[ PHILHEALTH CIRCULAR NO. 0001, S. 2014, January 09, 2014 ]


Adopted: 09 January 2014
Date Filed: 17 February 2014

Pursuant to Section 18 of the Implementing Rules and Regulations of the National Health Insurance Act of 2013 which states that œThe monthly premium contribution of employed members shall be remitted by the employer on or before the date prescribed by the Corporation,  the payment schedule for the applicable month starting March 2014 onwards for the Formal Sector, specifically all Government and Private Employers, is hereby revised as follows:

New Payment Schedule
Every 10th day of the month following the applicable period
Employers with PENs ending in 0 - 4
Every 11th - 15th day of the month following the applicable period
Employers with PENs ending in 5 - 9
Every 16th - 20th day of the month following the applicable period

Submission of reports shall be within five (5) days after payment. Consistent to PhilHealth Circular No. 27 s.2010, should the date due fall on a weekend or on a holiday, payment and report submission shall be made on the next working day.

Furthermore, Section 11 of the same law prescribes that œFailure to remit the appropriate contribution shall be subject to interest and penalties as prescribed by the Corporation without prejudice to other applicable penalties ... 

Provisions of previous issuances inconsistent with the abovementioned provisions are hereby repealed and/or amended accordingly.

This Circular shall take effect fifteen (15) days after publication in the Official Gazette or in any newspaper of general circulation and deposited thereafter with the National Administrative Register at the University of the Philippine, Law Center.

President and CEO