[ PROCLAMATION NO. 364, November 24, 2017 ]
Lot 6, Block 12, Psd-52372
A parcel of land covered by TCT No. 040-2016003587 (Lot 6, Block 12 of the subdivision plan Psd-52372) situated in Barangay Sitio Tungkong Manga, Barrio of Gaya-Gaya, Municipality of San Jose Del Monte, Province of Bulacan, Island of Luzon.
Bounded on the NW, along line 1-2 by Lot 5, Block 12, and on the NE., along lines 2 to 7 by Road Lot 8, and on the SE., along line 7-8 by Lot 7, Block 12; and on the SW., along line 8-9 by Lot 8, Block 13; and on the SW., along line 9-1 by Lot 9, Block 13, all of the subdivision plan.
Beginning-at a point marked "1" on the plan being N. 45 deg. 59' E., 4269.90 m. from monument No, 101, Tala Estate;
thence | N. 72 | deg. 56' E., | 185.73 m. | to point 2; |
thence | S. 36 | deg. 10' W., | 64.78 m. | to point 3; |
thence | S. 15 | deg. 33' W., | 12.79 m. | to point 4; |
thence | Due South |
18. 44 m. | to point 5; | |
thence | S. 31 | deg. 44' E., | 18.67 m. | to point 6; |
thence | S. 34 | deg. 39' E., | 32.64 m. | to point 7; |
thence | S. 82 | deg. 41' W., | 123. 96 m. | to point 8; |
thence | N. 51 | deg. 52' W., | 23.59 m. | to point 9; |
thence | N. 17 | deg. 32' W., | 75.80 m. | to the point of |
beginning, containing an area of Fourteen Thousand Three Hundred Thirty-Nine Square Meters (14,339 m2 ) more or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan are marked on the ground by P.S. cylindrical concrete monuments 15 x 60 cms. Bearings true; date of the original survey November 18 - December 24, 1912; Date prepared May 14, 2016; Approved July 16, 2016.
Lot 9, Block 13, Psd-52372
A parcel of land covered by TCT No. 040-2016003588 (Lot 9, Block 13 of the subdivision plan Psd-52372), situated in Barangay Sitio Tungkong Manga, Barrio of Gaya-Gaya, Municipality of San Jose Del Monte, Province of Bulacan, Island of Luzon.
Bounded on the NE., along line 1-2 by Lot 6, Block 12, and on the S., along line 2-3 by Lot 8, Block 13, and on the SW,, along line 3-4 by Road Lot 6, and on the NW., along line 4-5 by Lot 10, Block 13; and on the NE., along line 5-6 by Lot 4, Block 12; and on the NE., along line 6- 1 by Lot 5, Block 12, all of the subdivision plan.
Beginning at a point marked "1" on the plan being N. 45 deg. 59' E., 4269.90 m. from monumenf 101, Tala Estate;
thence | S. 17 | deg. 32' E., | 75.80 m. | to point 2; |
thence | N. 80 | deg. 40' W., | 240. 04 m. | to point 3; |
thence | N. 06 | deg. 21' W., | 13.94 m. | to point 4; |
thence | N. 62 | deg. 49' E., | 213. 22 m. | to point 5; |
thence | S. 57 | deg. 33' E., | 36. 52 m. | to point 6; |
thence | S. 04 | deg. 51' W., | 58. 49 m. | to the point of |
beginning, containing an area of Nineteen Thousand Two Hundred Six Square Meters (19,206 m2 ) more or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by P.S. cylindrical concrete monuments 15 x 60 cms. Bearings true; date of the original survey November 18 - December 24, 1912; Date prepared May 14, 2016; Approved July 16, 2016.
Lot 10, Block 13, Psd-52372
A parcel of land covered by TCT No. 040-2016003590 (Lot 10, Block 13 of the subdivision plan Psd-52372), situated in Barangay Sitio Tungkong Manga, Barrio of Gaya-Gaya, Municipality of San Jose Del Monte, Province of Bulacan, Island of Luzon.
Bounded on the NE., along line 1-2 by Lot 4, Block 12 and on the SE., along line 2-3 by Lot 4, Block 12; and on the SE., along line 3-4 by Lot 9, Block 13; and on the SW., along line 4-5 by Road Lot 6; and on the NW., along line 5-6 by Lot 11, Block 13; and on the NE,, along line 6-1 by Lot 16, Block 13, all of the subdivision plan.
Beginning at a point marked "1" on the plan being N. 44 deg. 51' E.. 4358.50 m. from Monument 101, Tala Estate;
thence | S. 01 | deg. 12' E., | 40.90 m. | to point 2; |
thence | S. 80 | deg. 48' W., | 30.94 m. | to point 3; |
thence | S. 62 | deg. 49' W., | 213. 22 m. | to point 4; |
thence | N. 54 | deg. 42' W., | 15. 12 m. | to point 5; |
thence | N. 49 | deg. 20' E., | 242. 06 m. | to point 6; |
thence | S. 64 | deg. 13' E., | 53. 40m | to the point of |
beginning, containing an area of Thirteen Thousand Nine Hundred Five Square Meters (13,905 m2 ) more or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by P.S. cylindrical concrete monuments 15 x 80 cms. Bearings true; date of the original survey November 18 - December 24, 1912; Date prepared May 14, 2016; Approved July 16, 2016.
Lot 16, Block 13, Psd-52372
A parcel of land covered by TCT No. 040-2016003591 (Lot 16, Block 13 of the subdivision plan Psd-52372), situated in Barangay Sitio Tungkong Manga, Barrio of Gaya-Gaya, Municipality of San Jose Del Monte, Province of Bulacan, Island of Luzon.
