[ MTRCB MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR NO. 05-2011, August 25, 2011 ]


Pursuant to Section 3(a) of Presidential Decree No. 1986, the Movie and Television Review and Classification Board ("BOARD" for brevity) hereby amends Section 2, Chapter IV of the 2004 Implementing Rules and Regulations of P.D. 1986 regarding classification ratings for television programs.

Upon the effectivity of this Circular, all television programs are to be classified as GENERAL PATRONAGE ("G"); PARENTAL GUIDANCE ("PG"); STRONG PARENTAL GUIDANCE ("SPG"); and DISAPPROVED FOR AIRING ON TELEVISION ("X"). However, the Board will announce the actual implementation of "SPG" and its guidelines after the completion of a public awareness campaign.

For your proper information and guidance.

Adopted: 25 August 2011


Implementing Guidelines of Memorandum Circular No. 05-2011, Amending Section 2, Chapter IV of the 2004 Implementing Rules and Regulations of P.D. 1986

Pursuant to Section 3(a) of Presidential Decree No. 1986, the Movie and Television Review and Classification Board ("Board" for brevity), hereby enacts and promulgates the following rules as guidelines for the proper implementation of Memorandum Circular No. 05-2011:

Chapter I
Scope of Application

Section 1. Coverage. - These Rules shall cover all television programs, motion Pictures, and publicity materials for, or pertaining to, television broadcast including cable television service.

Section 2. All television programs must strictly comply with the classification rating herein prescribed, otherwise, they shall not be approved for television broadcast.

Chapter II
Definition of Terms

Section 1. Definition of Terms. - As used in these implementing guidelines, the following terms shall mean:

  1. Adult - Refers to any person who is eighteen (18) years of age or over.

  2. Board - Refers to the Movie and Television Review and Classification Board or to any of its Committees acting for and in behalf of the Board.

  3. Cable Television Service - Refers to the delivery of audiovisual material, whether by wire or wireless method, to subscribers for a consideration, whether in the form of subscription fee, membership fee, or its equivalent.

  4. Classification - Refer to the rating imposed by the Board on any motion picture, television or cable television programs, publicity materials and advertisements to determine audience suitability.

  5. Child - Refers to any person less than eighteen (18) years of age.

  6. Motion Picture - Refers to a series of pictures projected on screen in rapid succession, with objects shown in successive positions slightly changed so as to produce the optical effect of a continuous picture in which the objects move, whether the picture be black and white or colored, silent or with accompanying sound, on whatever medium and with whatever mechanisms or equipment they are projected, and in whatever material they are preserved or recorded for instant projection.

  7. Publicity Material - Refers to any audio or video material or a combination thereof of short duration [usually from five (5) seconds to thirty (30) seconds] that is shown on television designed to generate public interest in a television program, motion picture, people, place or product.

  8. Television Broadcast - Refers to the public exhibition by transmitting sound or images by television or similar equipment, including cable television, and other limited audience distribution.

  9. Television Program - Refers to any matter aired or broadcast on free television or cable television including but not limited to public affairs programs, live programs, advertisements, game shows, teleplays and motion pictures.

Chapter III
Television Classification

Section 1. Television Classification - All television programs are to be classified as GENERAL PATRONAGE ("G"); PARENTAL GUIDANCE ("PG"); STRONG PARENTAL GUIDANCE ("SPG"); and DISAPPROVED FOR AIRING ON TELEVISION ("X"). In classifying a television program, the Board shall consider the treatment of the following factors, theme, violence, language, nudity, sex, horror, illegal drugs and other elements.

Section 2. Guidelines for Television Classification - Applying contemporary Filipino cultural values as standard, the following are the guidelines for television classification:

A. GENERAL PATRONAGE ("G") - Suitable for all ages. Material for television, which in the judgment of the BOARD does not contain anything unsuitable for children.

A pictogram advisory accompanied by full-screen written and verbal advisory to the effect that the program is classified as "G" shall be broadcast for at least ten (10) seconds immediately before the opening credits of the particular television material. The text of the full-screen written advisory shall be written in font 15 of arial-narrow. The pictogram advi sory showing a capital letter "G" written on a green box with an MTRCB logo at the top and the phrase "General Patronage For All Viewers" at the bottom shall be clearly superimposed at the bottom right corner of the television screen throughout the entire showing of the program classified as such. The superimposed pictogram advisory shall be 45mm x 55mm in size. The suggested pictogram advisory and full-screen written and verbal advisory are as follows:



B. PARENTAL GUIDANCE ("PG") - Parental guidance suggested. Material for television, which, in the judgment of the BOARD, may contain some adult material that may be permissible for children to watch but only under the guidance and supervision of a parent or adult.

