[ ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NO. 223, October 13, 1995 ]
WHEREAS, the Philippine peace effort, as presented at the First International Forum on the Culture of Peace co-hosted by the Government of El Salvador and UNESCO, has been endorsed by UNESCO as providing valuable lessons for countries that wish to pursue peace-building efforts;
WHEREAS, the Philippines, in its desire to share its experiences and at the same time learn from countries that may be similarly situated, offered to host the Second International Forum on the Culture of Peace in cooperation with UNESCO;
WHEREAS, UNESCO has accepted the Philippine offer and has provided funds for the conduct of the said International Forum;
WHEREAS, the Second International Forum on the Culture and Peace is scheduled for 26-30 November 1995 at the Philippine International Convention Center;
NOW, THEREFORE, I, FIDEL V. RAMOS, President of the Republic of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by law, do hereby order:
SECTION 1. Creation of the National Organizing Committee. The National Organizing Committee for the Second International Forum on the Culture of Peace, hereinafter referred to as the Committee, is hereby created to prepare for and organize the International Forum.
a. Composition. The Committee shall be Chaired by the Office of the Presidential Adviser on the Peace Process (OPAPP) to be co-chaired by the Department of Foreign Affairs and the Department of Education, Culture and Sports. The Committee shall have the following members:1. National Economic and Development Authority
2. Department of Tourism - Philippine Convention and Visitors Corporation
3. Department of Interior and Local Government - Philippine National Police
4. Department of Budget and Management
5. Commission on Higher Education
6. Office of the Press Secretary
7. UNESCO National Commission
8. National Commission on Culture and Arts
9. Three (3) representatives from the Non-Government sector to be named by the Committee ChairmanThe Office of the Executive Secretary shall be represented in all meetings of the Committee.
b. Function. The National Organizing Committee shall have the following functions, responsibilities and authorities:
1. Oversee and ensure the successful conduct of the International Forum; 2. Ensure smooth coordination with UNESCO in the preparation and conduct of the International Forum; 3. Create necessary Subcommittees or Technical Committees to assist in its tasks; 4. Identify and mobilize resources in support of the conduct of the International Forum; 5. Call on all departments and agencies of government, including government owned and controlled corporations, to provide support and actively assist in the conduct of the International Forum; and6. Ensure submission to the President, within 30 days from the holding of the International Forum, of a Report on Forum results, recommendations and inputs into the national peace process.
SEC. 2. Creation of the National Secretariat. To provide staff support for the National Organizing Committee and the International Forum, an inter-agency National Secretariat is hereby created to be based at the Office of the Presidential Adviser on the Peace Process (OPAPP). The National Secretariat shall be headed by the OPAPP Executive Director.
Member agencies of the National Organizing Committee shall detail personnel to the National Secretariat. The Chairman is hereby authorized to contract, on a short-term project basis, additional personnel for the National Secretariat or call on other agencies for detail of personnel, as may be necessary to ensure complete, efficient and effective staff support for the International Forum.
All detailed personnel shall be entitled to remuneration in accordance with existing rules and regulations.
SEC. 3. Funding. The GRP counterpart of funding requirements for the International Forum, at such amounts as may be necessary and to be determined by the Committee, shall be charged against the National Unification Fund.
SEC. 4. Effectivity. This Administrative Order shall take effect immediately.
DONE in the City of Manila, this 13th day of October, in the year of Our Lord, Nineteen Hundred and Ninety-Five.
President of the Philippines
By the President:
Executive Secretary