[ LTO MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR NO. 93-185, November 12, 1993 ]


1.  References - (a) VI of C, PNP to address the complaints of some businessmen presented to him on the occasion of the Rotary Club of Intramuros meeting wherein he was the Guest Speaker.

b)         Coordinating Conference of all government agencies and private sectors concerned at PPA, Port Area, Manila on 10 August 1993.

2.  In reference to the above, some businessmen, particularly the members of the Confederation of Truckers Association of the Philippines (CTAP), aired their complaints firstly, on the cumbersome procedures of requiring them to secure clearances everytime their trucks board ferry boats and "roll-on roll-off" (RORO) vessels from Manila to various island destinations in the country and upon return; secondly, some TMC units are allegedly located far from the ferry terminals/ports and more often do not issue MV clearances at night, resulting in their failure to board the early morning schedules of the ferry; and lastly, money allegedly often change hands to ensure fast issuance of clearance and early accommodation in the ferry boat.

3.  In view of these developments, the following guidelines are hereby setforth effective immediately:

a.         For purposes of shipment and/or land travel, clearances of MVs will be issued by MVCU in Camp Crame, MVCU Ancar Detachment at Port Area, North Harbor, Manila, and by any TMC Unit in the regional and provincial level to include teams detailed at ferry boat terminals/ports throughout the country.

b.         MVCU and TMDs, whose operational areas cover the services of ferry boats, RORO vessels and the like transporting MVs from one island to another, shall constitute a team or detail personnel to check/issue MV clearances at these terminals/ports on a 24 hour-duty detail.

c.         To prevent suspicion of corruption especially at ferry boat terminals, issuance of clearances shall be on a "First come First serve" basis.  The number of MVs that can be accommodated in the ferry shall already be determined and announced to the applicants.  Those that came in late and cannot be accommodated shall be advised to take the succeeding schedules of the ferry.

d.         Detailed personnel shall initially verify if the MV to be shipped/loaded in the ferry is already issued clearance by any TMC Unit at its point of origin.  If already issued, he checks the validity of the clearance and sees to it that the description of the MV matched with that in the clearance.

e.         A MV clearance issued for land travel and shipment purposes is valid within (15) days from date of issue and can be used from its point of origin to any part of the country.  Only upon expiration of the same shall the MV owner/possessor be required to apply for renewal and/or the unit noticing it shall cause its renewal before the MV is allowed to board interisland vessels or ferry boats.

f.          Upon presentation of a valid clearance, detailed TMC personnel at various terminals/ports shall write on the clearance, the date, his name and unit and affix his signature therein, which is to signify that he had checked the clearance and the MV when it passed his station.

g.         All previous instructions/procedures in conflict with above guidelines are hereby rescinded.

4.  For widest dissemination, guidance and strict compliance.
