[ CDA RESOLUTION NO. 165, S. 1993 DATED AUGUST 17, 1993, AS AMENDED PURSUANT TO RES. NO. 198, S. 1993 DATED SEPTEMBER 10, 1993, August 17, 1993 ]


Pursuant to Article 2 of Republic Act No. 6938, otherwise known as the Cooperative Code of the Philippines, and Sections 2 and 4 of Executive Order No. 95, series of 1993, the following guidelines are hereby adopted in order to govern the National guidelines are hereby adopted in order to govern the National Coordinating Committee for cooperative promotion and development:

SECTION 1.       Membership of the Committee - The Committee shall be composed of all national government agencies and instrumentalities with projects and programs concerning cooperatives.  Initially, the Committee shall be composed of the Undersecretaries/Vice-Presidents/Commissioners or their representatives of the following:

1.         Office of the President (OP)
  1. Housing and Urban and Development Coordinating Council (HUDCC)

  2. National Electrification Administration (NEA)

  3. National Housing Authority (NHA)

  4. Pag-ibig Home Development Mutual Fund (Pag-ibig)

  5. Office of Muslim Affairs (OMA)

  6. Office of Northern Cultural Communities (ONCC)

  7. Office of Southern Cultural Communities (OSCC)

  8. National Livelihood Support Fund (NLSF)

  9. Livelihood Corporation (LIVECORP)

  10. Technology Livelihood Resource Center (TLRC)

  11. Cooperative Development Authority (CDA)

  12. Presidential Commission on Urban Poor (PCUP)

  13. Presidential Commission to Fight Poverty (PCFP)

  14. Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP)
2.         National Economic Development Authority (NEDA)

3.         Office of the Press Secretary/Public Information Agency (OPS/PIA)

4.         Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR)

a.  Bureau of Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Development (BARBEDEV)

5.         Department of Agriculture (DA)
  1. Agricultural Training Institute (ATI)

  2. Agricultural Credit Policies Council (ACPC)

  3. National Agriculture and Fishery Council (NAFC)

  4. Fertilizer and Pesticide Authority (FPA)

  5. National Food Authority (NFA)

  6. National Irrigation Administration (NIA)

  7. National Tobacco Administration (NTA)

  8. Sugar Regulatory Administration (SRA)

  9. Philippine Coconut Authority (PCA)

  10. Quedan Guarantee Fund Board (QCFB)

  11. Philippine Fishery Development Authority (PFDA)

  12. Fiber Industry Development Authority (FIDA)

  13. Philippine Cotton Corporation (PCC)

  14. Philippine Dairy Corporation (PDC)
6.         Department of Budget and Management (DBM)

7.         Department of Education, Culture and Sports (DECS)

8.         Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR)

9.         Department of Finance (DOF)
  1. Bureau of Customs (BOC)

  2. Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR)

  3. Office of the Insurance Commission

  4. Philippine Crop Insurance Corporation (PCIC)
10.       Department of Health (DOH)

11.       Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG)

12.       Department of Justice (DOJ)

13.       Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE)

14.       Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH)

a.  Local Water Utilities Administration (LWUA)

15.       Department of Science and Technology (DOST)

16.       Department of Social Work and Development (DSWD)

a.  National Council for the Welfare of Disabled Persons (NCWDP)

17.       Department of Tourism (DOT)

18.       Department of Trade and Industry (DTI)

a.  Board of Investment (BOI)

19.       Department of Transportation and Communication (DOTC)
  1. Air Transport Office (ATO)

  2. Land Transportation Office (LTO)

  3. Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB)

  4. Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA)

  5. National Telecommunications Commission (NTC)

  6. Philippine Ports Authority (PPA)

  7. Office of Transportation Cooperatives (OTC)
20.       Development Bank of the Philippines (DBP)

21.       Philippine National Bank (PNB)

22.       Land Bank of the Philippines (LBP)

23.       Government Service Insurance System (GSIS)

24.       Social Security System (SSS)

25.       Guarantee Fund for Small and Medium Enterprise (GFSME)

26.       University of the Philippines - Los Ba os - Agricultural Credit and Cooperative Institute (UPLB-ACCI)

27.       Polytechnic University of the Philippines - Institute of Cooperatives (PUP-IC)

Other specialized government agencies may be invited to the committee meetings from time to time as the need arises. Committees may be created when necessary.

SECTION 2.       Chairmanship and Secretariat - The Chairman of the Cooperative Development Authority or his/her authorized representative shall be the chairman of the Committee and the secretariat of the Committee shall be composed of employees of the Authority.

SECTION 3.       Purpose of the Committee - The main purpose of the Committee is to ensure the effective coordination of government agencies and instrumentalities with the CDA in pursuing integrated programs and projects on cooperative development.

SECTION 4.       Functions of the Committee - The Committee shall have the following functions:

a.         To coordinate all government agencies and resources necessary for cooperative development;

b.         To assist the CDA in the formulation of policies, programs and projects concerning the promotion and development of cooperatives of all types;

c.         To provide comprehensive package of technical and financial assistance for the development of cooperatives; and

d.         To recommend such actions as may be necessary for the promotion and development of cooperatives.

In the performance of its functions, the committee shall be guided by the universally accepted cooperative principles and the principle of subsidiarity as embodied in R.A. 6938, otherwise known as the Cooperative Code of the Philippines.

SECTION 5.       Meetings of the Committee - (1) The Committee shall meet at least quarterly at a time and place to be specified by the Committee.  However, the Chairman may call special meetings for specific purposes.

(2)            The decisions of the Committee shall be reached on a consensus basis and shall be recommendatory for each agency involved.

SECTION 6.       Effectivity - These guidelines shall be effective upon the approval of the Board of Administrators of the Authority.

Adopted: 17 Aug. 1993

