[ STCW CIRCULAR NO. 2018-02, April 27, 2018 ]
Adopted: 20 April 2018
Date Filed: 27 April 2018
Date Filed: 27 April 2018
Pursuant to Presidential Decree 474, Republic Act (RA) No. 10635 and its Implementing Rules 'and Regulations (IRR) and the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW) Convention, 1978, as amended, the following rules and regulations are hereby adopted and promulgated, thus:
To prescribe standards for the implementation of training courses in accordance with the STCW Convention, 1978, as amended.
This Circular shall cover all the mandatory training courses required for certification under the STCW Convention, 1978, as amended.
- Maritime Training Institutions (MTls) refer to institutions conducting maritime training courses which are duly accredited by MARINA.
- Course Plan is the systematic organization of course documents designed and structured based on IMO Model Course format which contains the parts as stated in Annex III.
- Instructional Materials (IMs) are materials which complement and supplement instruction. These are also referred to as teaching aids used in the delivery of the course such as PowerPoint Presentations or computer generated slides, exercise sheet, workbooks, pictures, diagrams and the like.
- Assessment Tools refers to the following components: context and conditions of assessment, tasks to be administered to the trainee, an outline of the evidence to be gathered from the candidate and evidence criteria used to judge the quality of performance.
- Course Package includes the following course documents: Course Plan, Instructional Materials and Assessment Tools.
- Training Course is also referred to as Approved Training Program relevant to specific competencies, as established and approved by the Administration.
- The following Annexes are hereby adopted and shall form part of this Circular:
* ANNEX I - List of STCW Mandatory Training Courses
* ANNEX II - Course Framework and Course Outline
* ANNEX III - Course Design Template
* ANNEX IV - Assessment System Manual Template
* ANNEX V - Certificate Template
- Annex I of this Circular list all the mandatory training courses under STCW Convention, 1978, as amended which are subject for approval process by MARINA - STCW Office.
- Pursuant to Regulation 1/6, Section A-1/6 of STCW Convention, 1978, as amended, MTls shall ensure that their training courses are designed and structured in accordance with written programs, methods and media of delivery, procedures and course materials as are necessary to achieve the prescribed standards of competence under the said Convention.
The design and structure shall be in accordance with the template provided in Annex III
They shall also ensure that the Instructors and Assessors who are responsible for the training and assessment of seafarers in such training courses, respectively, including those responsible for supervision thereof, are appropriately qualified in accordance with the existing qualification standards prescribed by MARINA - STCW Office and the MTls quality policies and procedures.
- The course framework and course outline contained under Annex II mentioned above provides the minimum training requirements and shall serve as guide for MTls in designing and developing their own course package.
a. MTI shall develop the course package for the training course which shall consist of the following minimum components as shown in Annex III.2. ASSESSMENT REQUIREMENTS
* Course Planb. The training courses shall cover the prescribed minimum subject areas/topics as stated in the Course Outline for each course in Annex II.
* Part A: Course Framework (as provided by MARINA)
* Part B: Course Outline and Timetable (as provided by MARINA)
* Part C: Course Syllabus
* Part D: Instructor s Guide
* Part E: Course Assessment
* Instructional Materials
* Assessment Tools
c. The training course shall have the minimum training hours indicated in the Course Outline, excluding the time needed for assessment of competence of trainees.
a. The MTI shall have an assessment system covered by its quality management system.3. INSTRUCTOR, ASSESSOR AND SUPERVISOR
b. The assessment system shall cover the prescribed minimum information as stipulated in Annex IV.
The Instructor, Assessor and Supervisor shall meet the qualifications standards as provided under rules on the accreditation of instructors, supervisors and assessors of approved training programs.
a. The facilities and training equipment required in Part A - Course Framework for specific training courses as found in Annex II of this Circular shall be complied by the MTls.
b. The training equipment prescribed under Annex II are the minimum and does not restrain the MTls to use additional equipment that can help achieve he prescribed standards of competence under the STCW Convention, 1978, as amended.
c. MTls shall ensure that ALL training equipment are capable of satisfying the specified training and assessment outcomes considering the safety and security of the trainees and personnel involved during the entire training and assessment period.
d. The Administration shall ensure that any simulator used for training or assessment of competence required under the Convention shall meet the prescribed standards as follows:
* be suitable for the selected objectives and training tasks;
* be capable for the simulating the operating capabilities of shipboard equipment concerned, to a level of physical realism appropriate to training objectives, and include the capabilities, limitation and possible errors for such equipment;
5. TRAINING COMPLETION REQUIREMENTS* have sufficient behavioral realism to allow trainee to acquire skills appropriate to the training objectives;
* provide a controlled operating environment, capable of producing a variety of conditions, which may include emergency, hazardous or unusual situation relevant to training objectives;
* provide an interface through which a trainee can interact with the equipment, the simulated environment and, as appropriate, the instructor; and
* permit an instructor to control, monitor and record exercises for the effective debriefing of trainees.
a. MTI shall ensure that the required competences are demonstrated by the trainee prior to the issuance of certificate of training completion.VI. PENALTY CLAUSE
b. The format of the certificate shall be in accordance with Annex V as provided under this Circular.
Any violation of the provisions of this Circular and other related MARINA issuances shall be governed and sanctioned by the provisions of the IRR for RA 10635 and MARINA Circular No. 2013-05 including any amendment or addendum thereof, as may be promulgated by the Administration.
Any provision of existing MARINA and STCW Circulars, rules and regulations, as well as all other issuances which are contrary to or inconsistent with this Circular shall be deemed repealed and/or superseded accordingly.
Should any provision or part of this Circular be declared by any competent authority to be invalid or unconstitutional, the remaining provisions or parts hereof shall remain in full force and effect and shall continue to be valid and effective.
The MTls may continue to offer the approved existing training courses. However, they shall comply with this Circular within six (6) months upon its effectivity.
This Circular shall take effect immediately on the day of its publication in a newspaper of general circulation.
Manila, Philippines, 20 April 2018
Office of the Executive Director
(Deputy Executive Director) STCW Office
Undersecretary for Maritime
Department of Transportation
Office of the Executive Director
(Deputy Executive Director) STCW Office
Undersecretary for Maritime
Department of Transportation