[ ATI ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NO. 24, S. 2008, July 11, 2008 ]
These Implementing Rules and Regulations are promulgated pursuant to Administrative Order No. 11, series of 2007, for the purpose of prescribing the terms and conditions for the provision of extension grants to accredited private extension service providers. It shall cover all fully-funded agriculture and fisheries extension activities in line with the Department of Agriculture's Commitment in giving importance to the role of extension in modernizing Philippine agriculture.
Article I
Title and Definition of Terms
SECTION 1. Title - This shall be known as the "Rules and Regulations Implementing the DA Administrative Order No. 11, series of 2007 on the Provision of Extension Grants".
SECTION 2. Objectives - Funding support in the form of extension grants shall be allocated to encourage the participation of accredited private Extension Service Providers (ESPs) for a more comprehensive training and other complementary extension services with the end-view of achieving a modern Philippine Agriculture.
SECTION 3. Definition of Terms - When used in these Rules, the following terms shall mean:
a. Extension grant - funds or subsidy provided to an accredited private extension service provider for an approved extension project.
b. Extension - means managing knowledge to empower farmers and organizations so that they can manage problems and resources in meeting their own objectives. Under the Philippine Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization Act of 1997, extension covers training services, farm or business advisory services, demonstration services and information, education and communication support services through tri media.
c. Extension Service Providers - accredited organizations which will undertake, in be half of the Department of Agriculture, training and other complementary extension activities for a designated or identified target clientele.
d. Demonstration services - shall showcase improved matured technologies generated by R & D institutions, including those developed by scientists in partnership with farmers and fisherfolk. Covered also are method demonstrations (techno demo, model farms, etc.)
e. Farm and business advisory services - involves on demand information sharing and advisory on production and postproduction technologies, linking markets, investments and other strategic resources and support services with various stakeholders in agriculture and fisheries. It also covers the provision of financial and management advices especially for farmers, fisherfolk and for their organizations.
f. Information and communication services - involves sharing or exchange of information between and among stakeholders through conventional means like print, radio and TV, indigenous folk media or by electronic means.
g. Training Services - involves the provision of appropriate interventions methodologies and techniques that can upgrade the knowledge, skills, attitudes and orientation of a specific clientele. It may cover a wide range of topics along the value chain such as production technologies as well as social technologies (extension-communication, conflict management, etc.) depending on the needs of the targeted clientele group or their relevance to the development requirements of a specific target area.
h. Training Proposal - a concept note describing a planned undertaking/intervention to address a training need, submitted for approval and allocation of appropriate resources for implementation.
i. Training Design - a blueprint for a training event or experience detailing out an organized plan to achieve training objectives. It basically contains the rationale, objectives! participants and area coverage, content, methodology, evaluation scheme, schedule of activities and resource requirements including the resource persons.
Article II
SECTION 4. Coverage - The grants shall cover extension services provided by the accredited private ESPs.
4.1 Utilization of Grants - The grants shall be utilized to cover the expenses in the provision of training services, demonstration services, information/communication services, and farm/business advisory services.
4.2 Categories of Grants -Extension grants may be categorized under the four (4) major agriculture and fisheries extension services and other complementary activities, to wit:
Article III
Criteria in the Availment of Grants
SECTION 5. Criteria - Extension service proposals must meet the following condition order to qualify for extension grants:
5.1 Addresses the Department of Agriculture's program on food security, global competitiveness, sustainable broad based growth, poverty alleviation and improved quality of life;
5.2 Consistent with the Department of Agriculture's pillar program on technology and extension;
5.3 Responds to the extension needs of the region, specifically in agriculture and fisheries;
Article IV
Procedure in the Availment of Grants
SECTION 6. Availment Process - The following shall be the procedure in the availment of grants:
6.1 The ATI shall issue an announcement for the availability of extension grants for a particular program/project among accredited private ESPs. The announcement shall also indicate specific criteria for qualified projects.
6.2 Regional proposals shall be submitted to the nearest ATI-RTC, which shall initially review documentary requirements and substance based on the criteria stated in Section 5 of Article III. If the proposal merits approval, the same is endorsed to the ATI Director. National proposals shall be submitted directly to:
6.3 Proposals shall be submitted in one hard copy and one electronic copy. Only propos als from duly accredited private ESPs shall be considered for the program/project.
SECTION 7. Project Proposal Review and Awards Committee - A Project Proposal Review and Awards Committee shall be created by the ATI Director to evaluate the proposal submitted.
SECTION 8. Release of Grant - A MOA will be executed upon approval to define specific terms and conditions. The grant shall be released in tranches in accordance with the agreed conditions, as follows:
Article V
Miscellaneous Provisions
SECTION 9. Ownership of Knowledge Products Produced. - As a general rule, the ATI and the accredited ESP shall have joint ownership of knowledge products produced.
SECTION 10. Monitoring -ATI shall reserve the right to visit the project venue and/or on-going activity, anytime within the project implementation period.
SECTION 11. Amendment-As the need arises, the grant system and implementing guidelines may be amended upon recommendation by the Director of ATI, subject to the. approval of the DA Secretary.
Article VI
SECTION 12. Effectivity -These Rules and Regulations shall take effect fifteen (15) days after its signing and publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the Philippines. It can only be revoked in writing through the issuance of another AO or Memorandum.
Adopted: 11 July 2008
Title and Definition of Terms
SECTION 1. Title - This shall be known as the "Rules and Regulations Implementing the DA Administrative Order No. 11, series of 2007 on the Provision of Extension Grants".
