[ DECS ORDER NO. 98, August 20, 1991 ]
a. Coverage
1. Students: (a) All students presently enrolled in the elementary and high school levels can avail themselves of the student fare discounts from public utility buses (PUBs) and public utility jeepneys (PUJs) on school days, i.e., Mondays-Fridays.
(b) All students presently enrolled in the collegiate level and those enrolled in vocational and technical schools can avail themselves of the SFP from Mondays-Saturdays.
(c) Students attending dancing and driving schools, schools of culinary arts, and short-term courses of seminar type are not covered by the SFP privilege.
2. Public Utilities: Buses, mini-buses, and jeepneys are covered by the directive. In the case of buses, the discount will apply only to ordinary buses.
b. Discount - (1) A student fare of 25% discount is strictly enforced this school year. The minimum fare of P1.50 for the first fourth kilometers, for example, is reduced to P1.15.
2. Philippine Air Lines (PAL) has an ongoing 15% discount afforded to students. discount privileges are available directly from all PAL offices throughout the country.
c. Procedure - A student must wear a valid ID issued by the school in which he/she is enrolled, duly signed by the registrar. The ID shall be plastic-sealed, with his or her picture in it and validated for the school year term/semester in which the discount is availed of.
In case of loss of an ID, a duplicate may be issued by the school.
d. Transportation Operators - (1)All drivers and conductors of PUBs and PUJs have been ordered by LTO/LTFRB to honor student fare discounts on school days.
2. Transportation operators/ employers have been asked by LTFRB to comply with the directive.
e. Complaints - Complaint forms are available at local LTO and LTFRB offices (list of Regional LTO and LTFRB offices attached) and may be reproduced by schools (sample form inclosed). All complaints of students shall be lodged with school officials in charge of student affairs in each school. the school shall take up the matter to LTO/LTFRB officials.
f. Violations/Penalties - (1) Corresponding sanctions or penalties will be meted out to the violators of LTFRB Memorandum Circular No. 87-0010 (upon which the Student Fare Program is based).
2. [For] Refusal to honor the fare rate to students presenting their ID cards, the drivers, conductors, or inspectors will be given the following penalties:
First Offense: suspension of license for three (3) months of drivers, conductors, or inspectors.
Second Offense: suspension of license for six (6) months.
Third Offense: suspension of license for nine (9) months.
Fourth Offense: one year suspension.
3. Refusal by drivers, conductors, or inspectors to honor the SFP upon instructions by their operators and employers, the latter will be given the following penalties:
First Offense - a fine of P1,000.00
Second Offense - a fine of P2,000.00
Third Offense - a fine of P3,000.00
Fourth Offense - suspension of license to operate for fifteen (15) days in the route which the offender plies.
g. Proper authorities and all persons deputized by the LTO shall assist in the enforcement of these guidelines.
2. In this connection, it is requested that the necessary steps be taken such as designating the personnel concerned in every school to facilitate the issuance of the school ID, lodging of complaints and enabling the students to avail themselves of the fare discount immediately.
3. DECS regional and division offices and LTO-LTFRB authorities shall conduct information dissemination and monitoring. Mrs. Norma B. Bernardo, Information Officer IV, Technical Service shall coordinate activities in information dissemination and monitoring in Metro Manila in coordination with the regional and division offices of the National Capital Region.
4. Immediate dissemination of this Memorandum is desired.
Adopted: 20 Aug. 1991