[ MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR NO. 18, April 21, 2017 ]

Upon the recommendation of the Association of Southeast asian Nations (ASEAN) 2017 National Organizing Council - Office of the Director-General for Operations and the Metro Manila Development Authority, work in the government and private sectors in the following areas on the dates indicated below is ereby suspended in view of the activities directly connected with the Philippine hosting of the 30th ASEAN Summit:

Area/Locality Sector Date
PICC Complex, Pasay City Government 24-30 April 2017
CCP Complex, Pasay City Government 28-30 April 2017
Cities of Pasay, Makati and Manila Government 27 April 2017

To ensure uninterrupted delivery of public service, transactions with front line government offices, located inside the PICC and CCP Complex, may be processed in other business and/or satellite offices of said agencies.

Government agencies involved in the delivery of basic services, including security and safety, health, and preparedness, and those directly involved in the conduct of various ASEAN meetings and related activities, shall remain open and perform their normal functions.

The suspension of work in the private sector and in places other than those indicated above is left to the discretion of their respective local government units and/or employers based on their assessment of the scheduled activities from 24-30 April 2017, and the security and traffic management plan which shall be implemented on the said dates.

Further, classes in public and private educational institutions at all levels in Metro Manila are also suspended on 28 April 2017, while the suspension of classes in the cities of Pasay, Makati and Manila on 27 April 2017 shall be left to the discretion of their respective heads.

This Circular shall take effect immediately.

Manila, Philippines, 21 April 2017.


By authority of the President:

      Executive Secretary