SECTION 1. Title- This Act shall be known as the Anti-Rabies Act of 2007

Rule 1 - These Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) are issued and promulgated pursuant to Sea 12 of Republic Act 9482. These rules are promulgated to prescribe the procedures and guidelines for the implementation of the Anti-Rabies Act of 2007 to facilitate compliance and achieve the objectives thereof.


SECTION 2. Declaration of Policy - It is the declared policy of the state to protect d promote the right to health of the people. Towards this end, a system for the control, revention of the spread, and eventual eradication of human and animal Rabies shall be orovided and the need for responsible pet ownership established.

SECTION 3. Definition of Terms - For the purpose of this Act, the following shall mean:

a. Bitten refers to an act by which a Dog seizes, cuts or grips with its teeth so that the skin of a person has been wounded, pierced or scratched.

b. Concerned officials refer to barangay officials, health workers, police officers or govern ment veterinarians.

c. Direct supervision refers to range supervision where physical presence of the veterinar ian within the barangay is necessary.

d. Dog refers to a common quadruped domestic animal belonging to the order carnivora (male or female), scientifically known as cants familiaris

e. Euthanasia refers to the process of painless death to Dogs and other animals,

f. Impound refers to seize and hold in the custody of the law.

g. Owner refers to any person keeping, harbouring or having charge, care or control of a Dog including his/her representative.

h. Pound refers to a public enclosure for stray animals

i. Public Place refers to any place open to the public like parks, malls, markets, streets, etc.

j. Rabies refers to a highly fatal disease caused by a lyssa virus," transmitted mainly trough the bite of an infected animal and is characterized by muscle paralysis, hydrbphobia and aerophobia, and other neurological manifestations.

k. Rabies transmission refers to the transmission or passage of the Rabies Virus through a bite by an infected animal, or through contamination with virus-laden saliva on breaks in the skin and of mucous membranes such as the eyes, the lips, the mouth, or the genital organs.

I. Rabies Vaccination/lmmunoprophylaxis of Humans refers to the inoculation of human with modern day rabies vaccines or Rabies immunoglobulin, by a trained doctor or nurs under the supervision of a qualified medical practitioner.

m. Rabies Vaccination of Dogs refers to the inoculation of a Dog with Rabies vaccine by a licensed government or private veterinarian or trained individual under the direct supervision of a licensed veterinarian. The services of the said trained individual shall be limited only to Rabies Vaccination Injection in Dogs and only during government mass vaccination campaigns.

n. Post-exposure Treatment (P.E.T) refers to an anti-Rabies treatment administered after an exposure to Rabies which includes local wound care, rabies vaccine, with or without anti-Rabies immunizing agent.

o. Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PE.P) refers to Rabies vaccination administered before an exposure to Rabies to those who are at high risk of getting Rabies.

p. Stray Dog refers to any Dog leaving its Owner's place or premise and no longer under the effective control of the Owner.

q. Veterinary or Human Barbiturates refer to drugs that depress the function of the central nervous system.

Rule 3.1 The acronyms as used in this IRR are as follows: -

a. ABC-Animal Bite Clinic
b. ABTC -Animal Bite Treatment Center
c. AHD-Animal Health Division
d. BAI - Bureau of Animal Industry
e. BFAD - Bureau of Food and Drugs
f. CHD- Center for Health and Development
g. CHO-City Health Office
h. DA- Department of Agriculture
i. DA-RFUs Regional Field Unitsofthe Department of Agriculture
j. DECS-Department of Education, Culture and Sports
k. DENR- Department of Environment and Natural Resources
l. DepED-Department of Education
m. DSWD-Department of Social Work and Development
n. DILG- Department of Interior and Local Government
o. DOH-Department of Health
p. IEC- information, Education and Communication
q. IRA-Internal Revenue Allotment
r. IRR-Implementing Rules and Regulations
s. LGU - Local Government Unit
t. LRCC-Local Rabies Control Committee
u. MAO-Municipal Agriculture Office
v. MHO - Municipal Health Office
w. NCDPC - National Center for Disease Prevention and Control
x. NGO - Non-Government Organization
y. NRPCC National Rabies Prevention and Control Committee
z. OIE - office International des Epizooties
aa) PCMVLP- Provincial, City and Municipal Veterinarians' League of the Philippines
bb) PDEA- Philippine Drug Enforcement Authority
cc) PO - Peoples' Organization
dd) PRC- Professional Regulation Commission
ee) PTR - Professional Tax Receipt
ff) RPO- Responsible Pet Ownership
gg) TIN -Tax Identification Number
hh) WHO -World Health Organization

