[ EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 170, April 20, 1994 ]
WHEREAS, Presidential Decree No. 824, as amended by Presidential Decree No. 1274, created the Metropolitan Manila Commission, among others, to establish and operate a transport and traffic center which shall direct traffic activities;
WHEREAS, Presidential Decree No. 1605 vested the Metropolitan Manila Commission, among others, the power to impose fines and otherwise discipline drivers and operators of motor vehicles for violations of traffic laws, ordinances, rules and regulations in Metropolitan Manila and transferred the powers of the Land Transportation Commission and the Board of Transportation over such violations and punishment to the Metropolitan Manila Commission;
WHEREAS, Executive Order No. 392 dated January 9, 1990, among others, constituted the Metropolitan Manila Authority which absorbed all the powers and functions of the Metropolitan Manila Commission;
WHEREAS, Memorandum Order No. 397 dated January 9, 1991, reconstituted and strengthened the Metropolitan Manila Land Transportation Coordinating Council (MMLTCC) created under Memorandum Order No. 245 dated July 25, 1989 which had been empowered to be the sole authority with the responsibility of handling traffic management in Metropolitan Manila;
WHEREAS, Republic Act No. 6975 (PNP LAW) gave City/Municipal Mayors the power of operational control and supervision over elements of the Philippine National Police within their respective jurisdictions;
WHEREAS, Republic Act No. 7160 (Local Government Code) empowered local government units, among others, to regulate traffic on all streets and bridges within their respective boundaries;
WHEREAS, Memorandum Order No. 176 dated October 19, 1993, reaffirmed the existence of the Metropolitan Manila Land Transportation Coordinating Council as the single traffic management authority and further expanded the scope of its responsibility to include transportation services;
WHEREAS, the series of Presidential Decrees, Republic Acts, Executive and Memorandum Orders has resulted to conflicts as to which body, agency or person is responsible for traffic management in Metropolitan Manila;
WHEREAS, pending legislation of laws that would straighten out the conflicts that have evolved and in the light of the fact that the traffic problem in Metropolitan Manila has reached alarming and critical proportions, it becomes imperative to establish and institutionalize the organization and framework of operations and cooperation among the different agencies and local government units in Metropolitan Manila to ensure the systematic, orderly and continued implementation of the approved Updated Traffic and Transport Plan for Metro Manila (1993-1998);
NOW, THEREFORE, I, FIDEL V. RAMOS, President of the Republic of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by law and the Constitution, do hereby order:
A. The Metropolitan Manila Land Transportation Coordinating Council, hereinafter referred to as the Council, shall be the highest policy making body on all matters pertaining to traffic management for the area.
B. Composition. The Council shall be composed of the following:
Chairman | Chairman, Metropolitan Manila Authority |
Members | Cabinet Officer for Regional Development for the National Capital Region, representing the Office of the President, |
Secretary, Department of Transportation and Communications, | |
Secretary, Department of Public Works and Highways, | |
Secretary, Department of Interior and Local Government, | |
Secretary, Department of Education, Culture and Sports, | |
General Manager, Metropolitan Manila Authority (Ex-Officio Member) |
C. Powers and Functions. - The Council shall exercise the following powers and functions:
(1) Review existing laws, policies, programs, rules and regulations on traffic on land transportation for the purpose of recommending to the President or appropriate agencies and instrumentalities of government, policies and measures aimed at improving traffic and land transportation systems within Metropolitan Manila.
Identify and resolve problems and issues arising from the implementation of existing Presidential Decrees, laws, orders, rules and regulations affecting traffic and land transportation in the area.
Use funds specified under Section 4 of Presidential Decree No. 1605 allocated by the Metropolitan Manila Authority for the Council for the operational needs and the implementation of policies and programs on traffic and land transportation management.
Call upon any department, bureau, office, agency or any instrumentality of the government, including government-owned and controlled corporations, and public service or utility companies for any assistance as it may deem necessary in the discharge of its duties and functions.
(5) Encourage the support and participation of the private sector in the formulation and implementation of policies, plans, projects and efforts affecting traffic and land transportation in Metropolitan Manila.
