[ MEMORANDUM ORDER NO. 184, August 18, 2005 ]
SECTION 1. Memorandum Order No. 127 is hereby amended to read as follows:
SECTION 3. This Memorandum Order shall take effect immediately.
- To enhance the well-being and protect the welfare of Office of the President COP) officials and employees;
- To ease their transport problem thereby improving efficiency, effectiveness and productivity;
- To ensure the proper utilization of the OP Shuttle Service and the maximization of its usage.
- Official Trip - refers to trip sanctioned by the Office and related to the official functions / activities of the OP proper.
- Special Trip - refers to trip related to special activities not falling under the category of official or emergency trip.
- Emergency Trip - when the need is exceptionally urgent or absolutely indispensable or whenever the need cannot be delayed without causing detriment to public service.
- Shuttle Service - refers to the service vehicle provided by OP to transport authorized passengers in going to and from the OP premises from Mondays to Fridays.
- Authorized Passengers - refers to OP and other government personnel who are not entitled to Transportation Allowance (TA) and who wish to avail of the shuttle service.
- Other Government Personnel - refers to non-Or government employees who wish to avail of the shuttle service but only upon the approval of the proper authority as recommended by the Committee on Shuttle Service.
- Fare - amount to be collected as may be determined and approved by the proper authority from authorized passengers who will avail of the shuttle service.
- COMMITTEE- refers to the Committee on Shuttle Service.
PROPER AUTHORITY - may refer to the Senior Deputy Executive Secretary or Deputy Executive Secretary for Finance and Administration.
ROUTES - refers to the designated pick-up and drop off points of authorized passengers coming from the Malaca ang premises to the point of destination & vice versa which maybe determined by the Committee on Shuttle Service from time to time considering practicality and effectiveness as well as the safety of the passengers.
III. RoutesROUTES - refers to the designated pick-up and drop off points of authorized passengers coming from the Malaca ang premises to the point of destination & vice versa which maybe determined by the Committee on Shuttle Service from time to time considering practicality and effectiveness as well as the safety of the passengers.
- The Committee on Shuttle Service shall provide and determine the routes for each service bus the paramount consideration of which shall be its practicality and effectiveness as well as the safety of the passengers. These routes may be subject to change as far as practicable to conform to the preceding sentence.
- In case of extreme urgency and necessity, such as during the occurrence of demonstrations, traffic re-routings, accidents, parades or processions, floods or any natural calamity and other unforeseen events, the shuttle service may deviate from the specified route provided by the Committee.
- OP Shuttle service shall operate during workdays, i.e. Monday to Friday. Drivers will be provided by the Malacanang Motor Pool (MMP) while guards on board / conductors by the Engineering Office.
- OP Shuttle Service shall be for the exclusive use of authorized passengers only as herein defined. Companions are prohibited save in cases of emergency and in exceptional circumstances which require the prior notice and approval of the Committee. The use of the shuttle service by non-Or employees shall be allowed only upon the recommendation of the Committee and the approval thereof by the proper authority. At all times, OP employees shall be given preference or priority in the use of the said shuttle service.
- A minimal fare of P10.00 per ride shall be charged to the authorized passengers. Office ID and the ticket will be the pass to board the Shuttle Service. Tickets shall be made available at the OP Cashier's Office. However, the Committee, after evaluation and deliberation, may recommend the increase or adjustment of the amount of fare at any given time subject to the approval of the proper authority.
- The use of shuttle service shall be allowed for official trips only. Special trips may be allowed subject to the approval of the Senior Deputy Executive Secretary (SDES) and/or Deputy Executive Secretary for Finance and Administration (DESFA).
- Official and Special Trips should be duly covered by Special Order (SO) and Travel Permit as may be provided in this guidelines.
- The Director, MMP shall evaluate the request based on the following criteria:
- availability of vehicles and/or drivers on a first-come, first-served basis;
- maximum of ten (10) hours travel time or a maximum of 300 km. traveling distance;
- route of travel must be paved/concrete roads and regularly plied by commercial buses; and
- when the use of a shuttle service shall be more advantageous than using public transportation.
- Changes in the schedule, purpose and/or destination of the trip shall be allowed only if duly authorized by SDES/DESFA before the schedule trip.
