[ OWWA MEMORANDUM OF INSTRUCTIONS NO. 001, S. 2008, February 11, 2008 ]


To ensure steady supply of qualified marine officers in the country for ocean-goinq vessels and heed the call for support by major OWWA contributors, the international ship owners thru their Philippine manning agencies, the Mariners Dugtong-Aral (MDA) Program is hereby established to be operationalized by the Secretariat and the followinq rules and regulations are hereby prescribed:

1.0 Program Description

The Mariner's Dugtong Aral Program, hereafter referred to as MDA is designed as OWWA's institutional response to support the government's Bridging Program for the BS Mechanical Engineering (BSME) and BS Electrical Engineering (BSEE) to BS Marine Engineering (BSMarE) that will promote the career development needs of the Filipino seafarers. It is a seafarer's scholarship grant given through the accredited maritime, educational institutions, to qualified graduates of BSME and BSEE who wish to pursue a BSMarE course.

The MDA shall likewise cover other education programs not within the scope of the Skills Upgrading Program (SUP) that may arise from the ever-evolving maritime market demands that may require some financial support and/or assistance from OWWA.

2.0 Objectives

The objectives of the MDA are the following;

2.1 To support the government's effort in ensuring steady supply of qualified Marine Engi neers/Officers for the seafaring industry;
2.2 To provide scholarship grant to qualified BSME and BSEE graduates to qualify them as Maritime Engineers/Officers aboard ocean-going vessels;
2.3 To provide Marine Engineers/Officers and ratings the opportunities to further advance their career through continuing education and training; and
2.4 To ensure that the scholarship grant and any financial support and assistance given to qualified beneficiaries will enable them to acquire gainful employment.

3.0 Beneficiaries of the Program

The graduates of the BSME or the BSEE are the beneficiaries of the Program in the following order of priority:

3.1 OFW-Seafarers who are active members of OWWA;
3.2 Dependents/beneficiaries of OFWs both land-based and sea-based who are active or former members of OWWA;
3.3 Next-of-kinsof OFW up to the first degree of consanguinity; and
3.4 Those who are not OFWs nor related to an OFW but are interested to pursue a career in marine engineering.

4 0 Qualification of Beneficiaries

Any applicant to be eligible to the MDA program must be:

4.1 Agraduateof BSME or BSEE course defined under item 3.0 of this MOI;
4.2 A Filipino citizen;
4.3 Physically and mentally fit;
4.4 Of good moral character;
4.5 30 years old and below; and
4.6 Endorsed by a licensed"manning agency/shipping company which will act as the co-sponsor. As a co-sponsor, said agency/company shall provide shipboard apprenticeship program as required under the Bridging Program.

5.0 Authorized Marine Education Institutions

The MDA scholarship grant may be availed of only by qualified beneficiaries who are enrolled in maritime schools, colleges or universities accredited by the Commission on Higher Education to conduct the Bridging Program course, which are initially/the follow ing:

1) Maritime Academy of Asia and the Pacific (MAAP)
2) NavallnstituteofTechnology(NIT); and
3) Visayas Maritime Academy (VMA)

6.0 Scholarship grants and Funding Requirements

Five Hundred (500) Scholarship Grants shall be made available to qualified beneficiaries with a funding requirements of Twenty One Million Five Hundred Sixty Thousand Pesos (PhP21,560,000.00).

The additional scholarship grant shall be determined and the corresponding funding requirements shall be allocated only after a year's implementation of the MDA Program based on the review and recommendation by the Secretariat.

7.0 Program Management

The Regional Operations Coordinating Center (ROCS) thru the RWOs shall handle the management and implementation of the program nationwide.

8.0 Documentary Requirements

The accredited educational institution (El) must submit to the Regional Welfare Office (RWO), which has the geographical jurisdiction over such institution, the list of applicant-beneficiaries with the complete individual documentary requirements as follow:

8.1 Certified copy of Transcript of Records (TOR);
8.2 Endorsement by co-sponsors;
8.3 Original copy of Health Certificate from any DOH accredited medical center/hospitaf'
8.4 Original copy of signed Training Agreement (the El, the OWWAand the Scholar)- '
8.5 Certified copy by the Local Civil Registrar of the applicant's Birth Certificate;
8.6 Proof of OWWA membership for OWWA (if applicable);
8.7 Original copies of Police and NBI clearances;
8.8 1 x 1 ID pictures (2 copies); and
8.9 OWWAApplication Form (2 sets)

9.0 Financial Entitlement

9.1 Each scholar is entitled to a maximum of THIRTY-EIGHT THOUSAND, ONE HUN DRED TWENTY PESOS (PhP38,120.00) financiai assistance in the form of tuition and other miscellaneous fees (e.g. board and lodging, engine room familiarization, etc. (which shall be paid directly to the school upon submission of the required documents to RWO and approval of application; and

9.2 A monthly stipend of FIVE THOUSAND PESOS (PhP5,000.00) shall be given directly to the scholar/grantee. However, they are entitled to only three (3) months stipend.

10.0 Program Limitation

10.1 The grant is provided only once to a family of non-OWWA member and next-of-kin.

10.2 Each OFW dependent may avail of the program once for every three (3) recorded membership contributions.

11.0 Process Flow .

11.1 The educational institution (El) selects qualified students for enrolment to BS Marine Engineering course;
11.2 Accredited El submits the list of applicants to concerned RWO with complete docu mentary requirements per 8.0;
11.3 RWO reviews submitted MDA scholarship application and checks compliance with required program documents;
11.4 RWO determines if all submitted applications are qualified to avail of scholarships grants;
11.5 RWO notifies El of compliance or infractions of program guidelines, if any;
11.6 El submits Enrollment Record and Notice of Payment to RWO for Payment of tuition fee;
11.7 RWO conducts physical inventory and verification of enrolleesat El;
11.8 RWO requests funding from HOME Office (HO) to include scholar/grantees stipend;
11.9 HO remits funds to RWO account;
11.10 RWO prepares check and pays obligations to El;
11.11 RWO prepares checks/payroll and pays stipend directly to scholar/grantees;
11.12 El submits list of graduates to RWO, and
11.13 RWO submits accomplishment report to HO through the ROCS.

12.0 Training Agreement

The El, the OWWA and the scholar shall be required to sign a Training Agreement which shall stipulate individual duties and responsibilities under the MDA Program which shall form part of this MOf.

13.0 Effectivity

This MOI takes effect retroactive January 01, 2007.

Adopted: 11 Feb. 2008
