[ BLR (DOH) BUREAU ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER No. 3, s. 1991, July 15, 1991 ]
Some hospitals submit their application for renewal during the last quarter of the year and a few of them even submit a year after. Such practice is a violation of RA. 4226, otherwise known as the Hospital Licensure Law and its implementing Rules and Regulations, therefore, shall no longer be tolerated.
For the information and guidance of all concerned, the following policies have been adopted by the Bureau of Licensing and Regulation. The licensing period shall remain from January to March of each year, however, late applications shall still be accepted on the following conditions:
1. Applications received between April 1 to May 31 shall be fined for P200.00.
2. Applications received from June 1 to 30 shall be fined P50.00 more in addition to the P200.00 of No. 1 above.
3. Nos. 1 and 2 above shall be given a license retroactive to January 01.
4. Applications received starting July 1st but not later than December 15th shall still be accepted and shall be fined as in Nos. 1 and 2 above, and an additional P50 per month thereafter. However, the license that shall be issued shall have a validity period starting only from the date of receipt of the complete application paper by the licensing agency ending on December 31. In no case shall an application for the previous year be accepted.
5. License fee for the previous year including fines due in addition to the current fees shall be paid before the license for the current year may be processed and issued.
6. A license not renewed for two years shall be considered lapsed and its registration shall be cancelled. Therefore, the hospitai has to apply for registration and a new license before It can be allowed to operate.
This policy shall take effect immediately.
Adopted: 15 July 1991
Undersecretary of Health
Standards and Regulation