[ NPC MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR NO. 2005-007, November 25, 2005 ]


WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 14 of R.A. No. 6975, as amended, the National Police Commission is mandated to exercise administrative control and operational supervision over the Philippine National Police (PNP);

WHEREAS, the Commission issued Memorandum Circular No. 2005-002 prescribing the standard procedures for the recruitment, selection and appointment of PNP uniformed personnel at the city/municipal levels, including at the national support units (NSUs);

WHEREAS, there is a need to prescribe standard procedures in the recruitment, selection and appointment of PNP uniformed personnel for the Regional Mobile

Groups (RMGs) and Provincial Mobile Groups (PMGs) to ensure the appointment of the best qualified police officers to these special units of the PNP;

NOW THEREFORE, the Commission, pursuant to its constitutional mandate to administer and control the PNP, HAS RESOLVED TO PRESCRIBE, AS IT HEREBY PRESCRIBES, the standard procedures for the recruitment, selection and appointment of PNP Uniformed Personnel for Police Regional and Provincial Mobile Groups, Special Action Force and Headquarters Support Service.

SECTION I. Objectives

    A. Establish a system that is characterized by strict observance of the merit, fitness and principle of equal opportunity in the recruitment, selection and appointment of Police Officer 1 (PO 1) for RMGs, PMGs, SAF and HSS.

    B. Ensure that all appointments are in accordance with existing laws, rules and regulations.

SECTION II. Policies

    A. Recruitment of PNP Uniformed Personnel for the RMGs, PMGs, SAF and HSS shall be based on the principle of merit and fitness and shall be open to all qualified individuals.

    B. There shall be no discrimination on account of gender, religion, ethnic origin or political affiliation.

    C. In order to have a wider base for the selection process, the PNP Regional Screening Committees shall process applicants up to 150% of the approved quota in all regions/provinces.

    D. No person shall be appointed as Police Officer I unless the minimum qualifications for appointment as provided for under Section 14, R.A. No. 8551 shall have been satisfied by the applicant.

    E. Preference shall be accorded to the applicants who are residents of the region/province.

    F. The age, height and weight requirements for initial appointment in the PNP may be waived only when the number of qualified applicants falls below the approved quota after the final interview.

    The application for a height waiver of a member of an indigenous group shall be processed regardless of whether or not the number of applicants falls below the annual quota: Provided, that applicants granted height waiver by virtue of membership in an indigenous group shall only be considered for appointment in the areas wherein they are considered indigenous by the National Commission for Indigenous Peoples (NCIP) or Office on Muslim Affairs (OMA).

    G. The Appointing Authority shall in no case issue a Special Order earlier than the date of the issuance of the appointment.

    H. No appointee shall be entitled to payment of salary prior to the taking of his/her Oath of Office (Panunumpa sa Katungkulan) and assumption of duty.

    I. The appointing authority shall be held responsible for the strict implementation of this Circular.

SECTION III. General Qualifications and Standards

A. General Qualifications:

    1. A citizen of the Philippines;

    2. A person of good moral character;

    3. Must have passed the psychiatric/psychological, drug and physical tests to be administered by the PNP or by any Napolcom-accredited government hospital for the purpose of determining the status of appointee's physical and mental health;

    4. Must possess a formal baccalaureate degree from a recognized learning institution;

    5. Must be eligible in accordance with the standards set by the Commission;

    6. Must not have been dishonorably discharged from military employment or dismissed for cause from any civilian position in the Government;

    7. Must not have been convicted by final judgment of an offense or crime involving moral turpitude;

    8. Must be at least one meter and sixty-two centimeters (1.62m) in height for male and one meter and fifty-seven centimeters (1.57m) for female;

    9. Must weigh not more or less than five kilograms (5 kg) from the standard weight corresponding to his/her height, age and sex; and

    10. Must not be less than twenty-one (21) nor more than thirty (30) years of age.

    An applicant shall be considered to be 21 years of age on his/her 21st birth date and shall be considered more than thirty (30) years of age on his/her 31st birth date.

