[ LTO MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR NO. 674-2006, January 16, 2006 ]
In order to determine the standard level of plates, stickers and forms and to be able to maintain an accurate weekly stock position and to avoid over stocking in the Regional Offices, strict observance of the following guidelines and procedures in the inventory and monitoring of plates, stickers and forms are hereby reiterated:
1. The Storekeeper/Supply Officer at the District Offices (D.O) shall check the issuances on stock cards at least once a week.
2. The storekeeper/Supply Officer at the DO shall monitor the number of plates, stickers and forms and compare the data on the stock cards, evaluate actual consumption and determine if there is need for additional plates, stickers, and forms.
3. The Storekeeper/Supply Officer at the DO shall prepare requests for plates, stickers and forms upon reaching the maintaining stock level of one and one half (1 ) month consumption.
4. The Head of the District Office shall sign the Request and Issue Slip (RIS).
5. The Storekeeper/Supply Officer at the DO shall submit the RIS to the Regional Office.
6. The Supply Officer at the Regional Office shall recommend approval of RIS within one day.
7. The Regional Director shall approve the RIS.
8. The Supply Officer at the DO shall issue request plates, stickers and forms within one day.
9. The Storekeeper/Supply Officer at the DO upon receipt of the requested plates/stickers/forms shall update records of receipt and issuances.
In view hereof, no RIS will be acted upon unless it has reached the minimum stock level which is equivalent to one and a half (1 ) months consumption.
All orders, memoranda and circulars inconsistent herewith are hereby deemed superseded.
For your guidance and strict compliance.
Adopted: 16 Jan. 2006
Assistant Secretary