SECTION 2. Objectives - Funding support in the form of extension grants shall be allocated to encourage the participation of accredited private Extension Service Providers (ESPs) for a more comprehensive training and other complementary extension services with the end-view of achieving a modern Philippine Agriculture.
SECTION 3. Definition of Terms - When used in these Rules, the following terms shall mean:
a. Extension grant - funds or subsidy provided to an accredited private extension service provider for an approved extension project.
b. Extension - means managing knowledge to empower farmers and organizations so that they can manage problems and resources in meeting their own objectives. Under the Philippine Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization Act of 1997, extension covers training services, farm or business advisory services, demonstration services and information, education and communication support services through tri media.
c. Extension Service Providers - accredited organizations which will undertake, in be half of the Department of Agriculture, training and other complementary extension activities for a designated or identified target clientele.
d. Demonstration services - shall showcase improved matured technologies generated by R & D institutions, including those developed by scientists in partnership with farmers and fisherfolk. Covered also are method demonstrations (techno demo, model farms, etc.)
e. Farm and business advisory services - involves on demand information sharing and advisory on production and postproduction technologies, linking markets, investments and other strategic resources and support services with various stakeholders in agriculture and fisheries. It also covers the provision of financial and management advices especially for farmers, fisherfolk and for their organizations.
f. Information and communication services - involves sharing or exchange of information between and among stakeholders through conventional means like print, radio and TV, indigenous folk media or by electronic means.
g. Training Services - involves the provision of appropriate interventions methodologies and techniques that can upgrade the knowledge, skills, attitudes and orientation of a specific clientele. It may cover a wide range of topics along the value chain such as production technologies as well as social technologies (extension-communication, conflict management, etc.) depending on the needs of the targeted clientele group or their relevance to the development requirements of a specific target area.
h. Training Proposal - a concept note describing a planned undertaking/intervention to address a training need, submitted for approval and allocation of appropriate resources for implementation.
i. Training Design - a blueprint for a training event or experience detailing out an organized plan to achieve training objectives. It basically contains the rationale, objectives! participants and area coverage, content, methodology, evaluation scheme, schedule of activities and resource requirements including the resource persons.
SECTION 4. Coverage - The grants shall cover extension services provided by the accredited private ESPs.
4.1 Utilization of Grants - The grants shall be utilized to cover the expenses in the provision of training services, demonstration services, information/communication services, and farm/business advisory services.
4.2 Categories of Grants -Extension grants may be categorized under the four (4) major agriculture and fisheries extension services and other complementary activities, to wit:
4.2.1 Training (e.g. Rice, Corn, High Value Commercial Crops, Livestock, Fisheries)
4.2.2 Techno-demo (e.g. Season-Long Training on Rice, Corn, Vegetable, Tila-pia Production, Poultry/Swine Raising)
4.2.3 Production/Development of Information, Education and Communication (IEC) materials (e.g. Leaflets, Brochures, Package of Technology in CD/DVD)
4.2.4 Farm and Business Advisory (e.g. Linking Producers to Market/Consum ers, Feasibility Study, e-Trading)
Criteria in the Availment of Grants
SECTION 5. Criteria - Extension service proposals must meet the following condition order to qualify for extension grants:
5.1 Addresses the Department of Agriculture's program on food security, global competitiveness, sustainable broad based growth, poverty alleviation and improved quality of life;
5.2 Consistent with the Department of Agriculture's pillar program on technology and extension;
5.3 Responds to the extension needs of the region, specifically in agriculture and fisheries;
Procedure in the Availment of Grants
SECTION 6. Availment Process - The following shall be the procedure in the availment of grants:
6.1 The ATI shall issue an announcement for the availability of extension grants for a particular program/project among accredited private ESPs. The announcement shall also indicate specific criteria for qualified projects.
6.2 Regional proposals shall be submitted to the nearest ATI-RTC, which shall initially review documentary requirements and substance based on the criteria stated in Section 5 of Article III. If the proposal merits approval, the same is endorsed to the ATI Director. National proposals shall be submitted directly to:
THE DIRECTORThe Proposal form can be secured from the nearest, ATI-RTC or the ATI-Central Office. It can also be downloaded from the Institute's website http://www.atxda-gov.ph.
Agricultural Training Institute
2/F BAEx Bldg., Elliptical Road, Diliman, Quezon City
Tel. No. +632 9298541 local 243
or uploaded through
Email: atcmdatico@yahoo.com
6.3 Proposals shall be submitted in one hard copy and one electronic copy. Only propos als from duly accredited private ESPs shall be considered for the program/project.
SECTION 7. Project Proposal Review and Awards Committee - A Project Proposal Review and Awards Committee shall be created by the ATI Director to evaluate the proposal submitted.
SECTION 8. Release of Grant - A MOA will be executed upon approval to define specific terms and conditions. The grant shall be released in tranches in accordance with the agreed conditions, as follows:
50% upon signing of the MOA 30% after the conduct of the extension activity
20% upon submission of the activity/training completion report
and compliance with other MOA post activity requirements
Miscellaneous Provisions
SECTION 9. Ownership of Knowledge Products Produced. - As a general rule, the ATI and the accredited ESP shall have joint ownership of knowledge products produced.
SECTION 10. Monitoring -ATI shall reserve the right to visit the project venue and/or on-going activity, anytime within the project implementation period.
SECTION 11. Amendment-As the need arises, the grant system and implementing guidelines may be amended upon recommendation by the Director of ATI, subject to the. approval of the DA Secretary.
SECTION 12. Effectivity -These Rules and Regulations shall take effect fifteen (15) days after its signing and publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the Philippines. It can only be revoked in writing through the issuance of another AO or Memorandum.
Adopted: 11 July 2008