[ PHLPost Circular No. 15-18, April 28, 2015 ]
Date Filed: 06 May 2015
All applicants for the new Postal ID are required to submit anyone (1) of the following primary identification documents as proof of identity: (1) Original Birth Certificate in security paper (SECPA) issued by the NSO; (2) Original Birth Certificate of Certificate of Live Birth issued by the LCR within six (6) months prior to PlD application; (3) Valid GSIS UMID card; (4) Valid SSS UMID Card; (5) Valid passport; or (6) Valid LTO Driver s License.
Item 4.4 of the PHLPost Circular No 14-85B (Amended Requirement, Guidelines and Procedures for the New Postal Identification Card) dated 12 March 2015 states that in the event the applicant refuses to surrender the original copies of Birth Certificate, Marriage Certificate, CENOMAR and other documents from NSO, LCR, etc., the applicant shall submit a photocopy of the same together with original documents for Certification by the Postmaster and applicant to read as follows:
This is to certify that this is a verified photocopy from the original
and signed by both the Postmaster and the Applicant.
Further, No certification fee shall be collected by Post Offices.
PHLPost reserves the right to impose administrative, civil or criminal charges to erring postal personnel and/or PlD holders for violations of this issuance as well as to the terms and conditions of the PlD Card.
All Postmasters are strictly required to adhere to this guideline.
For your guidance and compliance.
Postmaster General and CEO