[ EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 7, July 05, 1992 ]
WHEREAS, it is the policy of the State to further decentralize the operations of government down to the field in order to effectively ensure the delivery of basic services to the people;
WHEREAS, under the Administrative Code of 1987, the President has the continuing authority to reorganize the Office of the President and to transfer functions from one agency to another;
WHEREAS, this policy is implemented by, among others, grouping local government units and regions into areas of responsibility in order to allow greater coordination and more efficient administration;
NOW, THEREFORE, I, FIDEL V. RAMOS, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me, do hereby order:
Section 1. Extension Offices. - There are hereby created extension offices of the Office of the President in Mindanao and Visayas, which shall be located in Davao City and Cebu City, respectively. They shall be headed by a Presidential Assistant for Mindanao and Visayas, who shall be the personal representative of the President in the Mindanao and Visayas, respectively.
The PA for Mindanao shall likewise be the Chairman of the Mindanao Economic Development Council created pursuant to Executive Order No. 512.
Sec. 2. Functions, Powers and Responsibilities of the PA. - The PA shall have the following functions, powers, and responsibilities:
1. Monitor the planning and implementation of critical development programs and projects in his area of responsibility. He shall anticipate and where necessary step in to resolve any bottlenecks that may arise in the planning or implementation of critical development programs and projects. He is vested with presidential authority to call upon any agency of the government and coordinate with local government units (LGUs) to undertake actions deemed necessary to attain the development objectives of the area;
2 Provide assistance to local government units (LGUs) for matters requiring the attention of the Office of the President (OP) and other national government agencies;
3. Report regularly to the OP on the status of development programs and projects and make recommendations on any action that should be taken by the National Government to accelerate development efforts in his area of responsibility;
4. Act as the chief coordinator in the field of Presidential visits, consultations and other activities of the President in his area of responsibility;
5. Act as liaison officer between the various sectors in his area of responsibility and the OP; and
6. Perform such other functions and duties as the President may assign from time to time
Sec. 3. Operating Principles. - Consistent with the Local Government Code of 1991, the PA shall not be another layer in the bureaucracy. He shall not duplicate the regular functions of any government agency, LGUs or regional bodies/councils such as the Regional Development Council, the Peace and Order Council, and the Regional Disaster Coordinating Council. He shall, however, attend the meetings of these regional bodies.
Sec. 4. Technical and Administrative Support. - The PA shall be provided with technical and administrative support by the field offices of the PMS, including its attached agencies. The PA may, however, call upon any government agency, government corporations and LGUs in his area of responsibility for such assistance that he may need.
Sec. 5. Budget. - The extension offices shall each be provided with a budget, the amount of which shall be determined and approved by the President. Appropriations for succeeding years shall be incorporated in the budget proposal of the OP.
Sec. 6. Repealing Clause. - All orders, issuances, rules and regulations and other issuances or parts thereof which are inconsistent with this Executive Order are hereby repealed or modified accordingly.
Sec. 7. Effectivity. - This Executive Order shall take effect immediately.
DONE in the City of Davao, Philippines, this 5th day of July, in the year of Our Lord, Nineteen Hundred and Ninety Two.
By the President:
Acting Executive Secretary
WHEREAS, under the Administrative Code of 1987, the President has the continuing authority to reorganize the Office of the President and to transfer functions from one agency to another;
WHEREAS, this policy is implemented by, among others, grouping local government units and regions into areas of responsibility in order to allow greater coordination and more efficient administration;
NOW, THEREFORE, I, FIDEL V. RAMOS, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me, do hereby order:
Section 1. Extension Offices. - There are hereby created extension offices of the Office of the President in Mindanao and Visayas, which shall be located in Davao City and Cebu City, respectively. They shall be headed by a Presidential Assistant for Mindanao and Visayas, who shall be the personal representative of the President in the Mindanao and Visayas, respectively.
The PA for Mindanao shall likewise be the Chairman of the Mindanao Economic Development Council created pursuant to Executive Order No. 512.
Sec. 2. Functions, Powers and Responsibilities of the PA. - The PA shall have the following functions, powers, and responsibilities:
1. Monitor the planning and implementation of critical development programs and projects in his area of responsibility. He shall anticipate and where necessary step in to resolve any bottlenecks that may arise in the planning or implementation of critical development programs and projects. He is vested with presidential authority to call upon any agency of the government and coordinate with local government units (LGUs) to undertake actions deemed necessary to attain the development objectives of the area;
2 Provide assistance to local government units (LGUs) for matters requiring the attention of the Office of the President (OP) and other national government agencies;
3. Report regularly to the OP on the status of development programs and projects and make recommendations on any action that should be taken by the National Government to accelerate development efforts in his area of responsibility;
4. Act as the chief coordinator in the field of Presidential visits, consultations and other activities of the President in his area of responsibility;
5. Act as liaison officer between the various sectors in his area of responsibility and the OP; and
6. Perform such other functions and duties as the President may assign from time to time
Sec. 3. Operating Principles. - Consistent with the Local Government Code of 1991, the PA shall not be another layer in the bureaucracy. He shall not duplicate the regular functions of any government agency, LGUs or regional bodies/councils such as the Regional Development Council, the Peace and Order Council, and the Regional Disaster Coordinating Council. He shall, however, attend the meetings of these regional bodies.
Sec. 4. Technical and Administrative Support. - The PA shall be provided with technical and administrative support by the field offices of the PMS, including its attached agencies. The PA may, however, call upon any government agency, government corporations and LGUs in his area of responsibility for such assistance that he may need.
Sec. 5. Budget. - The extension offices shall each be provided with a budget, the amount of which shall be determined and approved by the President. Appropriations for succeeding years shall be incorporated in the budget proposal of the OP.
Sec. 6. Repealing Clause. - All orders, issuances, rules and regulations and other issuances or parts thereof which are inconsistent with this Executive Order are hereby repealed or modified accordingly.
Sec. 7. Effectivity. - This Executive Order shall take effect immediately.
DONE in the City of Davao, Philippines, this 5th day of July, in the year of Our Lord, Nineteen Hundred and Ninety Two.
President of the Philippines
President of the Philippines
By the President:
Acting Executive Secretary