[ EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 629, June 21, 2007 ]
WHEREAS, there is a need to provide infrastructures for more efficient and cheaper transportation of inputs and outputs of the industrial goods to make them globally competitive;
WHEREAS, one of the major infrastructure projects that is necessary is the provision of an international container port complex that would include an airport and seaport in Sangley Point, Cavite City which would maximize the economic utility of the R-I Expressway Extension now undergoing construction;
WHEREAS, the viability of the Project to a large extent will be enhanced by the enabling reclamation in the portions of Bacoor and Ca acao Bays to provide a significant expansion district to the limited land area of Cavite City;
WHEREAS, the Philippine Reclamation Authority is the government agency vested with the power to approve reclamation projects under Executive Order No. 543 dated 24 June 2006 and undertake infrastructure and facilities in the reclamation area by virtue of Presidential Decree No. 1084, as amended;
WHEREAS, the planning, implementation and operation of the Project shall demand the multi-disciplinary expertise and experience that shall be tapped from various government agencies and the private sector;
WHEREAS, the City and Provincial Governments of Cavite in the past were supportive of this Project to enhance the development of Cavite City and provide employment to the residents of the Province of Cavite;
WHEREAS, the government encourages private sector initiatives in the implementation of its project.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, GLORIA MACAPAGAL ARROYO, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by law, do hereby order the following:
SECTION 1. There is hereby Created the Executive Committee for the Development of Sangley Point into an International Logistic Hub to oversee the planning and implementation of the Project, composed of the following:
Chairman |
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Philippine Reclamation Authority |
Co-Chairman |
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Representative of the Office of the Mayor of Cavite City |
Members |
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Department of Transportation and Communications |
Department of National Defense |
National Economic and Development Authority |
Department of Trade and Industry |
Department of Environment and Natural Resources |
Department of Public Works and Highways |
Philippine Economic Zone Authority |
SEC. 2. The Philippine Reclamation Authority is hereby directed to develop the Sangley Point into an International Logistics Hub with Container Port and Airport Complex and an Economic Processing Zone with Cyber or Technoparks through a private sector joint venture or Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) scheme.
SEC. 3. An Inter-Agency Technical Committee composed of technical representatives of the Executive Committee shall assist the Philippine Reclamation Authority in the evaluation of joint venture/BOT project proposals, monitoring of the actual development/implementation of the Project, assist in the resolution of all issues and problems arising in the project to ensure all aspects of development from relocation of informal settlers/livelihood program, waste management, environmental aspects, reclamation and port development, drainage facilities are in conformance with existing laws and engineering standards.
SEC. 4. Responsibilities. Subject to existing and pertinent laws, rules and regulations, the agencies shall be given specific responsibilities in line with their respective expertise, powers and functions which shall include but not limited to the following:
a. Evaluation of project proponents who will be invited to submit joint venture/BOT proposals which would include the preparation of the feasibility studies, engineering design, land use plan, environmental studies, soil investigation, tidal studies, hydrographic plans and other ancillary tasks, as well as financing and undertaking of the project;
b. Conduct of selection/bidding process, evaluation of legal, financial, technical and environmental aspects of the submitted proposals and shall recommend to the President of the Philippines the most advantageous bid/offer;
c. Conduct regular consultation meetings with the local residents to apprise them of the plan;
d. Facilitating the titling of the reclaimed lands;
e. Evaluating the environmental impact study of the proponent for the issuance of the Environmental Clearance Certificate; and
f. Other functions/responsibilities as may be pertinent or necessary to achieve the objectives of this E.O
SEC. 5. Effectivity. This Executive Order shall take effect immediately.
Done in the City of Manila, this 21st day of June, in the year of our Lord, Two Thousand and Seven.
By the President:
Executive Secretary