[ Act No. 3611, December 03, 1929 ]
SECTION 1. Subsection (a) of section three of Act Numbered Thirty-one hundred and seventy-three is hereby amended to read as follows:
"(a) Compensation upon retirement.—When (a) a medical officer of the Philippine Health Service, including the Director, Assistant Director, chiefs of division, chiefs of office and district inspectors and any other medical officers, commissioned or non-commissioned; (b) any pharmacist, dentist, sanitary engineer or assistant sanitary engineer, hospital superintendent, nurse, sanitary inspector or assistant sanitary inspector, disinfector or assistant disinfector with civil service appointment, belonging to the Philippine Health Service, shall have had twenty or more years of actual service, not having been meanwhile separated from the service for cause, he or she may, upon making application therefor, be retired from active service by the Department Head; and when so retired shall receive until his or her death from the retirement fund above specified an annual compensation equal to two and one-half per cent, for each year's active service heretofore rendered by such officer, of the salary, properly speaking, exclusive of additional pay and other emoluments such as commutation of quarters, subsistence, and laundry, received by such officer at the time he or she is retired; but in no case shall this retirement pay exceed seventy-five per cent of such salary: Provided, That in computing the length of an officer's term of service the years served in any capacity under the various succeeding' health organizations antedating the Philippine Health Service, shall be duly credited to such term of service: Provided, further, That whenever any person is readmitted to the Philippine Health Service after the approval of this Act, no period of his services rendered prior to his separation therefrom shall be credited to him for the purposes of this Act."
SEC. 2. This Act shall take effect on its approval.
Approved, December 3, 1929.