in the vicinity of the CDA C.O. may be provided with advanced copies.
10. A Memorandum of Agreement between the CDA and the proponent shall be signed only after approval of the proposal by the Board.
11. EO shall monitor the conduct of the activity. Progress report in four copies of CDA funded training, research and other developmental activities shall be reviewed and accepted by the Board as a prerequisite for subsequent fund release.
12. Final reports on CDA funded research shall be cleared by the Board before publication.
13. Financial assistance shall be on a cost-sharing basis. In no case shall the counterpart of the proponent be less than 40% of the total cost.
14. Only proposals approved by the BOA shall be eligible for CDA financial assistance.
Adopted: 12 Jan. 1993
Board of Administrators
General Policy
CDA may likewise provide financial assistance, upon request, to state colleges and universities and non-government organizations (NGOs) for the conduct of research.
Specific Policies/Procedures
1. An applicant for financial assistance shall submit a proposal in four copies. If applying for the first time, the applicant shall also submit in four copies a profile or a brief description of the organization, particularly its capability in training and research, to the Extension Office servicing the area/region where the activity/project will be undertaken.
2. Proposals for activities at the regional level downwards shall be indorsed by the Extension Office (EO) to the Central Office (CO) in three copies. The EO shall retain one copy for its file. Proposal for activities at regional/provincial/municipal/city level shall be funded locally either from the local CDA or other sector. Approval from CO is no longer necessary.
3. Proposals indorsed by the Area Coop Director and those submitted by national organizations shall be evaluated by Cooperative Research, Information and Training Division (CRITD). The Institutional Development Department (IDD) Director shall review the evaluation and submit the department's recommendation for BOA approval through the Executive Director (ED).
4. The Board Secretary shall provide the BOA in advance a copy of the proposal, together with IDD Director's recommendations duly commented upon in writing by the ED.
5. The Administrator overseer of training and research shall sponsor/introduce the proposal with his comments/recommendations.
6. An administrator who had previous connections with the proponent as officer or employee shall inhibit himself from participating in the deliberations. However, upon request, he may participate but in no case shall he vote.
7. While priority should be given to cooperative federations and unions, action should be based on the cooperative development program, needs and capability of the proponent to carry out the proposal.
8. The Board Secretary shall inform/provide IDD-CRITD of BOA action/resolution.
9. CRITD shall prepare the advise documents to be signed by the Executive Director who shall inform the proponents through the Area Cooperative Director of the BOA's decision. However, proponents who are in the vicinity of the CDA C.O. may be provided with advanced copies.
10. A Memorandum of Agreement between the CDA and the proponent shall be signed only after approval of the proposal by the Board.
11. EO shall monitor the conduct of the activity. Progress report in four copies of CDA funded training, research and other developmental activities shall be reviewed and accepted by the Board as a prerequisite for subsequent fund release.
12. Final reports on CDA funded research shall be cleared by the Board before publication.
13. Financial assistance shall be on a cost-sharing basis. In no case shall the counterpart of the proponent be less than 40% of the total cost.
14. Only proposals approved by the BOA shall be eligible for CDA financial assistance.
Adopted: 12 Jan. 1993
Board of Administrators