[ PHILRACOM Resolution No. 14-15, March 30, 2015 ]
Date Filed: 31 March 2015
WHEREAS, under Presidential Decree No. 420, the Philippine Racing Commission has the jurisdiction and control over all aspects of the conduct of horse-racing, including the framing and scheduling of races, the construction and safety of horse-racing, the allocation of prizes and the security of racing.
WHEREAS, pursuant to the mandate of the Philracom under PD No. 420, the Philracom Board of Commissioners, acting upon the concerns of industry stakeholders, sees the necessity of creating Pre-Inspection Guidelines to help determine the health and fitness of horses before the races;
WHEREAS, the creation of the said Pre-Inspection Guidelines will help reduce the risk of accidents in the racetrack that could lead to injuries and disability of jockeys and even to horses and will avoid delays in refuse to ride cases;
NOW THEREFORE, it BE RESOLVED, as it is hereby RESOLVED by the Philracom Board of Commissioners to adopt the Pre-Inspection Guidelines as follows:
- All horses running for the day, including those in the official barrier trials, shall be required to undergo pre-race inspection. The Club shall provide a trotting path approximately 10-15 meters long and 2 meters wide for this purpose.
- The inspection shall be done by the Club Veterinarian two races or one (1) hour before its scheduled run under the supervision of the Commission Veterinarian.
- The owner, trainer or an authorized representative is required to be present during the inspection.
- If for whatever reason, the owner/trainer/representative refuses to allow the Club Veterinarian to conduct pre-race inspection on the horse, the entry shall be withdrawn from the race. A form shall be made available to be signed by the owner/trainer/representative regarding this case. In such cases, the PHILRACOM Board shall impose a penalty on the concerned party.
- The Club Veterinarian shall conduct the examination in the following manner:
- Visual Examination - To check the general condition of the horse. Any abnormal findings that may affect the horse s performance as determined by the veterinarians shall be ground for its withdrawal from the race. Any other findings shall be recorded in the inspection form provided for future reference.
- Active Examination
- Trotting - initial procedure to check for any abnormality in gait. If positive for lameness, the horse is automatically scratched from the race.
If lameness is not apparent or is inconsistent, the veterinarian shall perform the following:
- Hoof Testing
- Palpation
- Flexion Test
- Trotting - initial procedure to check for any abnormality in gait. If positive for lameness, the horse is automatically scratched from the race.
In some instances, the veterinarians may require the assigned jockey to mount and trot the horse to observe its gait when carrying weight.
Jockeys may also request to mount their horses and have it checked by the veterinarians.
In the event that a jockey refuses to ride a horse that has been cleared fit to run by the veterinarians, the owner/ trainer/ representative shall be allowed to assign a replacement rider. In such cases, the Commission may summon the original rider for an inquiry on the matter.
- Visual Examination - To check the general condition of the horse. Any abnormal findings that may affect the horse s performance as determined by the veterinarians shall be ground for its withdrawal from the race. Any other findings shall be recorded in the inspection form provided for future reference.
- The trainer/representative of a horse found lame during the pre-race inspection shall be notified of the findings on the horse. The horse shall then be withdrawn from the race.
- All decisions by the Club Veterinarian must be concurred in by the Commission Veterinarian. The decision is final and non-appealable. Presentation of a veterinary certificate from an accredited veterinarian shall not be accepted.
In the event that a jockey refuses to ride a horse that has been cleared by the veterinarians to be fit to run, he must inform the Board of Stewards of his refusal and the reason thereof at the earliest possible time to avoid delaying the race, thus:
- Before race 1, the Jockeys must inform the Board of Stewards that he is not willing to ride the horse to which he has been assigned;
- During pre-inspection, jockeys shall already request to inspect the horse and if he is not willing to ride the same, immediately ask for a replacement jockey;
- Jockeys must immediately request the Veterinarians on duty to have their horses inspected upon reaching the starting gate whenever the need arises.
Indefinite suspension but for not less than 10 days, should pass one barrier trial and must secure a clearance from the Regulation and Licensing Division (RLD) before declaration in a regular race.
Three (3) months suspension, should pass one barrier trial and must secure a clearance from the Regulation and Licensing Division (RLD) before declaration in a regular race.
- Horses that were suspended in the pre-race inspection due to lameness and failed the barrier trial due again to lameness shall be given a suspension of three (3) months.
- The three-month suspension shall be included in the count of vacation.
It is the duty of the trainer to see to it that all horses declared by him are fit to race. As such, the trainers of horses found lame during pre-race inspection shall be given a penalty as follows;
1st offense : |
Warning |
2nd and succeeding offenses on the same horse |
Fine of One Thousand Pesos (P1,000.00) |
RESOLVED FURTHER, that a copy of this resolution be published in the Official Gazette and the Kopya as well as be furnished the Racing Clubs, Trainer s Association, Horse owners Associations, Jockey s Association and other stakeholders of the industry and be made effective starting May 1, 2015.
RESOLVED FINALLY, to direct the Executive Director to prepare implementing rules and regulations of these guidelines for the approval of the Board and that such implementing rules and regulations be immediately published upon approval thereof.
APPROVED AND SIGNED by the undersigned Chairman and Commissioners of the Philippine Racing Commission, this 30 th day of March at Makati City, Philippines.
(SGD) HON. BIENVENIDO C. NILES, JR. Commissioner |
(SGD) HON. LYNDON NOEL B. GUCE Commissioner |