[ CIC CIRCULAR NO. 2015-02, October 06, 2015 ]
Date Filed: 06 October 2015
Pursuant to Republic Act (RA) No. 9510 entitled: An Act Establishing the Credit Information System and for Other Purposes otherwise known as the Credit Information System Act, and its Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR), this Circular is hereby issued to provide supplemental guidelines for the enforcement of CIC Circular No. 2015-01 dated 15 May 2015, in order to enforce and implement the Credit Information System.
SECTION 1. Scope
Rule 4.1 of the IRR of RA. No. 9510 authorizes the Credit Information Corporation (CIC) to allow a phasing in, thus, this Circular shall cover the following entities to submit all credit data in their possession for the last five (5) years prior to the effectivity of this Circular:
1.1 Credit card issuers;
1.2 Universal and commercial banks, including their trust departments;
1.3 Thrift banks, including their trust departments;
1.4 Rural banks and entities with quasi-banking license issued by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas, including their subsidiaries and/ or affiliates that are engaged in the business of providing credit;
1.5 Financing companies;
1.6 Government-owned and-controlled corporations engaged in lending;
1.7 Large and medium cooperatives as defined by the CDA; and
1.8 Insurance companies, mutual benefit associations and other similar entities supervised by the Insurance Commission; and non-stock savings and loan associations.
Note: The complete list of data elements and data formats can be requested from the CIC by sending an e-mail to: datasubmission@creditinfo.gov.ph
SECTION 2. Deadline for Production Submission
Sub m itti n g En tit y |
Dead li n e |
C r ed i t ca rd i ssue r s |
3 0 Nove m ber 2015 |
Un i ve r sa l and co mm e r c i al banks, i nc l ud i n g t he ir tr ust depa rt m en ts |
3 1 M a r ch 2016 |
Th rif t banks, i nc l ud i ng t he ir tr us t depa rt m en ts |
3 0 Ap ril 201 6 |
Ru r a l banks and en titi es w ith quas i- bank i ng lic ense i ssued by t he BSP, i nc l ud i ng t he ir subs i d i a ri es and / or a ffili a t es t hat a r e engaged in t he bus i ness of p r ov i d i ng c r ed i t |
3 0 June 2016 |
F i nanc i n g co m pan i e s |
3 1 August 2016 |
Gove r n m en t- owne d and - con tr o ll e d co r po r a ti ons engaged in l end i n g |
3 0 Sep t e m ber 2016 |
La r g e coope r a ti ves as de fi ned by t he CD A |
3 0 Oc t ober 2016 |
M ed i u m coope r a ti ves as de fi ned by t h e CDA; i nsu r ance co m pan i es, m u t ual bene fi t assoc i a ti ons and o t her s i m il ar en titi es supe r v i sed by t he I nsu r ance Co mm i ss i on ; |
3 1 Dece m ber 2016 |
an d non - s t ock sav i ngs and l oa n assoc i a ti ons |
SECTION 3. Technical Requirements
The Submitting Entity Information Sheet (Annex A #) must be accomplished and submitted together with the Secretary s Certificate (template of which is enclosed as Annex B #) or equivalent document that is acceptable to the CIC, designating the persons/representatives duly authorized to submit, as well as access the error report folders of the CIC s Credit Information System.
The Technical Requirements and guidelines for submission to the CIC are as follows:
1. Submission File
a. Must be extracted from .txt file in Unicode Transformation Format (UTF)-8 without byte order mark (BOM) format, compressed and zipped into a .zip file and encrypted into a .gpg file;2. Access to File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Submission Folder
b. Must be in UTF-8 format without BOM and could be verified using Notepad++;
c. File must conform with validation rules defined by the CIC; and
d. File Encryption software used must be the latest Gpg4Win software from GpgWin website*.
a. Internet connection must use FTP Client software with Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.2 support such as but not limited to CuteFTP or FileZilla*;*Note: CIC Encryption Key and login credentials will be sent by the CIC once registration process is completed.
b. Anti-Virus software must be installed and must be updated on the equipment where transmission is to originate to ensure that Submission File is free from malware; and
c. Submission File must be sent behind the Submitting Entity s firewall with its registered public Internet Protocol (IP) address.
SECTION 4. Sanctions
Non-submission of reports, and/or delayed submission of reports as well as submission of erroneous data shall subject the entity to sanctions, as hereinafter promulgated by the CIC.
SECTION 5. Repealing Clause
All issuances, orders, rules and regulations or parts thereof that are inconsistent with the provisions of this Circular are hereby repealed, amended or modified accordingly.
SECTION 6. Separability Clause
Should any provision of this Circular be declared invalid or unconstitutional, the other provisions not affected thereby shall remain valid and subsisting.
SECTION 7. Effectivity
This Circular shall be effective fifteen (15) calendar days after the date of its publication either in the Official Gazette or in a newspaper of general circulation in the Philippines and upon filing with the University of the Philippines Law Center of three (3) certified copies.
Signed this 28th day of September 2015, Makati City, Philippines.