SEC. 2. COMMITTEES. The Council shall be assisted by the following Committees whose composition and function are stated herein:
A. Committee on Enforcement. It shall formulate, integrate and recommend to the Council, through the Executive Director, traffic enforcement traffic plans and projects that would, among others, rationalize the development of traffic enforcers and improve the enforcement of traffic laws, rules and regulations. The Committee shall consists of:
Chairman | Executive Director, MMA Traffic Operations Center |
Members | District Traffic Commanders of: |
- NCR, Traffic Management Command | |
- Northern Police District | |
- Eastern Police District | |
- Western Police District | |
- Southern Police District | |
- Central Police District | |
Chief, Law Enforcement Service, Land Transportation Office | |
Officer in Charge, DOTC Action Center | |
Heads, NGO (As the Committee Chairman may determine) |
B. Committee on Engineering. - It shall review, integrate and recommend to the Council through the Executive Director all traffic engineering-related plans and programs and assist in coordinating the improvement and maintenance of road networks and traffic facilities in order to establish an effective traffic and transportation system. The Committee shall consist of:
Chairman | Director, Traffic Engineering Center |
Members | Director, NCR Dept. of Public Works and Highways |
Director, National Center for Transport Studies, UP | |
Executive Director, MMA Traffic Operations Center | |
Representatives, Public Service or Utility Companies |
C. Committee on Education and Information. - It shall formulate, integrate and recommend to the Council, through the Executive Director, traffic education and information plans and programs and monitor the implementation thereto by tasked agencies. The Committee shall consist of:
Chairman | Director, National Center for Transport Studies, UP |
Members | Director, NCR, Department of Education, Culture and Sports |
Director, NCR, Philippine Information Agency | |
Executive Director, MMA Traffic Operations Center | |
District Commander, NCR Traffic Management Command | |
Chief, Traffic Safety Division, Land Transportation Office | |
Heads, NGO (As the Committee Chairman may determine) |
D. Committee on Urban Transport Services. - It shall assist the private sector in the development of urban transport facilities and services under the BOT/BLT schemes; monitor the progress of such projects; and recommend to the Council, through the Executive Director, policy measures that would contribute to an effective urban mass transport system. The Committee shall consist of:
Chairman | Assistant Secretary for Planning, Department of Transportation and Communications |
Members | Chairman, Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board |
Director, UP - National Center for Transport Studies | |
DGM for Planning, Metropolitan Manila Authority | |
Heads, NGO (As the Committee Chairman may determine) |
A. Coordinating the day to day activities of the Council and directing, coordinating and integrating the tasks of the different Committees shall be the duty of an Executive Director. The General Manager, Metropolitan Manila Authority or any of the Deputy General Managers, whom the former may so designate, shall act as the Executive Director.
B. The Executive Director shall be assisted by a Secretariat and a Traffic Management Monitoring and Evaluation Officer who shall be responsible for implementing the Traffic Enforcement Monitoring and Evaluation System (TEMES) and such other processes in place or that may be subsequently introduced.
C. The Executive Director shall exercise the following powers and functions:
Provide technical and secretariat support to the
Council; Direct, coordinate and integrate policy measures, plans, programs and projects
that may be formulated and submitted by the different committees or other
instrumentalities of government for consideration and/or approval of the Council;
Direct, supervise, coordinate and control the activities of the four (4)
Committees of the Council;
Establish the necessary liaison and coordinate the activities of the Council
with the Metropolitan Manila Council and the respective Local Government Units
in Metropolitan Manila;
Coordinate the passage of legislative measures based on the approved
facilities, plans and programs of the Council in coordination with the
Metropolitan Manila Council and the City/Municipal councils within Metro
Call upon any department, bureau, office, agency, or instrumentality of the
government-owned-or-controlled corporations, and public service or utility
companies, for any assistance as it may deem necessary in the discharge of its
functions; and
Perform such other functions as the Council may direct.
SEC. 4. The Metropolitan Manila Authority shall continue to be the lead agency in the implementation of duly approved traffic and land transportation plans and programs for the area. As such, the General Manager, Metropolitan Manila Authority or any of his deputies, if he has so designated one in accordance with Section 3 hereof, shall be the Chief Operating Officer insofar as implementing traffic and land transportation plans, programs and projects for the area is concerned.
SEC. 5. The Philippine National Police, through the Traffic Management Command and the National Capital Region Command (CAPCOM) through the different Police Districts and City/Municipal Traffic Bureaus, shall assist the Metropolitan Manila Authority in the implementation of duly approved traffic and land transportation plans for the area.
SEC. 6. Local Government Traffic Management Units shall assist the Metropolitan Manila Authority in the implementation of duly approved traffic and land transportation plans for the area.
SEC. 7. Subject to the provisions of this Executive Order, operational direction, control and supervision over all traffic enforcement personnel designated/deputized/assigned/employed by the Department of Transportation and Communications, the Metro Manila Authority, the Local Government Units, or by the other agencies involved, assigned in any given area shall be exercised by elements of the Philippine National Police. Administrative supervision over the personnel shall, however, remain with their respective mother agencies.
SEC. 8. FUNDING. - The Departments or Agencies constituting the Council shall set aside a portion of their budget to meet the Council s administrative and operational requirements.
SEC. 9. REPEALING CLAUSE. - All issuances, orders, rules and regulations or provisions thereof which are inconsistent or in conflict with the provisions of this Order are hereby repealed or modified accordingly.
SEC.10. EFFECTIVITY. This Executive Order shall take effect immediately.
DONE in the City of Manila, this 20th day of April, in the Year of Our Lord Nineteen Hundred and Ninety Four.
President of the Philippines
By the President:
Executive Secretary