[ CHED, July 10, 1995 ]


Preliminary Title

Pursuant to Section 8, paragraphs (h) and (n) of Republic Act 7722, otherwise known as the Higher Education Act of 1994, the following Rules and Regulations and standards governing establishment, conversion or elevation of state educational institutions are hereby promulgated:

Title I
Declaration of Policy

SECTION 1. The State shall give priority to education, science and technology, arts, and culture. It is also the policy of the state to protect, foster and promote the right of all citizens to affordable quality education at the tertiary level and shall promote its exercise and observance of continuing intellectual growth, advancement of learning and research, development of responsible and effective leadership, education of high-level and middle level professionals, and enrichment of our historical and cultural heritage.

SECTION 2. It is likewise the policy of the state that in the pursuit of quality higher education, it shall rationalize location and program offerings of State Universities and Colleges (SUCs) CHED-supervised higher education institutions as well as city and community colleges.

Title II

SECTION 3. The general objective of these rules and regulations is to prescribe the procedures and guidelines for the creation of new SUCs and the conversion or elevation of public schools to institutions of higher learning, including city and community educational institutions.

SECTION 4. The specific objectives of these rules and regulations are the following:

Only one state university per region shall be established.
Only one state college per province shall likewise be established.
State colleges established in each province shall not duplicate existing program offerings.
Each state college shall offer programs needed for the development of the province/region.

Title III
Establishment of SUCs

SECTION 5. The establishment of a state college/university shall be pursuant to law.

SECTION 6. The establishment of a state college shall require the favorable recommendation from the Commission on Higher Education subject to the following guidelines/conditions:

a. A State College/University may be established in provinces/regions without existing higher education institutions, government or private.

b. A State college shall not be established in provinces with existing private colleges within a radius of fifty (50) kilometers depending on the projected student population.

c. The degree/non-degree courses to be offered shall meet the specific needs of the community and shall not duplicate the curricular offerings of a private/public institution within the same area and shall offer courses that is within the capability of the school to be established.

d. The enrollment requirement shall not be less than 100 for a course/degree: Provided, however, that the total enrollment of a University shall not be less than 2,500 and for a College, not less than 1,500 of tertiary level students.

Title IV
Plan of Action

SECTION 7. A SUC proposed to be established must have a feasibility study that is reflective of and responsive to the needs of the designated service area, in accord with the provisions of Title III hereof.

Title V
Conversion/Elevation to State Universities/Colleges

SECTION 8. Requirements for Conversion from High School to College - A school or institution proposed to be converted shall depend on the following factors/consideration before conversion may be allowed.

a. Institutional Capability

1. The overall average rating of the graduates in the National Secondary Admission Test (NSAT) over the past three (3) years is at least 75%.

2. The head of the school must be a holder of an earned doctorate degree from a Level II institution certified by FAAP or an equivalent agency recognized by CHED. In addition, he must posses a proven track record and leadership potential to lead the institution. He must have a teaching experience of at least 5-10 years and an administrative experience of at least 3 years.

3. The Heads of the various Departments must be master's degree holders preferably from a level II institution certified by FAAP or equivalent agency recognized by CHED.

b. The School Faculty

1. At least 50% of the faculty staff of the institution proposed to be converted into a state college shall be Masters degree holders and at least 5% are Doctorate degree holders.

2. Other minimum requirements provided by relevant CHED rules and regulations on faculty and staff shall be complied with by the institution proposed to be converted.

c. The Library

1. The library resources of the school proposed to be converted shall be adequate in quality and quantity, with at least 5000 non-duplicating book titles with edition of not later than 5 years. The seating capacity shall be 25% of the total population of the institution.

d. Buildings, Student and Office Space - The school shall have adequate site, space, buildings and other facilities to house students, personnel faculty, and officials and other required services.

e. All other requirements mandated by the Commission on Higher Education shall be complied with by the institution proposed to be converted.

SECTION 9. Requirements for Conversion from College to University - A school being proposed to be converted shall comply with the following criteria/requirements before conversion may be allowed.

a. Institutional Capability

1. The institution must have admission requirements and policies;

2. The average passing percentage in the licensure examinations of courses/programs requiring the same should be higher than the national passing average over the last five (5) years;

3. The head of the state college proposed to be converted/elevated to a University must be a holder of an earned doctorate degree from a Level III institution certified by FAAP or equivalent agency recognized by CHED;

4. The head of the state university must be a holder of an earned doctorate degree from a Level III institution as certified by FAAP or equivalent agency recognized by CHED and must possess a proven track record in school administration and demonstrate the potential of becoming an effective and efficient educator/administrator. He must have also a teaching experience of at least 5 years and administrative experience of at least 5 years;

5. The Dean of the College must be a holder of at least a master's degree and must show also administrative potential in running the affairs of the College. He must have a teaching experience of at least 5 years and an administrative experience of at least three (3) years.

b. The University Faculty

1. The faculty staff of the institution proposed to be converted into a state university shall be composed of at least 50% with masters degree holders and 25% doctoral degree holders.

2. The faculty staff of the institution proposed to be converted into a state university or college must meet other minimum requirements/standards on faculty qualifications set by the Commission on Higher Education.

c. The Library

1. The library resources of the school proposed to be converted shall be adequate in quality and quantity, with at least 8,000 non-duplicating book titles with edition not later than 5 years. A total of at least 10,000 volumes not later than 5 years shall be available in the library. The seating capacity shall be 30% of the total population for a university.

d. Buildings, Student and Office Space

1. The school shall have adequate site, space, buildings and other facilities to house students, personnel faculty, and officials and other required services.

e. All other requirements stipulated under relevant CHED orders and issuances shall likewise be complied with.

Title VI

SECTION 10. The proposed budget of a newly established SUC shall be in accordance with the approved proposed programs duly approved by the Commission based on factors as maybe determined by the Commission on Higher Education.

SECTION 11. The budget of the new institution shall not be more than the budget of the existing institution(s). Any proposed budget increase shall depend on the following considerations:

  1. expected student population,

  2. proposed curricular offering(s) which shall be based on Sec. 2 (a), Art. III above,

  3. proposed new position(s) on teaching/non-teaching plantilla position(s),

  4. proposed new building, equipments, and

  5. such other factor(s) as may be determined by the Commission on Higher Education.

SECTION 12. Networking - As a matter of general policy, the college/university shall develop a system of networking as well as other forms of linkages with other institutions in the province/region with the purpose of enhancing efficiency and complementation.

SECTION 13. Formulation of Implementing Regulations - The Commission on Higher Education, in consultation with the Philippine Association of State Universities and Colleges (PASUC) and other appropriate bodies, shall formulate the appropriate guidelines necessary for the efficient and effective implementation of the provisions of these Omnibus Rules and Regulations.

SECTION 14. Repealing Clause - All orders, rules and regulations or parts thereof inconsistent with the provisions of these Omnibus Rules and Regulations are hereby repealed or modified accordingly.

SECTION 15. Separability Clause - If any part or provision of this set of rules and regulations shall be held to be unconstitutional or invalid, other parts or provisions thereof shall continue to be in full force and effect.

SECTION 16. Effectivity Clause - This Omnibus Rules shall take effect upon approval by the Commission and after its complete publication in at least one (1) newspaper of general circulation or the Official Gazette.

Adopted: 10 July 1995


