[ PROCLAMATION NO. 72, September 27, 1954 ]


Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provisions of section 83 of Commonwealth Act No. 141, as amended, I, Ramon Magsaysay, President of the Philippines, do hereby withdraw from sale or settlement and reserve as the Sablayan Penal Colony and Farm, under the administration of the Bureau of Prisons, subject to private rights, if any there be, and to future classification and final survey, and to the condition that the timber and other forest products therein as well as the use and occupancy of the areas indicated as timber land or forest reserve shall be placed under the administration, and control of the Bureau of Forestry in accordance with the Forest Laws and Regulations, a certain parcel of the public domain situated in the Municipality of Sablayan, Province of Occidental Mindoro, Island of Mindoro, more particularly described as follows:

Technical Description of the Proposed Site of the Sablayan Rehabilitation Farm (Bureau of Prisons), situated in the municipality of Sablayan, Province of Mindoro Occidental.

A parcel of land (the proposed site of Sablayan Rehabilitation Farm, Bureau of Prisons), situated in the municipality of Sablayan, Province of Mindoro Occidental. Bounded on the N., by Rayusan River; on the NE., E. and BE., by Public Forest; on the S., by Calintaan Public Lands Subdivision PLS-15 (PHILCUSA-FOA); on the SW., by Calintaan Public Lands Subdivision PLS-15 (PHILCUSA-FOA) and Public Forest; and on the NW., by Mompong River and Sablayan Public Lands Subdivision PLS-14 (PHILCUSA-POA). Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being situated in the south bank of Rayusan River, thence following the Rayusan River in a southeasterly direction 2,880.00 meters to point 2; thence S. 32 00 E., 200.00 meters to point 3; thence S. 52 00 W., 960.00 mters to point 4; thence S. 37 00 E., 3,720.00 meters to point 5; thence following Kinarawan River in a southeasterly direction 8,920.00 meters to point 6; thence S. 59 00 W., 6,800.00 meters to point 7; thence. S. 11 00 W., 1,400.00 meters to point 8; thence S. 45 00 E., 840.00 meters to point 9; thence following Maltongtong River in a southward direction 2,200.00 meters to point 10; thence due south, 4,200.00 meters to point 11; thence due west, 2,200.00 meters to point 12; thence N. 34 00 W., 450.00 meters to point 13; thence following Busuanga River in a north-northwesterly direction 2,300.00 meters to point 14; thence S. 56 00 W., 1,175.00 meters to point 15; thence N. 56 00 W., 1,075.001 meters to point 16; thence N. 18 00 W., 450.00 meters to point 17; thence N. 11 00 W., 950.00 meters to point 18; thence N. 18 00 W., 750.00 meters to point 19; thence N. 56 00 E., 325.00 meters to point 20; thence N. 50 00 E., 275.00 meters to point 21; thence N. 46 00 E., 450.00 meters to point 22; thence N. 39 00 E., 225.00 meters to point 23; thence due cast, 2,200.00 meters to point 24; thence N. 10 00 E., 680.00 meters to point 25; thence N. 59 00 W., 160.00 meters to point 26; thence S. 76 00 W., 440.00 meters to point 27; thence N. 33 00 W., 1,040.00 meters to point 28; thence following Pusog Creek in a northeasterly direction 1,080.00 meters to point 29; thence N. 45 00 W., 160.00 meters to point 30; thence S. 65 00 W., 320.00 meters to point 31; thence S. 60 00 W., 160.00 meters to point 32; thence S. 58 00 W., 680.00 meters to point 33; thence S. 12 00 W., 720.00 meters to point 34; thence S. 37 00 W., 560.00 meters to point 35; thence N. 69 00 W., 120.00 meters to point 36; thence N. 16 00 W., 360.00 meters to point 37; thence N. 2 00 W., 240.00 meters to point 38; thence N. 38 00 E., 520.00 meters to point 39; thence N. 28 00 W.. 120.00 meters to paint 40; thence S. 52 00 W., 440.00 meters to point 41; thence N. 50 00 W., 520.00 meters to point 42; thence N. 35 00 E 280.00 meters to point 43; thence N. 36 00 W., 800.00 meters to point 44; thence N. 18 00 E., 200.00 meters to point 45; thence N, 29 00 E., 900.00 meters to point 46; thence due north, 320.00 meters to point 47; thence N. 87 00 W., 880.00 meters to point 48; thence N. 60 00 W., 400.00 meters to point 49; thence N. 20 00 W., 400.00 meters to point 50; thence N. 35 00 E., 880.00 meters to ;point 51; thence N. 28 00 W., 240.00 meters to point 52; thence S. 85 00 W., 520.00 meters to point 53; thence N. 50 00 W., 640.00 meters to point 54; thence N. 45 00 W., 200.00 meters to point 55; thence N. 38 00 W., 760.00 meters to point 56; thence N. 86 00 W., B00.00 meters to point 57; thence N. 8 00 W., 1,200.00 meters to point 58; thence N. 29 00 E., 520.00 meters to point 59; thence N. 512 00 E., 1,130.00 meters to point 60; thence N. 67 00 E., 760.00 meters to point 61; thence N. 62 00 E., 640.00 meters to point 62; thence following Mompong River in a northeasterly direction 720.00 meters to point 63; thence following Mompong River in a northeasterly direction 1,000.00 meters to point 64; thence following Mompong River in a southeasterly direction 1,120.00 meters to point 65; thence N. 12 00 E., 1,080.00 meters to point 66; thence N. 57 40 E., 600.00 meters to point 67; thence N. 32 20 W., 500.00 meters to point 68; thence N. 57 40 E., 806.00 meters to point 69; thence N. 32 19 W., 506.00 meters to point 70; thence N. 57 40 E., 606.00 meters to point i71; thence N. 32 37 W., 1,000.00 meters to point 72; thence N. 57 41 E., 400.00 meters to point 73; thence N. 32 37 W., 481.24 meters to point 74; thence N. 57 42 E., 1,200.00 meters to point .75; thence N. 32 18 W., 500.00 meters to point 76; thence N. 57 41 E., 400.00 meters to point 77; thence N. 37 16 W., 500.00 meters to point 78; thence N. 57 42 E., 200.00 meters to point 79; thence N. -32 17 W., 500.00 meters to point 80; thence N. 57 41 E., 600.00 meters to point 81; thence N. 32 17 W., 501.00 meters to the point of beginning; containing an approx imate area of 16,190 hectares, more or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground as follows: points 1 to 12 and 14 by corners; point 50, by stones; points 58 and 66 to 81, inclusive, by B. L. cylindrical concrete monuments; and the rest, by different trees; bearings true.

Note.-There are excluded from the operation of this proclamation a strip of 15 meters in width on: each side of any public trail therein used as outlet for timber and other forest products, and a strip of 40 meters in width from the highest bank on each side of any stream for stream bank protection, in such areas that will be released as not needed for forest purposes.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed.

Done in the City of Manila, this 27th day of September, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-four, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the ninth.

President of the Philippines

By the President:

Executive Secretary