[ EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 374, October 30, 1989 ]


WHEREAS, the integrated area development (IAD) was adopted to provide a systematic and comprehensive strategy to ensure synchronized delivery of packaged development programs of the government;

WHEREAS, in line with the policy on administrative decentralization and regionalization as expressed in Article X, Section 14 of the Constitution, the newly reorganized Regional Development Councils (RDCs) and the local government units (LGUs) have been strengthened to make them more effective instruments and partners in the process of regional development;

WHEREAS, specific elements of decentralization now render feasible the shift in the institutional arrangements for the IADs, where the RDCs and LGUs concerned may now assume active responsibility and authority over the same; and

WHEREAS, Republic Act No. 6688 authorizes the Secretary of Budget and Management to oversee and determine the status and future of IAD Projects and tasks the same department with the winding-up activities and disposition of IAD Program/Project Offices (IADPOs);

NOW, THEREFORE, I, CORAZON C. AQUINO, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by law, do hereby order:

SECTION 1. Disposition of the Bicol River Basin Development Program Office (BRBDPO), Bohol Integrated Area Development Project Office (BIADPO. Cagayan Integrated Agricultural Development Project Office (CIADPO) Mindoro Integrated Rural Development Office (MIRDO), and Samar Integrated Rural Development Project Office (SIRDPO). The BRBDPO, BIADPO, CIADPO, MIRDO, and SIRDPO are hereby abolished and their respective functions as herein indicated are transferred to the following agencies/functionaries, viz.:
  1. BRBDPO:
  1. To the RDC of Region V (Bicol Region):
  1. Coordination of the planning and management of the Bicol River Basin Development Program;

  2. Monitoring and evaluation of the overall progress and effects of project implementation in the Bicol River Basin;

  3. Promotion and encouragement of private enterprises and government agencies and instrumentalities to plan, develop, and implement projects necessary or conducive to the accelerated development of the Bicol River Basin area;

  4. Generation of support for the Bicol River Basin Development Program within and outside the Philippines on the form of grants and donation of funds, equipment, materials, and technical assistance.
  1. To the respective Governors of Camarines Sur and Albay:
  1. Identification of rural development projects in their respective areas that may be included in the Bicol River Basin Development Program, for approval of the Regional Development Council.
Preparation of feasibility studies for identified projects within their jurisdiction as authorized by the Regional Development Council.

Monitoring and evaluation of the status of provincial-based activity components of Bicol River Basin projects;
  1. Performance of other functions as may be directed by the Regional Development Council.
  1. BIADPO: To the Governor of Bohol.

  2. CIADPO: To the Governor of Cagayan.

  3. MIRDO: To the RDC of Region IV with respect to regional or multi-provincial IAD projects and to the respective Governors of Oriental Mindoro and Occidental Mindoro with respect to single province projects.

  4. SIRDPO: To the RDC of Region VIII with respect to regional or multi-provincial IAD projects and to the respective Governors of Samar, Eastern Samar, and Northern Samar with respect to single province projects.
SECTION 2. Interim Arrangement. Upon approval of this Executive Order and pending implementation of the reorganization, the officers and employees of the abolished IADPOs shall, in a holdover capacity, continue to perform their respective duties and responsibilities and receive the corresponding salaries and benefits.

SECTION 3. Separation Benefits. All qualified personnel affected by such abolition shall receive the retirement benefits to which they may be entitled under existing law, rules and regulations. Otherwise, they shall be paid separation gratuity equivalent to one-month basic salary for every year of service or the equivalent nearest fraction thereof favorable to them on the basis of the highest salary received, but in no case shall such payment exceed the equivalent of 12 months salary. In addition, they shall be paid the money value of their accumulated vacation and sick leave credits.

SECTION 4. Funding. Funds needed to carry out the provisions of this Executive Order shall be taken from the corresponding budgetary outlay for IADPOs under the Department of Budget and Management, as authorized under the General Appropriations Act for FY 1989.

SECTION 5. Implementing Authority of the Department of Budget and Management. The Secretary of Budget and Management, in consultation with the Program Director or his equivalent of the abolished IADPOs, shall issue such rules, regulations, guidelines, and other issuances as may be necessary to ensure the effective implementation of the provisions of this Executive Order.

SECTION 6. The Department of Budget and Management in coordination with the National Economic and Development Authority shall ensure that agencies concerned observe strictly all the terms and conditions embodied in Loan Agreements executed between the foreign funding institutions and the Philippine Government involving IAD projects.

SECTION 7. Suppletory Application of Existing Issuances. The provisions of Executive Order No. 363, series of 1989, and other issuances not inconsistent with this Executive Order shall have suppletory effect.

SECTION 8. Repealing Clause. All orders, rules, regulations, other issuances or parts thereof, which are inconsistent with this Executive Order, are hereby repealed or modified accordingly.

SECTION 9. Effectivity Clause. This Executive Order shall take effect immediately on approval.

DONE in the City of Manila, this 30th day of October, in the year of Our Lord, Nineteen Hundred and Eighty-Nine


By the President:

Executive Secretary