Rule 3.2 Other terms used in this IRR are defined hereunder:

a. Adoption refers to taking up and making one's own, homeless dogs/pets.

b. Animal Bite Treatment Center refers to the government facilities providing PEP and PET for rabies.

c. Animal control facility refers to a facility that accepts and/or seizes animals for the purpose of caring for them, placing them through adoption, or carrying out law enforce ment, whether or not the facility is operated for profit. This includes facilities such as, but not limited to pounds, shelters, animal rescue centers, airport quarantine and animal hold ing facilities, transportation depots and stations.

d. Carcass disposal refers to the acceptable and safe method of getting rid of the dead animals.

e. Central database refers to the compilation of information regarding all registered and vaccinated dogs handled by a single entity.

f. Committee in this document shall refer to the National Rabies Prevention and Control Committee.

g. Dog farming refers to the raising of dogs for meat, fur and other articles intended for human use/consumption.

h. Field Control refers to managing the movement of dogs in public places.

i. High Risk Personnel refers to people who in the course of their occupation are directly or indirectly exposed to rabies such as but not limited to laboratory staff, veterinarian, animal handlers, and vaccinators. '

J. High Risk Depressed Areas refers to areas defined and identified by the Committee as such.

k. Human rabies high incidence areas refer to areas defined and identified by the Committee as such.

I. information, Education and Communication refers to the approaches to disseminate information on rabies awareness and advocacy to RPO.

m. Mandatory Registration refers to the requirement for all dog owners to submit their dog for registration in the LGU.

n. Mass vaccination refers to the inoculation of at least 80% of the unvaccinated don population within a month in the concerned LGU.

o. Neutering refers to the surgical removal under anesthesia of the ovaries and uterus in the female and testicles for the male animals.

p. NGO refers to the private, non-stock and non-profit organization formed to provide welfare and development services.

q. PO refers to non-profit organization with identifiable leaderships, structures and is membership-based, largely voluntary organizations that operate at the grass-roots level that promote their members interests and are established primarily to serve the needs of a particular sector.

r. Pet Owner refers to any person keeping, harbouring or having charge, care or control of a dog including his/her representative.

s. Properly immunized dogs refer to dogs inoculated against rabies yearly.

t. Rabies Free Zone refers to areas/zones that have been declared by the DA and DOH as free from rabies as recommended by the Committee.

u. Rabies Surveillance system refers to the procedures set to monitor and detect occurrence of human or animal rabies cases.

v. Responsible pet ownership refers to proper care of pet including veterinary care, vaccinations, de-worming, feeding, shelter and provision of activities to promote health and development.

w. "Tandok" refers to a person or the practice of applying traditional remedies in relation to dog bites.


SECTION 4. National Rabies Prevention and Control Program - It is hereby mandated that there shall be a National Rabies Prevention and Control Program to be implemented by a multi-agency/multi-sectoral committee chaired by the Bureau of Animal Industry of the Department of Agriculture. The program shall be a multi-agency effort in controlling and eliminating Rabies in the country. Among its component activities include: (1) mass vaccination of Dogs; (2) establishment of a central database system for registered and vaccinated Dogs; (3) impounding field control and disposition of unregistered, Stray and unvaccinated Dogs; (4) conduct of information and education campaign on the prevention and control of Rabies; (5) provision on pre-exposure treatment to high risk personnel and Post Exposure Treatment to animal bite victims; (6) provision of free routine immunization or Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (P. E.P) of schoolchildren aged five to fourteen in areas where there is high incidence of rabies as well as the (7) encouragement of the practice of responsible pet ownership. The program shall be implemented by the Department of Agriculture (DA), Department of Health (DOH), Department of Interior and Local government (DILG) and Department of Education (DepEd) as well as Local Government units (LGUs) with the assistance of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources Units (LGUs) with the assistance of the Departmnet of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) and People ™s Organization (POs).

Creation of the National Rabies Prevention and Control Committee (NRPCC)

Rule 4.1 There shall be created a National Rabies Prevention and Control Committee rein referred to as the Committee) chaired by the DA-BAI and vice-chaired by the DOH-NCDPC.The committee members shall be composed of one duly authorized representa-tve for each of the following departments: DA, DOH, DILG, and DepEd. One representative each for the following: DENR, NGOs, POs, academe, LGUs, and PCMVLP shall be appointed by the Chairman as members of the committee.

