[ DECS ORDER NO. 57, May 27, 1991 ]
2. Towards the implementation of the Tuition Fee Waiver, the following guidelines, as approved by the State Assistance Council (SAC), shall be strictly implemented starting School Year 1991-1992, as follows:
a. Principals of both public and private high schools charging less than one thousand five hundred pesos (P1,500.00) per student per year as of school year 1990-1991, or such amount in subsequent years as may be determined by the SAC, shall submit to the Schools Division Superintendent the lists of graduates of School Year 1990-1991 on or before May 30, 1991.
b. Registrars of private schools concerned shall submit to the division not later than July 15, 1991 the lists of student beneficiaries granted the tuition fee waiver, duly certified by the school head and properly notarized.
c. The GASTPE Division Coordinator counterchecks the lists submitted by the Registrars with the lists submitted by the principal of both public and private high schools.
d. The GASTPE Division Coordinator validates the lists submitted by the private school registrars and forwards the same to the Regional Office, not later than August 15, 1991.
e. DECSRO reviews lists submitted by the division and certifies that the private schools concerned have complied with the requirements.
f. Full tuition waivers shall be granted to 20% of the total 5% of freshmen entitled to tuition waiver, without prejudice to the discretion of the school to give more than 20%. This number may include valedictorians, other honor students, and full scholars of the school such as athletes and the like, provided that they fall within the provision of Section 8 (R.A. 6728) cited in No. 1 above. Half tuition waivers shall be granted to 80% of the 5%.
3. Sanctions - In case of any violation of the provisions of the above mentioned guidelines, DECS, upon recommendation of the State Assistance Council (SAC), may bar the institution from participating in or benefitting from the programs of the Department, without prejudice to administrative and criminal charges as may be filed against the school and/or its responsible officers under existing laws.
4. Immediate and wide dissemination of this Order is enjoined.
Adopted: 27 May 1991