[ POEA MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR NO. 38, S. 1993, September 08, 1993 ]


The following new guidelines for Taiwan processing are hereby issued:

1.         Policy of the Philippine Labor Center (PLC) on Erasures in the Special Power of Attorney (SPA) - Effective September 1, 1993, the PLC will not accept SPA with erasures.  This is being implemented in order to minimize problems brought about by unauthorized changes and corrections.

2.         Requirements to Taiwan Brokers/Employers in Case of Change/Transfer of Recruitment Agency in Manila - Effective immediately, the following documents will be presented to the PLC for cancellation for change/transfer of recruitment agency:

2.1  Original SPA (for cancellation)

2.2  Original Employment Contract (for cancellation)

2.3  Letter from former Manila agent acknowledging change of agent

2.4  Letter of Employer indicating reason for transfer

3.         Medical Referrals for Taiwan-bound Workers - In lieu of the listing of approved job orders being faxed by POEA to accredited hospitals and clinics for Taiwan, agencies with medical referrals may now submit a copy of the POEA approved job orders effective immediately.

This Memorandum Circular supersedes all earlier issuances inconsistent herewith.

Adopted: 8 Sept. 1993