Rule 4.1.1 The Committee may create technical working groups which shall likewise be multi-sectoral or multi-agency for the purpose of assisting the committee.

Rule 4.1.2 The DA-BAI shall act as secretariat for the Committee. The secretariat shall be responsible among others in sending of notices, keeping all minutes, records and documents relative to the meetings or deliberations of the committee.

Rule 4.1.3 The committee shall have regular monthly meetings or as often as maybe necessary to implement the Program.

Rule 4.1.4 The Committee shall establish the appropriate organizational structure and internal rules and governing its operation and management to ensure orderly, consistent and full cooperation of its members 15 days after the effectivity of the IRR.

Rule 4.1.5 The Committee shall be primarily responsible for formulating the National Rabies Prevention and Control Program hereinafter, referred to as the Program, and recommend additional rules and regulations as maybe necessary in the implementation thereof.

Rule 4.1.6 The programs initiated by the existing National Rabies Committee and the Rabies Control Consultative Committee created by virtue of a memorandum of agreement between DA, DOH, DILG, and DECS (now known as the DepEd} dated May 9,1991 shall whenever possible be integrated/absorbed in the program.

Rule 4.1.7 The Committee shall likewise be responsible for the following:
a. it shall identify activities, projects and priority areas for rabies elimination.

b. It shall prepare and recommend the work and financial plans for the Program for inclusion in the respective agency budget proposals under the General Appropriation Act.

c. It shall identify other sources of funds and authorize receipt of grants/donations to support the implementation of the Program.

d. It shall prepare and recommendations the operational budget of the Commit tee and its Secretariat for inclusion in the annual appropriations of the DA and DOH.

e. It shall monitor the activities contained in the Program by the participating agencies and organizations.

f. It shall recommend and coordinate the conduct of researches on rabies, its prevention, control and eradication in coordination with other agencies.

g. It shall recommend the rabies-free for the joint declaration of the DA and DOH.

h. it shall conduct a national performance evaluation annually or as deemed necessary and assess if the objectives of the program were achieved. Corollarily it shall prepare the national annual report.
Component Activities of the National Rabies Prevention and Control Program

4.2. The Program shall have component activities including but not limited to:

Rule 4.2.1 Mass Registration and Vaccination of Dogs
a. The LGUs shall implement the mass registration and vaccination of dogs in accordance with the program set forth by the Committee.

b. The initial national mass registration and vaccination shall commence not later than March 31, 2008 to coincide with the Rabies Awareness Month and thereafter it shall be held annually.

c. In all cases, the vaccination of dogs shall be performed by a duly licensed veterinarian or by a trained vaccinator under direct veterinary supervision.

d. All dogs shall be registered by their owners with their respective LGUs. Owners with vaccinated dogs shall submit record or proof of vaccination signed by a duly licensed veterinarian upon registration.

e. Transfer of ownership of dogs and its subsequent registration shall be cov ered by appropriate rules to be set by the Committee.

f. The Committee shall prescribe the appropriate dog tagging/identification sys- tem to be used by the LGU and private practitioners and may impose collection of fees therefor.

g. Only inactivated rabies vaccines registered and licensed by the BAl and recommended by the Committee shall be used.

h. Vaccination protocol for special cases shall be issued by the Committee when necessary.

i. All mass vaccination conducted by NGOs, POs and private entities shall always be coordinated with the respective LGUs.
Rule 4.2.2 Establishment of a central database system for registered and vaccinated dogs-
a. A central database system for registered and vaccinated dogs shall be established by the BAI as depository of records from the date submitted monthly by the LGU Veterinary Services.

b. The BAI shall collate from the submitted reports of LGUs copy furnished the DA-RFUs, the total registered, vaccinated dogs and other relevant information as basis for policy formulation.
Rule 4.2.3 Impounding, field control and disposition of unregistered, stray and unvaccinated dog
a. The Committee shall set and establish the standards/guidelines for the im pounding, field control and disposition of unregistered, stray, unvaccinated dogs.

b. Acentral registry of government and private animal control facilities shall be established by the Animal Welfare Division of the DA-BAI.
Rule 4.2.4 Conduct of information and education campaign on the prevention and control of rabies
a. Rabies education and Responsible Pet Ownership (RPO) modules as ap proved by the Committee shall be included in elementary and high school cur riculum.

b. Public lectures on responsible pet ownership and rabies awareness shall be conducted.

c The Rabies Awareness Month (March) and the World Rabies Day (28th of September) shall be observed nationwide.