Bounded on the SW., along tine 1-2 by Lot 12, Block 13; and on the NW., along lines 2-3-4 by Lot 3G-B, Psd-4580 (Existing Road Now); and on the NE., along line 4-5 by Lot 17, Block 13; and on the NE., along line 5-6 by Lot 3, Block 12; and on the SE., along line 6-7 by Lot 3, Block 12; and on the SW., along line 7-8 by Lot 10, Block 13; and on the SW., along line 8-1 by Lot 11, Block 13, all of the subdivision plan..
Beginning at a point marked "1" on the plan being N. 42 deg, 44' E., 4306.60 m. from monument 101, Tala Estate;
thence | S. 64 | deg. 12' E., | 114.94 m. | to point 2; |
thence | S. 49 | deg. 20' W., | 242. 06 m. | to point 3; |
thence | N. 84 | deg. 48' W., | 10. 72 m. | to point 4; |
thence | N. 23 | deg. 42' E., | 225.88 m. | to the point of |
beginning, containing an area of Thirteen Thousand Nine Hundred Five Square Meters (13, 905 m2 ) more or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by P.S. cylindrical concrete monuments 15 x 60 cms. Bearings true; date of the original survey November 18- December 24, 1912; Date prepared May 14, 2016; Approved July 16. 2016.
Lot 16, Block 13, Psd-52372
A parcel of land covered by TCT No. 040-2016003591 (Lot 16, Block 13 of the subdivision plan Psd-52372), situated in Barangay, Sitio Tungkong Manga, Barrio of Gaya-Gaya, Municipality of San Jose Del Monte, Province of Bulacan, island of Luzon.
Bounded on the SW., along line 1-2 by Lot 12, Block 13; and on the NW., along lines 2-3-4 by Lot 30-B, Psd-4580 (Existing Road Now); and on the NE., along line 4-5 by Lot 17, Block 13; and on the NE., along fine 5-6 by Lot 3, Block 12; and on the SE., along fine 6-7 by Lot 3, Block 12; and on the SW., along fine 7-8 by Lot 10, Block 13; and on the SW., along line 8-1 by Lot 11. Block 13, all of the subdivision plan,
Beginning at a point marked T' on the plan being N. 42 deg. 44' E., 4308.60 m. from monument 101, Tala Estate;
thence | N. 64 | deg. 34' W., | 26.80 m | to point 2; |
thence | N. 57 | deg. 19' E., | 16.04 m. | to point 3; |
thence | N. 55 | deg. 46' E., | 50.00 m. | to point 4; |
thence | S. 62 | deg. 14' E., | 131.15 m. | to point 5; |
thence | S. 63 | deg. 58' E., | 29.92 m. | to point 6; |
thence | S. 24 | deg. 56' W., | 52.22 m. | to point 7; |
thence | N. 64 | deg. 13' W., | 53.40 m. | to point 8; |
thence | N. 64 | deg. 12' W., | 114.94 m. | to the point of |
beginning, containing an area of Nine Thousand Six Hundred Seventy-Five Square Meters (9, 675 m2 ) more or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by P.S. cylindrical concrete monuments 15 x 60 cms. Bearings true; date of the original survey November 18 - December 24, 1912; Date prepared May 24, 2016; Approved July 18, 2016.
Lot 17, Block 13, Psd-52372
A parcel of land covered by TCT No. 040-2016003592 (Lot 17, Block 13 of the subdivision plan Psd-52372), situated in Barangay Sitio Tungkong Manga, Barrio of Gaya-Gaya, Municipality of San Jose Del Monte, Province of Bulacan, Island of Luzon.
Bounded on the NE. & SB., along lines 1-2-3 by Lot 2, Block 12; and on the SE., along line 3-4 by Lot 3, Block 12; and on the SW., along line 4-5 by Lot 16. Block 13; and on the NW., along lines 5 to 11 by Lot 38-8, Psd-4580 (Existing Road Now) and Road Lot 12; and on the NE., along line 11-1 by Lot 1, Block 12. all of the subdivision plan.
Beginning at a point marked "1" on the plan being N. 44 deg. 03 E., 4483.00 m. from monument 101, Tala Estate;
thence | S. 28 | deg. 06' E., | 19.30 m. | to point 2; |
thence | S. 45 | deg. 25' W., | 52.76 m. | to point 3; |
thence | S. 47 | deg. 35' W., | 25. 37 m. | to point 4; |
thence | N. 62 | deg. 14' W., | 131. 15 m. | to point 5; |
thence | N. 55 | deg. 46' E., | 22.09 m. | to point 6; |
thence | N. 55 | deg. 46' E., | 23. 20 m. | to point 7; |
thence | N. 63 | deg. 41' E., | 11.43 m. | to point 8; |
thence | N. 83 | deg. 38' E., | 47.54 m. | to point 9; |
thence | N. 76 | deg. 29' E., | 23.71 m. | to point 10; |
thence | N. 64 | deg. 02' E., | 24.73 m. | to point 11; |
thence | S. 28 | deg. 42' E., | 47.48 m. | to the point of |
beginning, containing an area of Ten Thousand Four Hum Seventy-Eight Square Meters (10,478) more or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by P.S. cylindrical concrete monuments 15 x 80 cms. Bearings true; date of the original survey November 18 - December 24, 1912; Date prepared May 14, 2016; Approved July 16, 2016.
IN WITNESS THEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed hereto,
DONE in the City of Manila, this 24 th day of November , in the year of our Lord, Two Thousand and Seventeen.
By the President:
Executive Secretary