[ KKP NOTICE, December 13, 2005 ]
Please be informed that the Philracom Board, in its meeting held last December 2, 2005, decided that registration and renewal of licenses for the Calendar year 2006 will start on December 15, 2005 until January 31, 2006.
Both licensees and registrants are therefore advised to submit the requirements to the Commission starting December 15, 2006. Also, please take note of the following:
1. Horses are required to have a VALID COGGINS, SUPRA AND VACCINATION CERTIFICATES for registration purposes;
2. SUPRA TEST for the last quarter of the year shall be valid for 2006. No temporary SUPRA Test Certificate shall be honored for registration purposes;
3. COGGINS TEST for the last quarter of the year be valid for 2006 registration;
4. Vaccinations (annual boosters) may be administered starting this December, and shall be valid for the 2006 registration.
Failure of licensees to renew their respective licenses and for registrants to re-register within the prescribed period, December 15, 2005 to January 31, 2006, will preclude them to declare or take part in the races unless and until they have fully complied with the registration/renewal required.
For late licensees or registration, a 50% penalty shall be imposed. On the other hand for late renewal of horses, the horseowner shall be assessed and additional 100% of the registration fee horses.
For your information.
For the Commission:
Acting Deputy Executive Director