[ DPWH DEPARTMENT ORDER NO. 32, S. 2011, May 31, 2011 ]


It has been observed that there are implementing offices who submit Design Plans, Program of Work (POW) and Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC) for approval in the Central Office with incomplete supporting documents necessary in the review by the Bureau of Design and Bureau of Construction, such as: the absence of design analysis, geotechnical report, etc., to support the proposed plans and the absence of approved plans and specifications, Detailed Unit Price Analysis (DUPA), etc., to support the proposed Program of Work (POW) and Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC). Likewise,  there are plans and cost estimates which are disorderly presented, lack necessary information or contain excessive components of material, labor and equipment that are not within the prevailing rates and therefore, run counter with the guidelines set forth under D.O. No. 12, series of 2011 - Preparation of Approved Budget for the Contract and D.O. No. 56, series of 1995 - Quality of Plans.

Such improper submission results in delay in the processing of documents that consequently, delays project implementation. To avoid these delays therefore, it is reiterated to all concerned to strictly follow from hereon, the provisions outlined under D.O. 56, series of 1995 and D.O. No. 12, series of 2011 and to submit the complete supporting documents prescribed under D.O. No. 41, series of 2009 - Implementation of the Documents Tracking System for Civil Works Projects.

The following are additional guidelines to be followed:

A.    Plans

  1. To ensure accuracy and completeness of the plans and supporting documents, the implementing office shall review the plans prior to submission to the approving authority using the "Ready Checklist" for each project category, as shown in Annexes A-E; and
  2. The plans and supporting documents shall be submitted together with the duly accomplished "Ready Checklist."

B.    POW and ABC

  1. All items of work including special items and items of work in lump sum amount, with the exception of Provisional Sum, shall be supported with detailed unit price analysis, plans and specifications;

  2. The DUPA shall contain and/or be supported with the following:

    1. Model and capacity of equipment used;
    2. Labor rates derivation;
    3. Canvassed prices of materials;
    4. Derivation of the cost of materials delivered on site;
    5. Hauling Distance/Time Motion Analysis for items of work involving hauling materials;

  3. All non civil work items, such as: items of work under the Facilities for the Engineer and Other General Requirements, shall not be subject to a mark-up for Overhead, Contingencies and Miscellaneous (OCM);

  4. As for the provision however of Service Vehicle, under the Facilities for the Engineer, it shall not be subject to both contractor's profit and OCM, in accordance with D.O. No. 3, series of 2010-Guidelines on the Acquisition of Motor Vehicles for Use in Infrastructure Project Supervision;

  5. For ABC with more than two (2) pages, a summary page shall be provided reflecting the total cost per category and the total ABC. The name of the approving DPWH official shall be reflected in the summary page; and

  6. The submission of an electronic file for the ABC and DUPA is also hereby required.to facilitate the conduct of review/evaluation and the application of correction/s, if necessary.

This Order shall take effect immediately.

Adopted: 31 May 2011
