[ EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 54, October 07, 1963 ]


Pursuant to the provisions of section 6 of Republic Act No. 610, I, Diosdado Macapagal, President of the Philippines, do hereby prescribe the following rules and regulations amendatory to Executive Order No. 660, dated December 23, 1953:

SEC. 1. A board of three (3) members, at least two (2) of whom shall be qualified physicians, under the direct supervision of the Administrator, Philippine Veterans Administration, is hereby created in the Philippine Veterans Administration. This Board shall be a full-time body and shall be known as the œPVA Disability Rating Board. 

SEC. 2. All applications for disability pension shall be referred to the PVA Disability Rating Board, which shall determine the extent of the disability of the person applying for disability pension based on findings and recommendations of any authorized AFP Certificate of Disability Discharge Board (CDD Board) and all clinical records and in accordance with the œSchedule for Rating Disabilities of the U.S. Veterans Administration, 1945 Edition,  or such other schedule which may subsequently be promulgated by the Administrator, Philippine Veterans Administration, except for conditions as hereunder provided. A majority vote of the members of the Board shall be sufficient to sustain the rating of any individual case; provided, however, that a certification by the Secretary of National Defense, upon recommendation of the Chief of Staff, Armed Forces of the Philippines, as to the military status and service-connection of the disability of the person applying for disability pension, shall be binding and conclusive upon the PVA Disability Rating Board.

SEC. 3. Yearly re-evaluation or redetermination of a veteran ™s disability shall be the responsibility of the PVA Disability Rating Board. The V. Luna General Hospital, upon request by the Board, shall make available clinical records, CDD Work Sheets, and other pertinent papers and documents and shall conduct X-Ray, Laboratory test and other examination on the veteran concerned. Such medical examination and test may also be undertaken by any other government hospital nearest the residence of the veteran concerned, upon request by the Board. The Board shall formulate procedures necessary to carry out its re-evaluation or redetermination activities.

SEC. 4. The AFP Disability Rating Board created under Executive Order No. 660, dated December 23, 1953, is hereby abolished; provided that its functions and records are transferred to the PVA Disability Rating Board; provided further, that any mention of the AFP Disability Rating Board in said Executive Order shall be understood to refer to the PVA Disability Rating Board.

SEC. 5. This Order shall take effect upon its approval.

Done in the City of Manila, this 7th day of October, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and sixty-three.

President of the Philippines

By the President:
Executive Secretary