[ OTS MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR NO. 02, April 01, 2014 ]


Adopted: 1 April 2014
Date Filed: 12 August 2014

Pursuant to Executive Order (EO) No. 277 (Jan 2004) as amended by E.O. No. 311 dated 26 April 2004; Chapter XI-2 IMO-SOLAS 1974: the IMO-ISPS Code; The National Security Program for Sea Transport and Maritime Infrastructure (NSPSTMI) and OTS Transportation Security Regulation (OTSTSR) No.011-2007 dated October 1,2007.


1.1 To equip personnel directly performing maritime security duties and responsibilities with requisite standard training;

1.2 To provide Port Security Officers (PSOs) and Port Facility Security Officers (PFSOs) with appropriate skills to conduct security assessment; develop and implement security plan; and forestall circumvention of security measures;

1.3 To provide the support staff, not directly performing maritime security duties, with basic knowledge on security awareness or security threats/incidents and patterns.


All maritime security training courses to be conducted by maritime certified instructors or entity/organization or individuals or training centers/institutions must be accredited by OTS except STCW Courses.

This Memorandum-circular shall apply to shipping companies, security regulated port and port facility operators employing personnel performing maritime security duties and responsibilities.


Accreditation - is a process of evaluating the program and contents of the course to determine compliance with academic criteria set by the OTS.

Administration - refers to the Office for Transportation Security (OTS), also known as the Designated Authority.

Certificate of Completion - a certification issued to the participants who have successfully completed the prescribed course and who received a minimum grade of 80% in both theoretical and practical examination.

Certificate of Attendance - a certification issued to the participants who failed to meet the requirement of the course, and who received a minimum grade of below 80% in both theoretical and practical examination.

Company Security Officer (CSO) - the person designated by the shipping company to ensure that a ship security assessment is carried out; that a ship security plan is developed and submitted for approval and thereafter implemented and maintained for liaison with the SSO and PFSO

Company Security Officers Course - a course to provide the CSO with appropriate knowledge and training in some or all areas enumerated in Section 13.1, Part B, ISPS Code and Section 4.1.11 of the PROGRAMME, in accordance with the 3.20 of the IMO Model Course and with the OTS national Training Standard.

Maritime Security Personnel - personnel performing maritime security duties and responsibilities at the ship, security regulated port and port facility.

Port Facility - a location where the ship/port interface takes place. This includes harbor, anchorages,waiting berths and approaches from seaward, as may be appropriate.

Port Facility Security Officer (PFSO)- the person designated by the port facility operator responsible for the development, implementation, revision and maintenance of the port facility security plan and for liaison with the SSO and CSO.

Port Facility Security Officers Course - a course to provide the PFSO and PSO with knowledge and training as required under Section 18.1, Part B, ISPS code and Section 4.1.11 of the PROGRAMME, in accordance with 3.21 of the IMO Model Course and the OTS National Training Standard.

Port Security Officer (PSO) - the person designated by the security regulated port operator/manager responsible for the development, implementation, revision and maintenance of the security regulated port security plan and for liaison with the CSO, SSO and PFSO.

Security Awareness Orientation Course for Personnel Not Directly Performing Security Duties - a course which provides basic knowledge in security awareness to the staff and support personnel in the ship, security regulated port and port facility as prescribed under Section 18.3, Part B, ISPS Code and Section 4.1.11, of the PROGRAMME, in accordance with 3.25 of the Model Course and the OTS National Training Standard.

Security Regulated Port (SRP) - an area in which two or more port facilities are located, intended for use wholly or partly in connection with the movement, loading, unloading, maintenance or provisioning of ships and which requires additional security measures

Training Course on Port Facility with Security Duties and Responsibilities - a , course which provides the knowledge required for port security personnel with security duties and responsibilities in accordance with the requirements of Section 18.2 Part B, ISPS Code and Section 4.1.11, of the PROGRAMME, in accordance with 3.24 of the IMO Model Course and the OTS National Security Training Standard.


4.1 Only accredited maritime security training course/s to be conducted by any maritime certified instructor, entity/organization, individuals or training centers/institutions shall be covered and recognized by OTS excluding Standard Training, Certification and Watch-Keeping (STCW) courses but required by the ISPS Code;

4.2 The following maritime training courses prescribed by the Administration, OTS are mandatory to all security regulated ports/port facility personnel, with or without maritime security duties and responsibilities:

4.2.1 Company Security Officer Course
4.2.2 Port facility Security Officer Course
4.2.3 Security Awareness Training for Port Facility Personnel with designated Security Duties.
4.2.4 Security Awareness Training for all Port Facility Personnel.

4.3 The Institute for Transportation and Security Training and Studies (ITSTS) shall be the one to administer the theoretical and practical examinations to the participants in any training;

4.4 Successful trainees shall be granted Certificate of Completion or Certificate of Attendance, depending on the minimum grade received from both theoretical and practical examination.

4.5 Training Institution/Certified Security Instructor, individual or organization shall render a training report to OTS within fifteen (15) working days after the closing program of the training course.

4.6 Accredited Courses / Curriculum shall be denied, recalled or revoked for non-compliance with any of the requirements / continuing requirements.


5.1 To apply for accreditation of courses to be conducted, the training center/institution, organization, individual or any maritime security instructor must file to OTS a letter-request for the conduct of maritime security training courses/s; indicating the specific training course/s to be conducted, together with the following information/documents:

5.1.1 Schedule and venue where to conduct the security training course;
5.1.2 Copy of course syllabus or program of instruction;
5.1.3 Training materials;
5.1.4 Roster of certified maritime security instructors and their resume; and
5.1.5 List of participants with the following attachments: Name and position/ designation in the company /organization; Certificate of employment or work assignment; and Local Clearance from the Philippine National Police, National Bureau of Investigation or Municipal/Regional Trial Court

5.2 OTS shall verify the authenticity of the documents presented through an onsite validation visit to the training institution/background certified security instructors as needed.

5.3 The OTS lnstitute for Transportation Security Training and Studies (ITSTS) shall assess, evaluate and validate the submitted Program of Instruction (POI) and other training materials of the applicant.

5.4 Upon Completion of/compliance with all the requirements, the Administrator, OTS shall approve the application and a formal written notice shall be given to applicants for information and reference.

5.5 After receipt of the approval of the application, the applicant shall immediately and formally inform OTS of the actual date of the proposed training and the expected dates of the theoretical and practical examinations to the participants.


This Memorandum Circular shall take effect upon approval and publication in the newspaper of general circulation.