- While inside the bus, all passengers must observe the proper norms of conduct and code of ethics for public servants as provided for in the Civil Service Law, Rules and Regulations. Any violation thereof shall be dealt with accordingly.
- A passenger who is under the influence of liquor or carrying obnoxious or foul-smelling goods, items or products shall not be allowed to board the bus.
- The Requesting Office submits a letter request addressed to the SDES/ DESFA thru the Director, MMP indicating the following information:
- Date of Use
- Expected Time of Departure and return
- Destination(s)
- Purpose(s) of Trip
- Authorized Passenger(s)
- The Director, MMP evaluates the requests based on the guidelines set forth herein. Thereafter, he forwards his recommendation to the approving authority for approval.
- If approved, a corresponding Special Order shall be prepared by the Personnel Office for the signature of the SDES/DESFA.
- If disapproved, the request shall be returned to the requesting party.
- Except in cases of emergency, the requesting Unit/Office shall prepare a letter-request addressed to the SDES / DESFA, thru, Director, MMP at least two (2) weeks before the scheduled trip indicating the same information as in V.A.1, which shall be signed by the Director / Head of Unit.
- The Director, MMP evaluates the requests based on the guidelines set forth herein. Thereafter, he forwards his recommendation to the approving authority for approval.
- If approved, a corresponding Special Order shall be prepared by the Personnel Office for the signature of the SDES/DESFA.
- If disapproved, the request shall be returned to the requesting party.
- The bus drivers shall be under the immediate and direct control and supervision of the Chief Dispatcher, Dispatch Section of the MMP Office and under the general and overall supervision of the Head of the Malaca ang MMP.
- Drivers assigned to OP shuttle service are entitled to overtime compensation and covered by the appropriate Special Order (SO) on overtime.
- Each driver shall be responsible for the over-all cleanliness and maintenance of the shuttle bus assigned to him as well as the care and custody of the vehicle's tools and accessories. The driver/s shall report immediately to the Chief Dispatcher any dents, damages, defects or signs of engine and/or mechanical malfunction of his assigned bust vehicle.
- The cleaning time for the buses shall be from 9:00 to 10:00 AM upon arrival in the Malacanang Motor Pool and/or after the first shuttle run.
- The Chief Dispatcher, Dispatch section of MMP Office, shall regularly inspect the shuttle buses and shall ensure that the vehicles are in good running condition and are well-cleaned inside and outside. Any mechanical or engine, problems/defects reported by the assigned driver shall be reported immediately to the Head-Operations Section for appropriate action.
- The bus drivers shall perform and discharge their duties with utmost courtesy to the employee-passengers, to their fellow motorists, to traffic enforcers and to the general public. They shall avoid any act 'of recklessness which may unnecessarily put in danger, not only their respective buses but more importantly, the lives and limbs of their passengers, the pedestrians and other road users. They shall avoid any act of impropriety which may tarnish the image of the Office of the President proper.
- While the shuttle buses are in transit, the overseer or guard on board shall observe not only the performance of the drivers but also their behavior and those of the employee / passengers on board, with the purpose of ensuring the safety of everybody in the bus.
- The shuttle bus drivers shall not give undue favors to the employee / passengers by extending the specified routes or by deviating from them merely to accommodate the requests of the passengers.
- The shuttle bus drivers shall avoid any act which could result to wastage of fuel and other consumable items. When the buses are not in use, they shall avoid prolonged engine running, except for the purpose of warming-up. They shall turn on the buses' air conditioning systems only when necessary. They shall not use the buses' as their "hang-out" or sleeping quarters.
- The shuttle bus drivers and guards on board/conductors shall observe the norms of conduct and code of ethics of public servants. They shall comply with office rules and regulations and shall wear their uniforms and display their identification cards at all times.
10.1. Drop boxes for suggestions and/or comments/complaint shall be made available for the purpose to serve well the employees and personnel of the Office of the President-Proper and other authorized passengers.
- The shuttle bus drivers shall perform other duties that may be reasonably assigned by the Head of the Office from time to time.
SECTION 3. This Memorandum Order shall take effect immediately.
By authority of the President:
Executive Secretary
Manila, August 18, 2005(Sgd.) EDUARDO R. ERMITA
Executive Secretary