d. Rabies informational materials shall be made readily available by all con cerned agencies.
Rule 4.2.5 Provision on pre-exposurc treatment to high risk personnel and Post-Exposure Treatment to animal bite victims
a. All hired personnel or volunteers of private or government facilities including but not limited to veterinary clinics, hospitals and offices, hospitals with human rabies units, rabies diagnostic laboratories, animal control facilities and all other similar establishments shall receive rabies pre-exposure prophylaxis prior to working.

b. The Committee in consultation with the DOH shall set the guidelines for the implementation of the PEP including that for the establishment of ABTC and ABCs.

c. ABTCs shall be established to provide PET to all animal bite victims from all cities and/or municipalities.
Rule 4.2.6 Provision of free routine immunization or Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (P. E. P) Of schoolchildren aged five to fourteen in areas where there is high incidence of rabies
a. The Committee shall identify areas where there is high incidence of rabies necessitating P.E.P for school children aged five to fourteen.

b. The Committee shall ensure that the DOH, in coordination with the LGUs, DepEd and DSWD shall provide free routine pre-exposure prophylaxis of school- children aged five to fourteen in those areas identified pursuant to 4.2.6.a.

c. The Program, through the DOH, shall encourage the inclusion of anti-rabies . vaccination among the recommended childhood immunization.
4.2.7 Encouragement of the practice of responsible pet ownership.
a. All committee members tasked to implement the program shall undertake activities in promoting Responsible Pet Ownership.

b. Concerned citizens shall report to the proper authorities the presence of stray or abandoned dogs, instances of abuse or irresponsible actions of dog; owners such as but not limited to neglect and infliction of harm.

c. Pet owners shall be provided information on RPO such as grooming, health care, proper nutrition, shelter, and others during registration and vaccination events.
SECTION 5. Responsibility of Pet Owners - All Pet Owners shall be required to;

a. Have their Dog regularly vaccinated against rabies and maintain a registration card which shall contain all vaccinations conducted on their dog, for accurate record purposes.
Rule 5 (a) 1. The pet owner shall keep the LGU issued registration card con taining the permanent number, physical characteristics of the dog including but not limited to age, color, sex, breed, distinguishing marks and others.

Rule 5 (a) 2. The registration card shall be presented during annual revaccination and when deemed necessary.

Rule 5 (a) 3. The registration card shall likewise contain all rabies vaccinations conducted on their Dog. The record shall indicate the registration number of the dog, date of vaccination, the attending veterinarian, with the corresponding updated PRC license, TIN and PTR numbers and shall be signed by the same.
b. Submit their Dogs for mandatory registration.
Rule 5 (b) 1. The pet owner shall renew the registration of their dogs with the LGU Veterinary Services, Municipal Agriculture Offices or appropriate government office annually.
c. Maintain control over their Dog and not allow it to roam the streets or any Public Place Without a leash.
Rule 5 (c)1. The length of the leash shall not be more than 1.5 meters (5 feet) and the required dog tag shall be attached to the dog collar/harness. Aggressive dogs shall be muzzled in public places.

Rule 5(c) 2. The Committee shall issue guidelines on the handling of dogs in designated dog activity areas.

Rule 5(c) 3. The owner shall be responsible for the proper collection and disposal of excreta/feces.
d. Be a responsible Owner by providing their Dog with proper grooming, adequate food and clean shelter.
Rule 5 (d).1 Pet owners shall maintain good human-animal relationship and provide good health management program for their dogs.
e. Within twenty four (24) hours, report immediately any Dog biting incident to the Concerned Officials for investigation or for any appropriate action and place such Dog under observation by a government or private veterinarian.
Rule 5 (e) 1. The dog shall not be killed or euthanized during the observation period of 14 days from the biting incident.

Rule 5 (e) 2. Should the dog die during the observation period, the pet owner shall immediately submit the dog for rabies laboratory examination.

Rule 5 (e) 3. Unvaccinated dogs bitten by a confirmed rabid animal shall be euthanized immediately and disposed of properly.

Rule 5 (e) 4. Dogs bitten by another dog suspected to be rabid or of unknown status should be confined and maintained under veterinary supervision for 6 months.