The "PG" classification advises parents to exercise parental responsibility in their children's viewing of the program. A pictogram advisory accompanied by full-screen written and verbal advisory to the effect that the program is classified as "Parental "Guidance" shall be broadcast for at least ten (10) seconds immediately before the opening credits of the particular television material classified as such. The text of the full-screen written advisory shall be written in font 15 of arial-narrow. The pictogram advisory showing a capital letter "PG" written on a blue box with an MTRCB logo on top and the phrase "Parental Guidance For Young Viewers" at the bottom shall be clearly superimposed at the bottom "ght corner of the television screen throughout the entire showing of the program classified as such. The superimposed pictogram advisory shall be 45mm x 55mm in size. The suggested pictogram advisory and full-screen written and verbal advisory are as follows:



The television program classified as "PG" must, in the judgment of the Board, meet the following criteria:

  1. THEME - More serious issues may be tackled but the treatment must be suitable to children below thirteen (13) years old.
  2. LANGUAGE - Very mild swear words only shall be allowed. Use of a strong expletive in a sexual context, or sexually-based expletives shall not be allowed. Neither shall prolonged and/or successive.use of expletives be allowed.
  3. NUDITY - Occasional natural nudity, with no sexual activity, is permissible.
  4. SEX - Graphic depiction of sexual activity shall not be permitted. Sexual activity may be implied but with no details shown.
  5. VIOLENCE - There should be no glamorization of weapons and crimes. No detail of fighting or other dangerous techniques. No detail or prolonged showing of violence or suffering. There should be a redeeming social value at the end.
  6. HORROR - Scary sequence must be mild and brief.
  7. DRUGS - There may only be implied depiction of prohibited drugs and/or substances or
    their use provided it does not condone, encourage or glamorize drug and /or substance use and it should be necessary to the theme and characterization.

C. STRONG PARENTAL GUIDANCE ("SPG") - Stronger and more vigilant parental guidance is suggested. Programs classified as "SPG" may contain more adult topic and theme, which may not be advisable for children to watch except under the vigilant guidance and presence of a parent or adult.

The "SPG" classification warns parents to exercise greater parental responsibility in their children's viewing of the program. A pictogram advisory accompanied by full-screen written and verbal advisory to the effect that the program is classified as "Strong Parental Guidance" shall be broadcast for at least ten (10) seconds immediately before the opening credits of the particular television material classified as such. The text of the full-screen written advisory shall be written in font 15 arial-narrow. The pictogram advisory showing a capital letter "SPG" written on a red box with an MTRCB logo at the top and the phrase "Strong Parental Guidance For Young Viewers" at the bottom shall be clearly superimposed at the bottom right corner of the television screen throughout the entire showing of the program classified as such. The superimposed pictogram advisory shall be 45mmx 55mm in size.

Midway in the full showing of the particular television material classified as "SPG", the pictogram advisory and the full screen written and verbal advisory shall again be shown or screen in the same way as in the opening credits

The suggested pictogram advisory and full-screen written and verbal advisory are as follows:



The Board shall announce the actual implementation of "SPG" and its guidelines after the completion of a public awareness campaign.

D. DISAPPROVED FOR AIRING ON TELEVISION ("X") - Any television program that does not conform to the "G", "PG" or "SPG" classification shall be disapproved for television broadcast. The material shall be disapproved for television broadcast if, in the judgment of the Board applying contemporary Filipino cultural values as standard, it is objectionable for being immoral, indecent, contrary to law and/or good customs, injurious to the prestige of the Republic of the Philippines or its people, or with a dangerous tendency to encourage the commission of violence, or of a wrong, or crime, such as but not limited to:

  1. The work depicts in a patently lewd, offensive, or demeaning manner, excretory functions, and sexual conduct such as sexual intercourse, masturbation and exhibition of the genitals.
  2. The work clearly constitutes an attack against any race, creed or religion.
  3. The work condones or encourages the use of illegal drugs and substances.
  4. The work tends to undermine the faith and confidence of the people in their government and/or duly constituted authorities.
  5. The work glorifies criminals or condones crimes.
  6. The work is libelous or defamatory to the good name and reputation of any person, whether living or dead.
  7. The work may constitute contempt of court of a quasi-judicial tribunal, or may pertain to matters, which are sub-judice in nature.

Chapter IV
Administrative Sanctions

Section 1. Any violation of this Memorandum Circular shall be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of Section 11 of P.D. 1986 and Chapter XIII of its 2004 Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations.

Chapter V
Separability Clause

Section 1. If for any reason any provision of this Circular is declared invalid or illegal, the other sections or provisions thereof shall not be affected and shall remain in full force.

Chapter VI

Section 1. These Implementing Rules and Regulations shall take effect after fifteen (15) days following their publication in a newspaper of general circulation and filed with the Administrative Registrar in the University of the Philippines Law Center, as required under the Administrative Code of 1987.

APPROVED by the Movie and Television Review and Classification Board, in a meeting called for the purpose, on 25 August 2011.

Submitted and certified correct by:
Board Member
Chairperson, Committee on TV Classification Rating
Noted by:
Vice Chairperson