[ PHILPOST ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NO. 05-13, August 11, 2005 ]


Re: New Postal Fees for Business Mails

The new postal fees for 2nd and 3rd class permit and for bulk pre-sorted mail service as prescribed in Administrative Order No. 05-11 dated 15 July 2005 is hereby revised as follows:

    1. PROCESSING FEE AND ANNUAL FEE FOR 2ND AND 3RD CLASS MAILS; The amount of PhP 300.00 shall be collected for applicants of 2nd and 3rd class mail permits as processing fee upon submission of accomplished application. Thereafter, an annual fee of Php 300.00 shall be paid upon renewal.

    2. POSTAGE CHARGE ACCOUNT (PCA) FEE. Clients who wish to avail of this credit facility of the Corporation shall be charged the amount of PhP 500.00 as processing fee renewable every year thereafter.

    3. BULK PRESORTED MAIL SERVICE FEE. The annual fee for this service is hereby adjusted to Php 300.00 and renewable yearly.

All mail permits issued in the National Capital Region shall be used solely for mails posted in the Region. NCR Permit holders who wish to post their mails in other Regions shall be required to secure a separate permit from the Region they will be posting their mails.

All Regional Directors, Postal District Managers and other supervisory officials shall ensure strict implementation of this Order.

This Order takes effect immediately.

Adopted: 11 Aug. 2005

Postmaster General & CEO