[ PHILHEALTH CIRCULAR NO. 08, S. 2006, February 28, 2006 ]


In support of the policies of the National Tuberculosis Program, the current rules on the TB-DOTS accreditation stated in PhilHealth Circular Numbers 17 series of 2003 are amended by the following provisions:

A. Certification of TB-DOTS Centers

    1. The Philippine Coalition Against Tuberculosis (PhilCAT) is co-chair of the National Coordinating Committee - Public Private Mix DOTS -NCC-PPMD). As such, the certification issued by NCC-PPMD is synonymous to the certification issued by PhilCAT.

    2. In meritorious cases, PhilHealth will grant TB-DOTS accreditation to facilities even without NCC-PPMD certification after a survey done by its personnel. However, NCC-PPMD certification will be required upon renewal of accreditation.

B. Modifications in the Accreditation Standards for TB-DOTS Centers

    1. In the absence of a registered Medical Technologist, an NTP-trained microscopist will be required in DOTS facility or referral laboratory for sputum smear examination.

    2. For DOTS centers with no capability of performing radiological procedures, a MOA with an X-ray facility will no longer be a requirement for accreditation. However, DOTS centers should still refer patients needing radiologic services to an X-ray facility.

C. Local Government Unit (LGU)-Owned TB-DOTS Center

    1. DOTS Centers owned by LGUs are exempted from submission of Mayor ™s Permit.

    2. In order to sustain operations of DOTS Clinics, LGUs are requested to follow the PPMD-recommended allocation of PhilHealth payments.

This Circular shall take effect after fifteen days from publication in the official gazette or any newspaper of general circulation.

All other rules and guidelines not contrary to this circular shall remain in full force and effect.

Adopted: 28 Feb. 2006

OIC, Office of the President and CEO