B. The appropriate eligibilities for Police Officer I are those acquired from the following:

    1. PNP Entrance Examination

    2. CSC Police Officer I/Police Officer (Second Level Eligibility _ 1998 onwards)

    3. R.A. No. 1080 (Bar and Board examinations)

    4. P.D. No. 907 (Granting Civil Service Eligibility to College Honor Graduates)

SECTION IV. Procedural Guidelines

A. Recruitment, Selection and Appointment of Qualified Applicants to the Regional Mobile and Provincial Mobile Group

    1. Recruitment notice shall be posted in bulletin boards located in at least three (3) conspicuous public places. Advertisement through tri-media and other forms of information campaign may be resorted to.

    2. Selection of qualified applicants shall be done at the PRO. The PRO shall organize its Screening Committee composed of the following:

      a. Deputy Regional Director for Administration - Chairperson

      b. Napolcom Asst. Regional Director (ARD)
      or the Chief, Administrative Services Division
      in case the regional office has no ARD - Vice-Chairperson

      c. Regional Peace and Order Council member
      designated by the RPOC Chairperson - Member

      d. Women Sector representative of known
      probity designated by the PNP Regional Director - Member

      e. Senior Regional DILG Officer designated
      by the DILG Regional Director - Member

      Regional PHRDD - Secretariat

The Regional PHRDD as secretariat shall perform the following functions:

    1. Prepare calendar of activities and notice of meetings for the screening committee

    2. Strictly implement the sequential steps of the screening process by endorsing to the next stage only those who passed the preceding stage

    3. Document all activities of all stages of the recruitment process

    4. Maintain files of results of all tests undertaken by the applicants

    5. Publish the results of all the tests, copy furnished the chairperson and vice chairperson of the screening committee

    6. Prepare minutes of committee deliberations and required reports

5. Police applicants shall submit their application folders at the recruiting PRO containing the following documents:

    a. Duly accomplished CSC Form 212;

    b. Birth Certificate authenticated by the NSO;

    c. Report of Rating of Eligibility authenticated by the issuing authority;

    d. Two (2) pieces 2"x 2" black and white picture indicating applicant's name;

    e. Transcript of Scholastic Records and Diploma duly authenticated by the school registrar;

    f. Clearances from the barangay, local police station, RTC/MTC and NBI

    g. Medical certificate issued by the local health officer

    6. Within ten (10) days from the submission of application papers, the Regional Screening Committee shall start conducting initial processing and preliminary interview of applicants to determine if they meet the minimum qualifications and eligibility.

Excess and qualified applicants who were not recruited in the previous recruitment programs shall again take the first step and undergo the same processes.

7. The evaluation of applicants include the sequential conduct of the following stages:

    a. Ranking through written competitive examination or eligibility rating, whichever is practical.

    b. Physical agility test

    c. Neuro-psychiatric examination

    d. Complete physical, medical and dental examination

    e. Character and Background Investigation

    f. Final interview

The Drug Test shall not follow the sequential steps but shall be conducted anytime. It shall be administered by the PNP Crime Laboratory. Report on the said test shall be prepared by the PNP officer who conducted the test duly certified under oath and submitted to the Regional Screening Committee within five (5) days from date of administration of test.

8. After the completion of the ranking of all applicants pursuant to paragraph 7(a), the Screening Committee shall come up with the list of qualified applicants corresponding to 150% of the recruitment quota.

9. The Physical Agility Test (PAT) shall be administered only to those who are in the list of the top 150%. In no case shall the PAT be conducted without the presence of the Napolcom representative. The guidelines in the conduct of the Physical Agility Test are as follows:

a. The PAT is given to determine whether or not the applicant possesses the required coordination, strength and speed of movement necessary in the police service.

b. The PAT shall consist of the following events and standards:

Maximum Total - 100 pts
Passing: - 70 pts

1. Pull-ups (3 pts each) for Men - max 21 pts

Horizontal Bar Hang for Women
(Time in sec/ 6 = pts)

2. 2-Minute Push-up - max 20 pts

Men - 0.5 pt each
Women - 1.0 pt each

3. 2 Minute sit-ups max 21 pts

Men - 0.5 pt each
Women - 1.0 pt each

4. 100 Meter run - max 20 pts

100 Meter Run

Men Women  
below 13 sec = 20 pts below 19 sec = 20 pts
13 sec = 18 pts 19 sec = 18 pts
14 sec+ = 16 pts 20 sec+ = 16 pts
15 sec+ = 14 pts 21 sec+ = 14 pts
16 sec+ = 12 pts 22 sec+ = 12 pts
17 sec and up = 10 pts 23 sec and up = 10 pts

