[ DEPARTMENT ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NO. 18-03, February 23, 2018 ]


Adopted: 29 January 2018
Date Filed: 23 February 2018

1.     Pursuant to Republic Act 4109, Republic Act 7394, Executive Order No. 913 Series of 1983, Executive  Order No. 133 Series of 1987, Executive  Order No. 101 Series  of 1967, Department  Administrative  Order No. 4 Series  of 2008, Department Administrative Order No. 5 Series of 2008, Department Administrative  Order No. 2 Series of 2007; and Sec. 10 (4), Title X Book IV of  the  Administrative   Code   of  1987,   the  following   Philippine   National Standards are hereby adopted for mandatory implementation:

Philippine National  Standard (PNS)


PNS IEC 60335-1:2011
(IEC published 2006)

H ouseho ld and si mi lar electrical appliances - S afety - P art 1: G eneral R equirements

PNS IEC 60335-2-3:2005
(IEC published 2002)

H ouseho ld and si mil ar el ectri cal appli ances - S afety - P art 2 - 3: P articular require m ents fo r el ectric i rons

PNS IEC 60335-2-4:2016
(IEC published 2012)

H ouseho ld and si mil ar el ectri cal appli ances - S afety - P art 2 - 4: P articular require m ents for spin extractor s

PNS IEC 60335-2-7:2016
(IEC published 2012)

H ouseho ld and si mil ar el ectri cal appli ances - S afety - P art 2 - 7: P articular require m ents fo r w ashi ng m ach i nes

  PNS IEC 60335-2-9:2016
(IEC published 2012)

H ouseho ld and si mil ar el ectri cal appli ances - S afety - P art 2 - 9: P articular require m ents fo r grill s, toasters and si mil ar portable cook i ng appli ances

PNS IEC 60335-2-14:2016
(IEC published 2012)

H ouseho ld and si mil ar el ectri cal appli ances - S afety - P art 2 - 14: P articular require m ents fo r ki tchen m ach i nes

  PNS IEC 60335-2-15:2015
(IEC published 2012)

H ouseho ld and si mil ar el ectri cal appli ances - S afety - P art 2 - 15: P articular require m ents for appli ances for heati ng liquids

PNS IEC 60335-2-24:2013
(IEC 60335-2-24:2010)

H ouseho ld and si mil ar el ectri cal appli ances - S afety - P art 2 - 24: P articular require m ents fo r refrigerating appliances, ic e -cream appli ances an d ice- m akers

PNS IEC 60335-2-25:2015
(IEC published 2014)

H ouseho ld and si mil ar el ectri cal appli ances - S afety - P art 2 -25: P arti cul ar requi re m ents for mi cro w ave ovens, i ncl udi ng co m b i nati on mi cro w ave oven s

PNS IEC 60335-2-40:2013
(IEC published 2005)

H ouseho ld and si mil ar el ectrical appliances - S afety - P art 2 - 40: P articular require m ents fo r el ectri cal heat pu m ps, ai r-condi ti oners an d dehu mi di fi ers

PNS IEC 60335-2-80:2016
(IEC published 2015)

H ouseho ld and si mil ar el ectri cal appli ances - S afety - P art 2 - 80: Particular requirem ents for fans

PNS IEC 60065:2013
(IEC published 2011)

A udio , video and si m ilar electronic apparatus - S afety require m ent s

2.     All  manufacturers  and  importers  of  said  products  shall  comply  with  the requirements of these standards.

3.     A third party certification, known as the Product Certification Scheme of the DTI - Bureau Standards (BPS), requires all manufacturers  and importers of products under clause 5.1 of this Order to secure a Philippine Standard (PS) Certification Mark License or an Import Commodity Clearance (ICC), respectively, prior to its distribution and sale.

4.     Terms and Definitions

In addition  to the definitions  provided  in the standards,  the following  shall apply:
4.2.1     BPS - Bureau of Philippine Standards
4.2.2     DTI - Department of Trade and Industry
4.2.3     FTEB - Fair Trade Enforcement Bureau
4.2.4     Import Commodity Clearance (ICC) - a document issued by DTI attesting  that  the  quality  and/or  safety  of  an  imported  product conforms  to a Philippine  National  Standard  (PNS)  or BPS- recognized international/foreign  standard
4.2.5     PS Quality and/or Safety Certification Mark License - document
issued by BPS to a company authorizing its use of the PS Quality and/or Safety Certification Mark on the products in accordance with the rules of the certification scheme
4.2.6     Importer - an entity engaged in the importation of the product
4.2.7      Manufacturer  - an entity engaged in the manufacture or assembly of the product
4.2.8     Licensee - manufacturer or importer issued a PS Certification Mark
License/import Commodity Clearance
4.2.9      Test  Samples  - the  product  picked  out  at random  from  a lot  or batch
4.2.10  Basic  Model/Type  - one that represents  a set of generic characteristics of a group of products
4.2.11   Generic Model - refers to a model or series of models which critical components together with its mechanical and electrical designs are similar  including  capacity,  energy  source,  electrical  characteristics and other physical or functional characteristics with the base model.
5.     Implementing Guidelines
The Implementing Guidelines for the Mandatory Certification of the products covered  under  the standards  stated  in clause  1 of this Order  shall  be as follows:

5.1 Scope
5.1.1   The scope of implementation shall cover the following:    PNS IEC 60335-2-3:2005  - Electric dry irons and steam irons  for  household  and  similar  purposes  with  rated voltage up to 250 V a.c.    PNS    IEC    60335-2-4:2016    -    Spin    extractors    for household and similar purposes with rated voltage up to
250 V a.c.    PNS  IEC  60335-2-7:2016   -  Single-tub  and  twin-tub, semi-automatic and fully-automatic controlled washing machines with horizontal or vertical drum orientation that are  for  household  and  similar  use,  their  rated  voltage being not more than 250 V a.c.    PNS  IEC  60335-2-9:2016  -  Portable  electric  toasters, stoves, hotplates,  grills, ovens, turbo broilers, and induction cookers intended for household and similar purposes with rated voltage not more than 250 V a.c.    PNS IEC 60335-2-14:2016 - Portable electric blenders, juicers, food mixers, and food processors intended for household and similar purposes with rated voltage up to
250 V a.c.  PNS IEC 60335-2-15:2015 - Portable electric rice cookers/warmers up to 7-liter capacity, coffee makers, airpots,  kettles,  pressure  cookers,  slow  cookers,  and multi-cookers  intended  for  household  and  similar purposes with rated voltage up to 250V a.c.    PNS IEC 60335-2-24:2013 - Refrigerators for household and similar use with storage capacity up to 567 liters (20 cubic feet), their rated voltage being not more than 250
V a.c.    PNS IEC 60335-2-25:2015  - Portable microwave ovens intended for household and similar purposes with rated voltage up to 250 V a.c.    PNS IEC 60335-2-40:2013 - Inverter and non-inverter, window-type and split-type (wall-mounted and floor- standing)  air-conditioners  with  maximum  rated  voltage not more than 250 V for single phase and 600 V for all other  types  with  cooling  capacity  up  to  38,000  kJ/hr. Multi-split, ducted, ceiling cassette/suspended/concealed type air conditioning units are not within the scope of this Order.  PNS  IEC  60335-2-80:2016  - a.c. and a.c./d.c.  electric fans  for  household   and  similar  purposes   with  rated power up to 300 W and rated voltage not more than 250
V a.c.  PNS IEC 60065:2013  - Stand-alone  CDNCD/DVD/Blu- ray disc players and CRT and LCD panel (with CCFL or LED backlight) television sets with display size up to 55 inches,  with  rated  voltage  up to 250  V a.c.  Television sets and disc players with a separate power supply are also covered by this Order.
5.1.2 Appliances not intended for normal household use but which nevertheless may be a source of danger to the public (i.e. for use in commercial establishments) are within the scope of this Order.

5.1.3  This  Order  does  not  cover  appliances  that  are  exclusively  for industrial purposes.
5.2 Authorities and Responsibilities of DTI/BPS Duties and responsibilities  of DT/BPS  prescribed  in DAO 4:2008, DAO
5:2008, and their future amendments shall apply.

5.3 Application for PS or ICC Certification
5.3.1  Manufacturers shall apply for the Philippine Standard (PS) Quality and/or Safety Certification Mark License in accordance to the requirements  of  DAO  4:2008,  its  implementing  rules  and regulations, and their future amendments.

5.3.2  Importers shall apply for the Import Commodity Clearance (ICC) in accordance to the requirements of DAO 5:2008, its implementing rules and regulations, and their future amendments.
5.4 Sampling
5.4.1  For ICC application, three (3) complete units for electric fans and two  (2)  complete  units  for  other  appliances  shall  be  randomly drawn from the shipment at the importer ™s warehouse by a duly authorized DTI/BPS representative.
5.4.2  For  PS  Certification  Mark  License  application,  six  (6)  units  (for electric  fans)  or  four  (4)  units  (for  other  appliances)  shall  be randomly drawn from the manufacturer ™s production line or warehouse by a duly authorized DT/BPS representative.  The first three  (3)  units  (for  electric  fans)  or  two  (2)  units  (for  other appliances) shall be tested in-plant as witnessed by the authorized DTI/BPS  representative.  The  remaining  units  shall  be  packed/ sealed and signed by the authorized DTI/BPS representative for independent testing upon satisfactory results of the in-plant test.
5.4.3  Test samples for independent testing shall be packed/sealed and signed  by  the  authorized  DTI/BPS  representative  and  shall  be sent by the manufacturer or importer to BPS recognized testing laboratory   within   seven   (7)   working   days   upon   drawing   of samples. The authorized DTI/BPS representative shall ensure that the Request for Test form is properly filled-up, signed and issued to the manufacturer or importer.
5.4.4  The applicant may also be required by the BPS recognized testing laboratory to submit the PCB wiring diagram and spare parts that are necessary for the conduct of safety testing and certificate of compliance of the critical component, if needed.
5.4.5  For generic models, one (1) complete unit shall be drawn and be sent together with its base model to the BPS recognized testing laboratory for actual verification purposes.
5.4.6  Prior to testing, there shall be no special preparation, modification or adjustment, quality control, testing or assembly procedure conducted in any manner on a test sample or any parts and sub- assemblies thereof, which is not normally performed during production and assembly.
5.5 In-plant Test
5.5.1 The manufacturer shall have the capability to conduct the test parameters stated in Annex A as prescribed by the relevant PNS using its own inspection, measuring, and testing equipment.
5.5.2  The  manufacturer   shall  establish  a  system  and  procedure  of ensuring the full compliance of its products to the requirements of the relevant PNS as part of its quality control.
5.6 Independent Testing
5.6.1   Samples shall be tested by a BPS recognized testing laboratory.
5.6.2  Samples shall be tested at 230 V a.c., 60 Hz and shall comply with the requirements of the relevant standard/s.
5.6.3  The BPS recognized  testing laboratory  shall conduct  full test on base model and verification only on generic models. If in the determination of the laboratory upon verification that the claimed generic model did not conform to the definition as stated on clause
4.2.11 of this Order, full testing shall be required.
5.6.4  In the case of an ICC application for a product with accompanying test   report   acceptable   to   the   BPS,   the   DTI/BPS   has   the prerogative   to   require   drawing   of   samples   from   the   actual shipment for confirmatory testing or verification.
5.6.6  All  test  results  shall  be  held  strictly  confidential  by  the  BPS recognized testing laboratory. Copies of test report that maybe requested   by  the  manufacturers/importers   from   BPS   are  for product   certification   purposes   only   and   not   to  be   used   for commercial purposes.
5.7 Required Markings
Required markings shall be as follows:

5.7.1   Markings/labels prescribed by the relevant PNS
5.7.2  Markings/labels  prescribed  by  DAO  04:2008/DAO  05:2008  and their future amendments
5.7.3  Markings/labels prescribed by the Consumer Act of the Philippines
(Republic Act No. 7394)
5.8 Disposition of Samples
5.8.1  Tested  samples  shall  be retrieved  by the manufacturer/importer within 30 days upon receipt of the notice issued by the testing laboratory.
5.8.2  Samples  which  failed  to  comply  with  the  requirements  of  the relevant   standard   may   be   stored   at   the   concerned   testing laboratory for reference purposes and in the event that the manufacturer/importer   contests  the  result  of  tests.  If  the  test results were not contested after two (2) months from the issuance, the test report is deemed final and the samples shall be returned to the manufacturer/importer  or disposed of in a manner deemed appropriate, under existing rules and regulations.
5.8.3  The BPS and the testing laboratory shall not be liable for whatever damage  sustained   by  the  test  samples  during  transport  and testing. The laboratory shall dispose the samples, in a manner deemed appropriate under existing rules and regulations. Disposal of tested samples with hazardous substances shall be the responsibility of the manufacturer/importer  concerned.
5.9 Monitoring and Market Surveillance

The BPS/FTEB/DTI-Regional  and Provincial Offices shall at any time monitor and inspect products in the market for conformance to the requirements of DAO 2:2007, DAO 3: 2008, DAO 4:2008, DAO 5: 2008, their future amendments, and the specified standards. If the products are found  not  in  conformity,  the  BPS/FTEB/DTI-Regional   and  Provincial Offices   shall  make   appropriate   legal  actions   or  impose   necessary sanctions, in accordance with the relevant laws, rules and regulations.
6.     Separability Clause

Should  any  provision  of  this  Administrative  Order  or  any  part  thereof  be declared invalid, the other provisions,  so far as they are separate from the invalid ones, shall remain in force and effect.

7.     Repealing Clause

This repeals Memorandum  Circulars, Implementing  Guidelines and all other Orders or parts thereof which are inconsistent with the provision of this Administrative Order.

8.     Transitory Provision

8.1 All manufacturers and/or importers of the products covered by this Order may apply for voluntary certification using the standards stated in clause 1 of this Order within six (6) months after the date of effectivity  of this Order.
8.2 All  manufacturers  or  importers  of  the  products  covered  by  this  Order shall be required  to undergo  the mandatory  product certification procedures (PS or ICC certification) six (6) months after the date of effectivity of this Order.
8.3 After 18 months from the date of its effectivity,  all products covered by this Order that shall be distributed or offered for sale in the market shall bear a valid PS mark or ICC stickers. Compliance  shall be verified thru the conduct of market monitoring and enforcement activities.
8.4 PS  Licenses  (local  and  foreign)  issued  under  DAO  4:2008  and  the previous  Implementing  Guidelines  of the products  stated  in clause  5.1 herein,  prior to the effectivity  of this Order,  shall remain  valid until the date of expiration thereof unless sooner revoked and subject to the same terms and condition stated therein.
9.     Effectivity

This Order shall take effect fifteen (15) days after its publication in a national newspaper of general circulation, a copy of which shall be submitted to the UP Office of National Administrative Register.

Done in the City of Makati this 29th day of January in the year 2018.

Recommended  by:

Bureau of Philippine Standards
Consumer Protection Group