Rule 5 (e) 5. If the animal has been vaccinated previously {and its vaccination certificate is available) and can be identified with certainty (e.g. tattoo) it should be revaccinated immediately and confined for at least 90 days. Post-exposure vaccination of uncertain effectiveness should be discouraged.
f. Assist the Dog bite victim immediately and shoulder the medical expenses incurred and other incidental expenses relative to the victim's injuries.
Rule 5 (f). 1 Humans bitten by dogs shall be provided treatment by the appropriate government or private medical practitioner. Animals bitten by dogs shall be provided treatment by the appropriate government or private veterinary practitioner.
SECTION 6. Responsibilities of Government Agencies - The following government agencies, which shall jointly implement the National Rabies Prevention and Control Program, shall be tasked to:

A. Department of Agriculture

(1) Improve and upgrade existing animal rabies laboratory diagnostic capabilities to ensure better services to the people.
Rule 6A (1).1 It shall be the duty of the DA to ensure and maintain accurate diagnosis by improving and upgrading existing animal Rabies diagnostic laboratories with confirmatory capabilities through the following:

a. comply with WHO and OlEs minimum standard requirements for the na tional, regional and satellite rabies diagnostic laboratories.

b. develop and maintain capable manpower complement for all the rabies diagnostic laboratories. The DA shall allocate funds for the incentives of labora tory personnel under the Magna Carta for public health workers and similar programs.

c. adopt guidelines drafted by the Committee on Quality Assurance and requirements of rabies diagnostic laboratories.

d. accredit rabies diagnostic laboratories (by the BAI).

e. ensure continuous availability of reagents and supplies in the regional laboratories for the diagnosis of animal rabies.

f. in cooperation with the DOH, shall conduct regular training/refresher courses for personnel of the rabies diagnostic laboratories including laboratory biosafety procedures and proper disposal of specimens and carcasses.
(2) Ensure availability and adequate supply of animal anti-rabies vaccines at all times.
Rule 6A (2). 1 The DA may seek assistance from other agencies to augment available dog rabies vaccines to effectively carry out this program.
(3) Undertake free anti-Rabies vaccination of Dogs giving priority to high risk depressed areas.
Rule 6A (3). 1. The DA, in coordination with the LGU and other member agencies, shall spearhead mass vaccination in the high risk depressed areas identified by the Committee.
(4) Maintain and improve animal rabies surveillance system.
Rule 6A (4).1. Considering that Rabies is a notifiable disease, the DA shall issue a directive for the compulsory reporting of dogs suspected of being rabid.

Rule 6A(4).2. All owners/operators of animal facilities shall be required by the DA to report incidents of animal rabies in their facilities.

Rule 6A(4).3. The DA shall ensure that laboratory tests are conducted to confirm reports of incidence of rabies.

Rule 6A (4)-4. The DA shall direct and ensure that there is a thorough investigation of all incidences of reported dog rabies cases.
(5) Establish and maintain Rabies free zone in coordination with the LGUs.
Rule 6A(5). 1 in collaboration with the DOH, the DA shall establish and maintain Rabies-Free Zones in accordance with OIE guidelines for declaration of Free zone.
(6) Immediately facilitate for the approval of the sale and use of Veterinary and Human Barbiturate drugs and veterinary euthanasia drugs by the DOH and the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA).

(7) Strengthen the training of field personnel and the Information Education and Communication (IEC) activities on Rabies prevention, control, eradication and responsible pet ownership.

(8) Conduct research on Rabies and its prevention, control and eradication in coordination with other agencies.

(9) Formulate minimum standards and monitor the effective implementation of this Act.

(10) Encourage collaborative activities with the DOH, DepEd, DILG, DENR, NGOs, POs and other concerned sectors.

B. Department of Health

(1). Ensure the availability and adequate supply of DOH pre-qualified human Anti-Rabies vaccine in animal bite treatment centers at all times and shall coordinate with other implementing agencies and concerned NGOs for this purpose.
Rule 6B (1 ).1 - DOH shall set the criteria for human rabies vaccines and immu-noglobulins which shall be used in the human anti-rabies vaccination.

Rule 6B (1 ),2. It shall also encourage the LGUs to appropriate funds from Internal Revenue Allotment (IRA) for the purchase of rabies vaccines.

Rule 6B (1 ).3. Augmentation of rabies vaccines to all government ABTCs through the Center for Health Development (CHD) shall be provided by the DOH.
(2) Provide Post-Exposure Treatment at the minimum expense to the individuals bitten by the animals suspected of being rabid which will consist of the initial vaccine and immunoglobin dose
Rule 6B(2).1 The DOH shall coordinate with the LGUs in the establishment of additional ABTCs in underserved areas in order to make PET more accessible.

Rule 6B(2).2 Through the ABTC, the DOH shall provide the initial vaccines and irnmunoglobulins for animal bite victims.

