[ DPWH DEPARTMENT ORDER NO. 38, S. 2010, August 06, 2010 ]


For immediate compliance and guidance of all concerned, all Regional Directors are hereby directed to submit to the Office of the Secretary, this Department, copy furnished the Bureau of Maintenance, their situational reports during calamities on major/secondary national roads and bridges within their respective areas of jurisdiction, using the prescribed format (BOM Format 01) every six (6) hours, i.e., at 8 am, 2 pm, 8 pm and 2 am and shall contain the following information:

  1. The name/location of the major road sections.
  2. Situation of the affected major road section indicating whether passable or not passable.
  3. Action taken on damaged sections (e.g. clearing, rehabilitation, restoration, etc.).
  4. Preliminary cost estimate to repair/restore the damaged section.
  5. Remarks, indicating whether the damaged section is open or not to all types of vehicle, detour routes available, and estimated time of repair, etc.

In the Central Office, the Bureau of Maintenance shall consolidate the situational reports coming from the Regional Offices and submit to the Office of the Secretary, copy furnished the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC, formerly NDCC) and the Presidential Management Staff (PMS).

Additionally, in order to effect timely and expeditious response during calamities, you are further directed to strictly observe the following guidelines in reporting damages to various infrastructure facilities, as follows:

  1. 1. Reports on damages should be categorized into three (3)

    1. Priority I - Involves immediate rehabilitation of collapsed bridges, cut road sections, breached seawalls and dikes to quickly restore mobility and ensure the safety of the affected areas.
    2. Priority II - Involves ordinary repair works such as patching potholes, resurfacing of washed-out roads and slightly destroyed flood control structures.
    3. Priority III - Involves minor repair work and/or improvement to prevent further deterioration such as repair of road section.

  2. A system should be set up in the District where road sections prone to damages caused by calamities are identified and then assigned permanent inspectors who are capable of assessing damages and estimating with a high degree of accuracy the cost of restoration work.

  3. At the first warning (by radio, tv, press, etc.) or indication of an impending typhoon, the designated inspectors will immediately proceed to their assigned damage-prone sections/areas to:
    3.1 direct emergency work during the calamity, and 3.2 immediately assess the damages on at least the Priority I group of priorities as described in Item I above and submit/relay within 4 hours after the calamity, a report of such initial assessment by text messaging, facsimile or by courier to the District Engineer.

  4. Within 6 hours after the calamity, the Regional Director/District Engineer should transmit the initial assessment of the damages to the Secretary of Public Works and Highways, thru the Bureau of Maintenance, bye-mail, fax, telephone or courier covering at least the Priority I group of priorities for NDRRMC reporting and should now be indicated in Column 6 of BOM Form 01.

  5. Within twelve (12) hours, the report of damages to be submitted especially for the high Priority I group must also reflect the initial cost estimates, which should be subsequently updated every six (6) hours using BOM Form 02.

  6. Within forty eight (48) hours, the Regional Director shall submit a more detailed report on the damages using BOM Form 03 for all three (3) Priority groups as described in Item I above with pictures, including the realistic cost estimates for the restoration of the damaged facilities.

  7. The Regional Director shall review and validate the damages covered by the final report in Item 6 prior to the submission to the Secretary of Public Works and Highways thru the Bureau of Maintenance.

  8. The concerned Regional Directors and District Engineers are held responsible as to the factual and reasonable estimates on the cost of damages.

This supersedes all previous Memorandum Circulars Orders and other issuances issued contrary hereto.

For compliance.

Adopted: 06 August 2010