5. 1000 Meter Run max 18 pts

1000 Meter Run

Men   Women  
3 mins. 25 sec & below = 18 pts 4 mins.25 sec & below = 18 pts
3 mins. 26 sec - 3.46 sec = 16 pts 4 mins.26 sec - 4.46 sec = 16 pts
3 mins. 47 sec - 4.07 sec = 14 pts 4 mins.47 sec - 5.07 sec = 14 pts
4 mins. 08 sec - 4.28 sec = 12 pts 5 mins.08 sec - 5.28 sec = 12 pts
4 mins. 29 sec and up = 10 pts 5 mins.29 sec and up = 10 pts

10. Applicants who passed the PAT shall undergo Neuro-Psychiatric Examination to be administered by the PNP for purposes of determining the mental capacity and emotional stability of the applicant to perform police functions. A complete report containing the list of all the applicants whether passed or failed, duly certified under oath shall be prepared by the PNP officer who conducted the test and submitted to the Regional Screening Committee within five (5) days from the conduct of said examination.

For qualified applicants in the latest recruitment who were not appointed due to quota limitation, the result of their NP shall be subject to validation by the Health Service NP Section.

The PNP shall coordinate with the AFP hospital or the Regional DOH for assistance in the conduct of Neuro-Psychiatric Examination of applicants.

11. Applicants who passed the Neuro-Psychiatric Examination shall go through a complete Physical, Medical and Dental Examination conducted by the PNP Health Service or accredited diagnostic centers inside the camp (mobile clinic) or outside the camp under the supervision of the PNP Medical Officer and Napolcom representative to determine whether or not the applicants are in good health and free from any contagious diseases. A complete report on who among the applicants passed and failed the examination (and the reason behind their failure) certified under oath by the PNP Medical Officer and signed by the Committee members present, shall be submitted to the Regional Screening Committee within five (5) days from the last day of medical and physical examination.

12. Applicants who passed the Physical, Medical and Dental Examination shall be subjected to a Character and Background Investigation by the Regional/Provincial Intelligence Unit within thirty (30) days from receipt of the list of qualified applicants to determine their reputation and possible involvement in any questionable or criminal activities or violent incidents. The Regional Investigation and Intelligence Division/Provincial Investigation and Intelligence Division (RIID/PIID) shall submit the result of the validation of the character and background investigation to the Regional Screening Committee within three (3) days from completion thereof.

Continuing Character and Background Investigation shall be conducted during the one-year probationary period.

13. Final Interview _ The Screening Committee shall interview en banc the applicants who passed the written examination, physical agility test, complete physical, medical and dental examination, neuro-psychiatric test, drug test and character and background investigation to determine their aptitude to join the police service, likeableness, affability, outside interest, conversational ability, disagreeable mannerisms, etc.

14. The Screening Committee shall have a Summary Table containing the names of the qualified applicants including their eligibility and qualifications and the result for each examination conducted.

B. Recruitment, Selection and Appointment of Qualified Applicants to the Special Action Force and Headquarters Support Service shall adhere to the procedural guidelines provided for under Napolcom Memorandum Circular No. 2005-002 except for the first stage in the evaluation of applicants wherein the ranking of applicants shall be through written competitive examination or eligibility rating, whichever is practical.


    1. Within three (3) working days, the Screening Committee through the PNP Regional Director/Directors of SAF and HSS shall submit the list of candidates and their respective folders to the Napolcom Regional Director/Commission for review of their qualifications and eligibilities and another set of the same to the CSC for attestation.

    2. In case of any findings on the qualifications and eligibility which would result to disqualification for appointment of an applicant, the same shall be communicated to the concerned appointing authority who shall in turn, recall/withdraw the application folder either at the Napolcom or CSC.


    1. The majority or quorum of the Screening Committee (SC) requires the presence of the Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson.

    2. The record of the Screening Committees shall be available for inspection by the Commission or its duly authorized representatives.

    3. Any misrepresentation or concealment of a material fact by the applicant such as submission of fake eligibility or spurious documents shall be a cause for permanent disqualification for appointment into the police service.

