[ BAI MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR NO. 07, September 15, 2011 ]
In view of the increasing reports of Infectious Laryngotracheitis (ILT) cases in the country and the recent development and updates on registered ILT vaccines, an amended set of guidelines on the use of ILT vaccines is hereby issued for disease prevention and control.
1. Disease Monitoring/Surveillance
2. Prevention measures
3. For farms with confirmed ILT cases
4. Management of infected and vaccinated birds
5. Other control measures
6. In cases of outbreaks where ILT is confirmed positive
The BAI Director or his authorized representative shall:
7. Importation of ILT vaccines
Regular importation of Recombinant type of ILT vaccine shall be allowed, hence, farm request is no longer needed. However, special import clearance and farm request shall still be required for TCO and CEO types of vaccines. Utilization report of vaccines up to barangay level shall be submitted to BAI-AHD for appropriate monitoring.
Other previous Memoranda issued inconsistent herewith are hereby revoked. This Memorandum Circular shall take effect immediately.
Adopted: 15 September 2011
DVM, CESO III Director
1. Disease Monitoring/Surveillance
1.1 All outbreaks of ILT shall be reported to the Animal Health Division (AHD) of the Bureau of Animal Industry (BAI) for proper investigation, sample collection and technical assistance for control measures.
1.2 Samples shall be submitted to the Philippine Animal Health Center (PAHC) for confirmatory diagnosis.
2. Prevention measures
2.1 Recombinant type of ILT vaccine shall be allowed for use in all poultry production areas. Poultry and its products (e.g, eggs, manure) coming from farms vaccinated with this kind shall be permitted to be sold anywhere in the country.
2.2 Tissue Culture Origin (TCO) type of ILT vaccine shall be used only within the two kilometer radius from the farm confirmed to be affected with ILT. Farms that are using this vaccine shall not be allowed to market their products outside the province.
3. For farms with confirmed ILT cases
3.1 Chick Embryo Origin (CEO) type of ILT vaccine is recommended, if depopulation is not practical. Vaccination must be limited within the infected farm.
Note: An area will be treated as one complete infected farm when distances between poultry farms are only hundred (100) meters apart.
3.2 The use of TCO or Recombinant ILT vaccines is recommended for farms within a two kilometer radius from the affected farm for prophylaxis.
4. Management of infected and vaccinated birds
4.1 Infected and CEO or TCO ILT-vaccinated birds shall be closely monitored by the Provincial Veterinarian or his duly-authorized Veterinary Representative. When these birds or eggs are to be moved out of the farm, a clearance/shipping permit from the BAI or authorized provincial Veterinary Office/Veterinary Quarantine Office shall be secured. Movement shall be allowed within the province only.
4.2 Prior to disposal, manure from CEO or TCO ILT-vaccinated birds or from unvaccinated ILT-infected flocks should be disinfected and properly dried. These can only be disposed within a designated area in the farm.
5. Other control measures
5.1 No vaccination shall be allowed in broilers from affected farms. All affected birds shall be disposed of properly.
5.2 Strict biosecurity measures shall be implemented in all poultry farms.
6. In cases of outbreaks where ILT is confirmed positive
The BAI Director or his authorized representative shall:
6.1 Declare the farm/area under quarantine and strictly enforce these measures:
6.1.1 Ban movement of live birds, eggs, egg trays, equipment and other poultry-related materials out of the farm while the disease is active 6.1.2 Implement farm biosecurity measures (e.g, restrict movement of vehicles and people in and out the area)
6.2 Encourage depopulation of affected farms to break the cycle of infection;
6.3 Conduct disease surveillance to determine the spread of the disease;
6.4 Conduct workshops with stakeholders to discuss strategies in monitoring affected farms and farms that are using ILT vaccines;
6.5 Conduct information, Education and Communication (IEC) campaigns in the outbreak area focusing on farm biosecurity
7. Importation of ILT vaccines
Regular importation of Recombinant type of ILT vaccine shall be allowed, hence, farm request is no longer needed. However, special import clearance and farm request shall still be required for TCO and CEO types of vaccines. Utilization report of vaccines up to barangay level shall be submitted to BAI-AHD for appropriate monitoring.
Other previous Memoranda issued inconsistent herewith are hereby revoked. This Memorandum Circular shall take effect immediately.
Adopted: 15 September 2011
DVM, CESO III Director