[ POEA Memorandum Circular No. 14, s. 2011, December 22, 2011 ]
Date Filed: 03 January 2012
Pursuant to POEA Governing Board Resolution No. 10, Series of 2011 which lowered the alert level on Libya from alert Level 4 to alert Level 2, effectively allowing the gradual re-deployment of returning workers to the said country, the following guidelines governing the documentation of returning OFWs based in Libya are hereby issued;
A. Coverage
These guidelines shall apply only to the following returning workers:
- Those working in the medical and oil sectors who have been repatriated due to the armed conflict in Libya and who are returning to work with the same employer; and
- Those who come home for vacation and are returning to an existing employment in the medical and oil sectors under a valid contract of employment.
B. Restrictions
The following are not covered under the partial lifting of the worker deployment ban:
- New hires.
- Those returning to work in sectors other than medical and oil sectors.
- Those returning to work in medical and oil sectors but not under the same employment contract or the same employer.
C. Requirements for Processing of travel exit clearance
- Passport valid at least 6 months from date of return to jobsite;
- Valid employment visa or equivalent document;
- Recall order from employer;
- Proof of previous employment with the same employer (such as employment contract, pay slip, or equivalent document);
- Valid employment contract; and
- Proof of the mandatory/compulsory insurance coverage (for agency hires earlier deployed without insurance coverage.
These guidelines shall take effect immediately.