[ EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 297, December 24, 1949 ]


By virtue of the powers vested in me by Republic Act No. 330, entitled œAn Act authorizing the president of the Philippines to establish a system of import control by regulating imports of non-essential and; luxury articles, creating an import control board, authorizing the issuance of rules and regulations to carry into effect such control and penalizing violations of this act,  I, Elpidio Quirino, President of the Philippines, do hereby order:

SECTION 1. Appendices A and/or R of Executive Order No, 295 are hereby amended as follows: Insert œexcept oranges and apples  after œall fresh and frozen fruits  in item No. 17.1 and after item 17.3 insert 17.4 orange and apples with a percentage cut of 30 per cent; item No. 20.1 from 90 per cent to 60 per cent; item No. 20.3 from 90 per cent to 60 per cent; item No. 20.4 coffee (ground or as candy) from 90 per cent to 50 per cent; insert in item No. 23.2 the words œcorned beef and  between œexcept  and œthose ; item No, 21.S delete the word œhams  and insert œexcept hams  after the words œand the like ; change the cut in item No. 21.6 from 80 percent to 70 percent; insert item No. 21.8 coined beef with a percentage cut of 50 per cent; insert item 21.9 hams with a percentage cut of 60 per cent; delete item No. 22.5; insert the words œand salmon  after œexcept sardines  in item No. 23.1; insert œand salmon  after œsardines  in item No. 23.4 and change percentage cut to ceiling instead of 50 per cent; insert œQuaker oats  between the words œexcept  and œthose,: in item No. 24.3; delete œwheat flour  and insert œQuaker oats  in item 24,8-with a percentage cut of 30 per cent; insert the words œplastic raincoats, garments  between œbelts  and œnovelties  in item No. 25.6; delete œcardboards (any weight) and boxes  and in lieu thereof insert œchipboard (from No. 40 to No. 70)  in item No. 27.3; delete from item 27.4 the words œwallboards and ; insert item No. 27.5 bond, writing and tablet paper, any weight, white or colored-80 per cent; change item No. 29.3 to read œwall and floor tiles except white glazed tiles ; reduce the percentage cut of item No. 33.3 matches from 95 per cent to 60 per cent; delete the word œprohibited  and insert 90 per cent in lieu thereof in item No. 33.7; insert item 33.8 wallboards-95 per, cent; insert item 33.39 gas or kerosene refrigerators-50 per cent; and insert item 33.40 commercial hydrochloric acid (muriatic acid)-95 per cent.

SEC. 2. Articles or materials included in Appendix A which are necessary for the operation of locally established industries, as determined by the Import Control Board, shall not be subject to the percentage reductions fixed in Appendix B, but the manufacturer shall apply for import permits therefor.

SEC. 3. This Order shall take effect on December 1, 1949 except the control on new items added herein which shall take effect upon the promulgation of this Order.

Done in the City of Manila, this 24th day of December, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and forty-nine, and of the independence of the Philippines, the fourth.

President of the Philippines

By the President:
Acting Executive Secretary