Rule 6B(2).3. The DOH shall also develop and regularly update the guidelines for the management of animal bite and human rabies cases based on recommendations of the WHO, Centers for Disease Control and other international experts, foreign and local literature, updated local data, etc.

Rule 6B(2).4 It shall be incumbent upon the DOH to conduct regular training and update of Animal Bite Treatment Center (ABTC) staff. In this connection, it shall develop a quality assurance system to include accreditation and monitor- ing of all government ABTCs and private rabies treatment center.
(3) Provide Pre-Exposure Treatment to high risk personnel such as, but not limited to laboratory staff, veterinarian, animal handlers, vaccinators and other persons working with Rabies for free.

(4) Coordinate with the DA in the development of appropriate health education strategy to inform the public on rabies prevention and contra! and responsible pet ownership.

(5) Develop and maintain a human rabies surveillance system.
Rule 6B(5).1 The LGU-CHO/MHO shall be directed by the DOH to regularly submit monitoring reports of human rabies cases to CHD.

Rule 6B(5).2 All owners/operators of medical health facilities shall also be required to report all human rabies cases to DOH or CHD.

Rule 6B(5).3 Ensure thorough investigation of all reported human rabies cases.
(6) Encourage collaborative activities with the DA, DepEd, DILG, DENR, NGOs, POsand other concerned sectors.

(7) Immediately approve the registration of Veterinary and Human Barbiturate drugs and veterinary euthanasia drugs in coordination with the PDEA.

C. Department of Education

(1) Strengthen Rabies education program through school health teaching/curriculum.
Rule 6C(1 ).1. Include programs for rabies prevention, control and RPO in school activities in all elementary, secondary student councils and campus organizations

Rule 6C(1).2 Participate actively in rabies prevention and control programs, and training activities initiated by government agencies/NGOs in the community, and as part of their extension/co-curricular activities.

Rule6C(1).3 Require schools to have special activities to increase awareness on RPO especially during the Rabies Awareness Month in March and World Rabies Day on September 28 of every year.
(2) Assist in the Dog mass immunization campaigns in the community.
Rule 6Cf 2). 1 Participate actively during dog mass vaccination and registration campaign primarily through information dissemination.
(3) Encourage collaborative activities with the DA, DOH, DILG, DENR, NGOs, POs and ' concerned sectors.
Rule6C(3).1 Coordinate with the LGUs, other government agencies and NGOs in the various advocacy activities in schools and communities.

Rule6C(3).2. Coordinate with the DOH in the PEP of school children.
(4) integrate proper information and education on responsible pet ownership in the relevant: . subjects in the Elementary and High Schools Levels.
Rule 6C(4).1 Continuously develop, update and adopt learning packages to support the existing rabies education concepts/contents in the textbooks and other instructional materials.

Rule 6C(4).2 Mobilize school health personnel to supplement and complement classroom instruction on rabies prevention/control messages and RPO to students and parents.

Rule6C(4).3. Integrate the concepts of rabies prevention, control and RPO in the Alternative Learning System.
SECTION 7. Responsibilities of the LGUs - LGUs in their respective localities shall:

(1) Ensure that all Dogs are properly immunized, registered and issued a corresponding Dog tag for every immunized and registered Dog.
Rule 7(1 ).1 The LGUs shall register and vaccinate all dogs in their jurisdiction annually.

Rule 7(1).2 The LGUs shall adhere to the standard dog tagging system as prescribed by the Committee.

Rule 7(1). 3 In the transport of dogs, the LGU shall verify or require registration. records as proof of ownership.
(2) Strictly enforce Dog Impounding activities and field control to eliminate Stray Dogs.
Rule 7(2).1 Establish and maintain dog pounds as prescribed by the Committee.

Rule 7(2).2 May enter into an agreement with the private service provider for impounding facilities.
(3) Ensure that Dogs are leashed or confined within the premises of the Owner's house or Owner's fenced surroundings.

(4) Allocate funds to augment the implementation of the National Rabies Prevention and Control Program, particularly on the financing of supplies and human and Dog vaccines needed for immunization.
Rule 7(4). 1 The Sangguntan shall allocate funds for the implementation of the LGU Rabies Control Program as prepared by the Local Rabies Control Committee.

Rule 7(4).2 The LRCC shall source additional resources such as but not limited to the development funds of Legislators for the program.
(5) Ensure the enforcement of Section 6 of Republic Act No. 8485 or "The Animal Welfare Act of 1998".