SECTION V. Appointing Authority

The PNP Regional Directors/Directors of SAF and HSS has the authority to issue the initial appointment of qualified and eligible applicants to the rank of Police Officer I in their respective offices.

SECTION VI. Status of Appointment of a Newly Appointed PO1

Temporary Appointment - Issued to a newly appointed PO1 who meets the required education and eligibility for the rank to which he is being appointed, except the training requirement which is the Public Safety Basic Recruit Course (PSBRC). Such temporary appointment shall not exceed twelve months reckoning from the date it was issued.

Permanent Appointment - A permanent appointment shall be issued to a PO1 after completion of the required PSBRC and field training program for twelve (12) months involving actual experience and assignment in patrol, traffic and investigation.

SECTION VII. Appointment under A Waiver Program

A. Conditions on Waivers for Initial Appointment to the PNP

    1. The age, height and weight for initial appointment to the PNP may be waived only when the number of qualified applicants falls below the approved regional/provincial quota.

    2. The Commission en banc may grant age, height and weight waiver. The Napolcom Regional Director may grant height waiver to a member of an indigenous group within the region. Provided, that applicants granted height waiver by virtue of membership in an indigenous group shall only be considered for appointment in the areas wherein they are considered indigenous by the National Commission on Indigenous People (NCIP) or Office on Muslim Affairs (OMA).

    3. Waiver of the age requirement may be granted provided that the applicant shall not be less than twenty (20) nor more than thirty-five (35) years of age. For purposes of this paragraph, one is considered to be not over thirty-five (35) years old if he or she has not yet reached his or her thirty-sixth (36th) birthday on the date of the effectivity of his or her appointment.

    4. Waiver of the height requirement may be granted to a male applicant who is at least 1 meter and 57 cm (1.57m) and to a female applicant who is at least 1 meter and 52 cm (1.52m): Provided, that the Napolcom may set a lower height requirement for applicants who belong to indigenous group duly certified by the Office of the Muslim Affairs (OMA), or the National Commission on Indigenous Peoples (NCIP). Provided, further, that the Commission may require said applicants to submit appropriate proof of their membership in a certain indigenous group.

    5. An applicant who is granted a weight waiver shall be given reasonable time but not exceeding six (6) months within which to comply with said requirement. Failure to attain the required weight shall mean separation from the service.

    6. The grant of waiver is not a guarantee for appointment into the police service.

B. Factors to be Considered in the Grant of Waivers

    1. Outstanding accomplishments or possession of special skills in law enforcement, police work, martial arts, marksmanship and similar skills;

    2. Special talents in the field of sports, music, and others;

    3. Extensive experience or training in forensic science and other technical services.

C. Selection Criteria under the Waiver Program

    1. Applicants who possess the least disqualifications shall take precedence over those who possess more disqualifications.

    2. The requirement shall be waived in the following order:

      a. Age
      b. Height
      c. Weight

    3. Each applicant for waiver must possess special qualifications, skills, or attributes useful to or needed by the PNP such as those mentioned in letter B Section VII hereof, which are sufficient to compensate for his or her lack of certain minimum qualifications.

D. Reapplication of Separated PNP Members under the Waiver Program

Any PNP member who shall have entered and subsequently been separated under the weight or educational waiver aspects of the program shall be eligible to reapply for appointment to the PNP: Provided, that he or she possesses all the minimum qualifications required by his/her reappointment.

SECTION VIII. Penal Clause

Chiefs of Offices/Units and members of the Screening and Selection Committee including the head and members of the Secretariat who shall fail to strictly observe and comply with the above rules and procedures and other pertinent policies and regulations on appointment of police personnel shall be immediately relieved, shall not be designated to any position of major responsibility and shall not be considered for promotion pending resolution of the case.

SECTION IX. Effectivity

This Circular shall take effect after fifteen (15) days from the filing of a copy hereof at the University of the Philippine Law Center in consonance with Sections 3 and 4 of Chapter 2, Book VII of Executive Order No. 292, otherwise known as "The Revised Administrative Code of 1987," as amended.

Adopted: 25 Nov. 2005

Secretary, DILG and Chairperson, Napolcom
Vice Chairperson and Executive Officer