[ GSIS RESOLUTION NO. 166, October 25, 2012 ]
WHEREAS, Section 41(u) was implemented for Social Insurance transactions through Policies and Procedural Guidelines (PPG) No. 151-99 (approved under Board Resolution No. 4 dated 11 January 1999), which was later amended by PPG No. 180-05 (approved under Board Resolution No. 53 dated 30 May 2005) in line with the adoption of the electronic remittance file (ERF) system;
WHEREAS, none of the remitting agencies have qualified for the extra remuneration for Social Insurance transactions since 2009;
WHEREAS, there is a need to review PPG No. 180-05 to clarify the purposes for which the extra remuneration may be used;
RESOLVED, to REVOKE, for further study, PPG No. 180-05, Revised Guidelines in the Payment of Extra Remuneration to Collecting and Remitting Offices (2005).