(6) Enact additional local ordinances that will support the National Rabies Prevention and Control Program that should include the regulation of treatment locally known as "tandok"
Rule 7(6). 1 A model generic ordinance shall be formulated by the Committee for adoption of the LGUs including but not limited to the following provisions: a) registration and vaccination; b.) Responsible Pet Ownership; c) regulation of "tandok'1; d) control of strays, leashing and confinement; e) establishment and operation of animal control facility; f) dog and dog meat trading, movement and consumption; g) dog population control; h) Information, Education and Communication campaign; i) fund sourcing and generation; j) incentives and penalties; k) appointment of LGU veterinarian and establishment of veterinary office/ facilities; and I) any other provisions relevant to the program.
(7) Prohibit the trade of Dogs for meat-
Rule 7(7). 1 Strictly enforce ordinances and other regulations prohibiting the trading of dogs for meat.

Rule 7(7).2 The trade of dogs shall include bat shall not be limited to buying and/or selling of dogs, dog meats and carcasses, dog farming, collecting, and/ or slaughtering of dogs for commercial consumption.
(8) With respect to cities and first class municipalities, establish and maintain the Dog Pound where Impounded Dogs shall be kept, in accordance with Section 9 herein: Pro vided, That the other municipalities, shall, on their own, establish a Dog Pound or opt to share the expense of establishing and maintaining a Dog Pound and other adjoining mu nicipalities and/or with private animal shelters and control facilities.
Rule 7(8). 1 The dog pound shall be established following the standards/guide- lines set by the Committee and registered with the AWD as provided by Rule ;4.2.3 (a) and (b) within the initial year of the implementation of the Program.
(9) Prohibit the use of electrocution as a euthanasia procedure.
Rule 7(9). 1 Impounded dogs not redeemed nor adopted or have gone beyond the allowable period for stay in the pound shall be euthanized by a method allowed under AO 21 B series of 1999. In no instance shall euthanasia by electrocution be performed.
(10) Appoint a veterinarian and establish a veterinary office in every province, city and first class municipality. Provided, that the other municipalities shall, on their own, opt to share expenses of having a veterinary office.

(11) Require pet shops to post information regarding Rabies and responsible pet ownership.

(12) For purposes of ensuring the administrative feasibility of implementing the provisions f this Act and subject to paragraph 8 of this Section, the LGU shall collect the fines imposed under Section 11 subparagraphs (1), (3), (4), (5) and (6) hereof.

Any and all fines collected pursuant to this Act shall be used for the enhancement of the National Rabies Prevention and Control Program within the locality concerned, as well as the achievement of the objectives envisioned in this Act.

The DiLG shall ensure compliance of these responsibilities by the LGUs.

Rule 7.1 The DILG shall issue the relevant orders and circulars for the implementation and monitor compliance of the LGUs in support of the Program.

SECTION 8. Assistance of NGOs and the Academe - The agencies tasked to implement the Anti-Rabies program shall seek the assistance and participation of NGOs in any of the following activities:

(1) Community mobilization

(2) Health education/information dissemination on Rabies and responsible pet ownership

(3) Mass anti-rabies campaign

(4) Promotion of the anti-rabies campaign during pet or any animal shows

(5) Surveillance/reporting of Rabies cases in animals and humans

(6) Any other activities geared towards the prevention and complete eradication of Rabies.

Rule 8 (G)1. Any NGOs, POs, civic organizations and the academe shall ensure that its activities are consistent with and not in conflict with the Program.

SECTION 9. Impounding, Field Control and Disposition of Unregistered Stray and Unvaccinated Dogs - Unregistered, stray or unvaccinated dogs shall be put in Dog pounds and disposed of, taking into consideration the following guidelines:

(1) Unregistered, stray or unvaccinated dogs shall be impounded and kept in the LGUs designated dog pound.

(2) Impounded dogs not claimed after three days from the dog pound shall be placed for adoption to qualified persons, with the assistance of an animal welfare NGO, when fea- sible , or otherwise disposed of in any manner authorized, subject to the pertinent provi sions of Republic Act No. 8485, otherwise known as the "Animal Welfare Act of 1998".
Rule 9(2). 1. Any animal impounded which is not reclaimed by it owner within 72 hours shall be deemed to be abandoned and shall be disposed of by the LGU through adoption or euthanasia. Provided, however, that the said animal shall be euthanized immediately if:

(a) it is dangerous to retain;

(b) it is suffering from pain or discomfort;

(c) it is diagnosed with a contagious and highly communicable disease ei ther to humans or animals.

Rule 9(2).2 In the event that an impounded dog is suspected with rabies it shall be isolated and observed accordingly and upon death must be submitted for . laboratory examination.

Rule 9(2).3. The pound operator shall follow appropriate methods for the disposal of euthanized animals as prescribed by the Committee.
(3) A fee shall be paid by owners of impounded dogs to the LGU concerned, pursuant to Section 7 hereof.
Rule 9(3).1. To defray expenses in the operation of the pound, the operator shall be authorized to charge fees from the prospective foster owner upon adoption of the dog.
SECTION 10. Dog Population Control - In furtherance of the policy of this Act to eradicate Rabies, there is the need to control the dog population and minimize the number of unwanted stray dogs. As such, it is hereby mandated:

(1) That the DA, DOH, DILG, DepEd, LGUs, with the assistance of NGOs and POs shall undertake an educational and promotional campaign on responsible Pet Ownership, in cluding the option of spaying or neutering their dogs.

(2) That the LGUs shall provide an incentive system whereby Owners of Dogs which have been spayed or neutered will be given a subsidizedpr discounted pet registration fee.

(3) That Dogs which have been impounded three times shall only be released after having been spayed or neutered, at the expense of the Pet's Owner.

SECTION 11. Penalties -

(1) Pet Owners who fail or refuse to have their Dog registered and immunized against Rabies shall be punished by a fine of Two Thousand pesos (P2,000.00).

(2) Pet Owners who refuse to have their Dog vaccinated against Rabies shall be liable to pay for the vaccination of both the Dog and the individuals bitten by their Dog.

(3) Pet owners who refuse to have their Dog put under observation after said Dog has Bitten an individual shall be meted a fine of Ten Thousand Pesos (P10.000.00).

(4) Pet Owners who refuse to have their Dog put under observation and do not shoulder the medical expenses of the person Bitten by their Dog shall be meted a fine of Twenty Five thousand pesos (P25.000.00)

(5) Pet Owners who refuse to put a leash on their Dogs while they are brought outside the house shall be meted a fine of Five Hundred pesos (P500.00) for each incident.

(6) An impounded Dog shall be released to its Owner upon payment of a fine of not less than Five hundred pesos (P500.00) but not more than One Thousand pesos (P1,000.00).

(7) Any person found guilty of trading Dogs for meat shall be fined not less than Five Thousand pesos (P5,000.00) per Dog and subjected to imprisonment for one to four years.

(8) Any person found guilty of using electrocution as a method of euthanasia shall be fined not less than Five Thousand pesos (P5,000.00) per act and subject to imprisonment for one fo four years (1-4)years.

(9) if the violation is committed by an alien, he or she shall be immediately deported after service of sentence without any further proceeding.

SECTION 12. Implementing Rules and Regulations - The DA, in coordination with the DOH, DILG, DepEd, DENR, NGOs, POs shall issue the necessary rules and regulations within sixty (60) days from the effectivity of this Act.

SECTION 13. Appropriations - The amount of One Hundred million pesos (P100,000,000.00) necessary to implement the provisions of this Act shall be initially charged against the appropriations of the DOH, DA; DILG, and DepEd under the General Appropriations Act. For the LGUs, the requirements shall be taken from their Internal Revenue Allotment and other local funds.

Thereafter, such sums as may be necessary for its continued implementation shall be included in the annual General Appropriations Act.

Rule 14. Transitory provision -The Committee may from time to time, recommend the issuance of additional administrative orders in the pursuit of the objectives of the Anti-Rabies Act of 2007.

Rule 15. Non-exclusivity Clause- All existing rules and regulations, policies, procedures and standards not inconsistent with this Order shall continue to be in full force and effect.

Rule 16. Repealing Clause-All laws, decrees, executive issuances, rules and regulations inconsistent with this Act are hereby repealed or modified accordingly.

Rule 17. Separability Clause- In case any provision of this Act is declared unconstitutional, the other provisions shall remain in full force and effect.

Rule 17.1 The Legal Services of the DA, DOH, DepEd, and DILG shall review the relevant Departmental Issuances to determine any amendments.

Rule 18. Effectivity - This Act shall take effect fifteen (15) days after its publication in the Official Gazette or in at least two newspapers of general circulation, whichever comes earlier.
Rule 18.1 These IRR shall take effect fifteen (15) days after publication in a newspaper of general circulation.


Department of Agriculture

Department of Health

Department of Education